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Edgar Cayce predictions for 2019-2025

Predictions for 2019-2025
 By YuliUTS / 2010 / Unification Research

Edgar Cayse foresaw the fires of 2025, and prophesied a shift of political power and economic systems. He predicted the emergence of new leadership and a more equitable world order. He saw a period of transformation, where traditional structures of power will be overturned. Leaders of a renewed focus on fairness and justice will rise. Read more...

"The time will come when those who are downtrodden will demand their doom. The old systems will fade, and new lights will rise, offering hope to the weary." Edgar Cayse

Edgar Cayce learned in spiritual communications, that the so-called Armageddon, described in the Bible, is actually a battle fought in the spiritual realms between the soles of light and the soles of darkness, coming into the world. 

He was told that in the future time, the soles of the lower realms will be completely prevented from influencing the earth and only soles from higher realms of light will be allowed to help us. Over time this will result in the forces of good on earth to overcome the forces of evil.  

Complete spiritual enlightenment on Earth will occur during the time when only soles from the higher spiritual realms are permitted to cooperate with us. Since the Messiah returns in our time and the era of spiritual enlightenment will renew humanity, and the result will be a lasting Peace - The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. See also, Predictions 2019

This spiritual shift started in 2012 and now in 2019, we are ending the first 7 year period, where the good spiritual forces are cleansing the earth from evil spirit influence. In 2020 we can expect the great opening of evil spirits attacking humanity in the form of viruses. And as Rev. Moon predicted, that will be even more fearful than the flood judgment. Heung Jin in his message from the spirit world also talked about this:
"Now, as Absolute Good Spirits are descending to the earth, evil spirits are loosing their ground upon which to be active. No one can be misled once all five spiritual senses are completely open, but this will be possible only after the evil spirits are cleared out completely and the person is united with the heart of God and True Parents." Heung Jin Nim, Message from Spirit World

Telepathy will be thought in schools

According to Edgar Cayce, spiritual communication will become a normal subject thought in schools throughout the world. Ask yourselves, if you live forever what should be your attitude. If our life in the spirit world is eternal and life here is only preparation for it, how we should live.

Our first goal in life is to develop our spirit and reach mind and body unity. Next, we are to prepare for the eternal life, by perfecting love in our family. Once we perfect our heart and character we will naturally start to perceive the spiritual reality even with our physical senses, Divine Principle explains:
“When.. the spirit man becomes a divine spirit.. the spirit man can feel and perceive everything in the invisible world. Since all the spiritual phenomena thus perceived by the spirit man are reflected and echoed in the physical man, presenting themselves as physical phenomena, man finally comes to feel spiritual phenomena even with his five physical senses.” DP 62: Structure of the Spirit Man
Spiritual sensibility, in Divine Principle sense, is not about opening our spiritual senses. It is more about the growth of our spirit - reaching mind and body unity. When our spirit matures it has the ability to sense the truth, sense God's heart and the heart of the others etc.

Prosperity Moves in the Pacific Region
"The era of a Pacific civilization is opening, bringing together Western science and Eastern spirituality. The leaders in this new era will be nations like Korea and its Asian neighbors." Peace Loving Global Citizen
North Korea also ended its cycle of 70 years. Formally founded in 1948 when the United States and the Soviet Union divided control of the peninsula. Thus we could see a sudden change in its course which should be substantialized in 2019. The opening will surely start and expand in the next few years. Countries like Venezuela will have heavenly pressure to change and open to democracy.
"The world rapidly changes, heavenly fortune is moving in Korea’s direction at an ever-increasing speed... it will be in a position to lead the rest of the world into prosperity and peace"  Peace Loving Global Citizen
Edgar Cayce predicted great things for China. Cayce told a group of people that eventually China would become “the cradle of Christianity, as applied in the lives of men.” -- Edgar Cayce reading 3976-29

Personal application of spiritual principles would become paramount to the Chinese people. Cayce cautioned that it would take a long time to manifest but that it was the country’s destiny: “Yea, it is far off as man counts time, but only a day in the heart of God – for tomorrow China will awake.”

When a 36-old book publisher asked about the destiny of China in 1943,  Cayce promised amazing changes in the country that would lead to more democracy and greater religious freedom. He also suggested that eventually, the height of civilization would move from the West to the Chinese people: “And these will progress. For, civilization moves west.” -- Edgar Cayce reading 2834-3

Message from the Spirit World describing the different Regions in the world beyond.

