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Was Prophet Muhammad a Terrorist?!
Was Prophet Muhammad a Terrorist?! Those who numerous times tried to kill him and persecuted him, he send them food when there was hunger.
Injustice Cannot Defeat Injustice

God and Satan: The True Story
God and SatanThe true story behind this history of evil, wars and sufferingGod said, "The Messiah will be born and he will teach them how to love." "No", answered Satan, "I will make them proud, so...

Prayer is our antenna to spirit world
Prayer can open our mind, it can open our future...
There is so much prayer can do!

God answered to my prayer: Personal Testimony
God, Allah, answered to my prayer: Personal Testimony of a Muslim who joined the Unification Church

Personal Testimony: Jesus came to me in a dream

Christine: life-changing experienceOne night I had an amazing experience where Jesus came to me in a dream. He told me I had a mission to fulfill. I was spiritually guided to meet a Japanese lady.

The Courage to sell the Autobiography of Rev. Moon
Akiane: Little Girl from Idaho Drawing Heaven
Akiane: Akiane Kramarik - Prodigy Painter & Poet Little Girl from Idaho Drawing HeavenAkiane: Little Girl from IdahoSomething happen to this little girl that affected her from a very young age. She...
Spiritual Experience: Like the windows of Heaven were opened
Spiritual Experience with God: The windows of Heaven were opened Testimony: Like the windows of Heaven were opened... we are living in right now, the time of the return of the Lord, in a Messianic...
Experience with God: I looked to the sky and I read: "The Messiah is on the Earth"
Experience with God I looked to the sky and I read: "The Messiah is on the Earth". Raised Catholic testifies how she was spiritually led to Rev. MoonConchita: My Personal TestimonyI was born and r...
Secular Humanism: Dangerous Philosophy With an Ancient Origin
Secular Humanism: Secularism, Humanism - Dangerous Modern Philosophy With an Ancient Origin by David Treybig"Secular Humanism is an outgrowth of 18th century enlightenment rationalism and 19th... T...
Baba Vanga's Prophecy, The Bulgarian Prophetess about new religion baba Vanga predictedProphecies of Vanga: NEW RELIGION WILL TAKE THE EARTH BY STORMInteresting fact:Baba Vanga mentioned a new reli...
Family under attack: UN and Obama administration against traditional family
The family under aggressive attack: Expose the sexual rights agenda at the UN. Fundamental values are under increasing attack by UN agenciesDestructive court rulings endanger children by underminin...
New ethnology narrows the line between physical and spiritual reality
Microsoft "Surface" - The Possibilities - Microsoft surface: interactive cameras, glasses, cell phones, cards, etc. etc. sold separately. Anti-virus not included, hidden fees apply. This system re..
Spiritual Awakening: Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Spiritual Awakening: Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Spiritual awakening and enlightenment new consciousnessSpiritual Awakening: Rev. Sun Myung MoonDr. Moon and his movement of non-governmental organizations ...

Experience with God: I looked to the sky and I read: "The Messiah is on the Earth"
Secular Humanism: Dangerous Philosophy With an Ancient Origin 
Family under attack: UN and Obama administration against traditional family 
New ethnology narrows the line between physical and spiritual reality 
Spiritual Awakening: Rev. Sun Myung Moon
The power of thinking: stress therapy 
Akiane: Little Girl from Idaho Drawing Heaven 
Real Life Superhuman HEROES Captured and Documented Video 
The predictions of Bulgarian Prophetess Baba Vanga 
Rev. Moon & Unification Church: followers and operations 
What is True Love? True Love is Unchanging and Evergrowing 
Our Attitude Toward Nature: Open Your Heart to Love 
Essay: What are YIN and YANG? 
Yin and Yang: Religion and Science 
Kant's Moral Philosophy: Principles of Morality

New ethnology narrows the line between physical and spiritual reality 
Kim Jong Il Announces Plan To Bring Moon To North Korea
Superhuman HEROES: Real Super Powers Explained 
92 percent believe in God, angels, miracles and heaven 
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Rev.sun myung moon, sect of moon, moonies, unification church, 2012, book, love, life, truth, magic, spiritual, mind body
The Temple for World Peace and Unity
Moon's Weddings: The Power of True Love
The key role of Rev. Moon in the Downfall of Communism

Testimony: Jesus guided me to Rev. Moon
MY PERSONAL MEMORIES My life in search of the truth. This personal story, got very popular and was read by thousands of people.
Sun Myung Moon: Revolution of Heart
Rev. Sun Myung Moon, The man who ended Communism is now dedicated to unite the efforts of all religions, all conscientious people for bringing world peace...