The Returning Christ: Already Fulfilled in Korea

The Cayce readings about the life of Jesus covered the “lost” years never addressed in the Bible. But Cayce also spoke of Jesus’ return in the East:
“What is meant by “the day of the Lord is near at hand”? (A) That as has been promised through the prophets and the sages of old, the time – and half time – has been and is being fulfilled in this day and generation, and that soon there will again appear in the earth that one through whom many will be called to meet those that are preparing the way for His day in the earth. The Lord, then, will come, ‘even as ye have seen him go.’”   -- Edgar Cayce reading 262-49

"Since ancient times, the nations in the East have traditionally been considered to be the three nations of Korea, Japan and China. Among them, Japan throughout its history has worshipped the sun goddess, Amaterasu-omi-kami. Japan entered the period of the Second Advent as a fascist nation and severely persecuted Korean Christianity.74 China at the time of the Second Advent was a hotbed of communism and would become a communist nation. Thus, both nations belonged to Satan’s side. Korea, then, is the nation in the East where Christ will return. Let us examine from the viewpoint of the Principle the various ways in which Korea has become qualified to receive Christ at the Second Advent.SECOND COMING OF CHRIST

The Messiah Returns as Peacemaker and Unifier 

The first lesson for six months should be One-One-One- One; Oneness of God, oneness of man's relation, oneness of force, oneness of time, oneness of purpose, Oneness in every effort-Oneness- Oneness!
-- Edgar Cayce Reading 900-429
The Returning Christ is one of the most controversial religious leaders of our century. At the same time, he is most widely recognized and respected, by a wide variety of representatives from all religions and denominations

Nostradamus and Vanga, predicted about him as a Peacemaker and Unifier coming under the name Moon. The description resembles closely that of the Korean new Religious leader, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Even media some times described him as "the prophet of modern times", "peacemaker" and even "the leader who contributed to peace more than anyone else in our century"? See, The Most Successful New Religion

Reincarnation is, in fact, Returning Resurrection

Two mistakes of the theory of Reincarnation totally visible in that video. First, you see how meaningless love becomes; since children are not your children, parents are not hour parents, only temporal relations, while in fact love relations are eternal and unchanging; Parent-child connection is eternal and unchangeable. So this theory destroys the very core of God's ideal for love, because family is the school of love.

To find out the real meaning of Reincarnation read, RESURRECTION 

Second, Reincarnation is based on presumption, because there is a veil and your physical mind does not remember it, so by just short glimpse you believe you had a previous life, which is actually the life of some other spirits communicating with you.

The external signs which were wrongly interpreted as reincarnation in the past, are actually returning resurrection of ancestors and other related spirits with a common base with you. They come to grow, by cooperating with you. They can be thousands, millions, but you are not them. They can help you or drug you down with their fallen natures, but it's all for your growth and if you succeed you will help them grow. 

Renewable Energy - Gasless Motor

renewable resources and energy conservation, we will see this next prophecy come to pass in our lifetimes.
“You will have before you the gasless motor invented by [4666].
“Edgar Cayce: Yes, we have the body and enquiring mind of [4666], also the associations and those conditions surrounding the perfection of motor which will develop power in its own action. As has been given, the idea and the plans as have been worked out in part along those lines that pull more of the power as produced in compression in drum, with the leads made in these forms that gather vibrations from the air as is forced through drum, are, as we find, the better application of the created energy. In the cams [as] have been used too much slack or play is allowed in their rotation. This is in the drum’s head action that these must be shortened in play.
“The connection of [195] and [900] with same – best that these have [4666]’s operations closer under their observations when the completed product is near attained.
(Q) How may we bring him under our observation? (A) Bring him to … Ohio or N.Y.
(Q) Is this machine the same as brought to Washington now by Lindbergh? [Charles A. Lindbergh] (A) No. As is here, the [4666] machine would operate on stationary conditions impelling forces; even for now that in gas motors – for, as tested by others, has more to do with that thrown in air and gaining its impelling force from that source. (Q) Would it operate perpetually if perfected? (A) Not perpetually, but once started could be kept in motion by created energy of its own source. Other has to have some source of impellation.”    --  Edgar Cayce reading 4665-1
Holistic Perspective on Heal Your Body

Edgar Cayce's perspective on healing is that we must consider not only the whole physical body but also include the interpersonal and transpersonal aspects of healing. Cayce insisted that healing is more a spiritual rather than physical matter. We have to acknowledge the source of healing and the consequences of health.

He said the sole does not enter the body until the moment of birth. Spirit is the life essence in everything, but the sole is individual. Now we have so much evidence on a dead person being alive in another dimension, observing his body, in near-death experiences.

Sleep when tired, eat when hungry. Don't eat when tired or angry. Better take liquid nourishment. Keep yourself slightly alkaline, not too many ascetics. Keep the balance. The virus cannot live and multiply in an alkaline body. But the worry of what you eat is worse than eat anything.

The less toxicity you have in your body the more your soul and mind gonna flourish, your cells are gonna be happy and healthy. Movements, exercises, breathing are all important. So that the 4 systems of liberating toxins can work well.
This is where the spiritual qualities of the caregivers come into play. Through the application of the "fruits of the spirit," the sufferer may be awakened to the possibilities of living. Gentleness, kindness, patience, and persistence are powerful interventions that touch the spiritual essence of everyone, regardless of the state of health. The spiritual dimension of the applications was strongly emphasized in these cases. One can sense Cayce's transpersonal perspective in these instances - the unconscious (or "soul forces") would have to be stimulated to regenerate the physical body. Without such a response from the "divine within the self," recovery was impossible.


CIG NEWS: What Just Happened In SOUTH KOREA

This sort of constitutional crises is now taking place in a variety of countries. A whole section of the world's nations want a fundamental shift to a new paradigm and away from this Corporate Cartel Dictatorship that has run the world.

CIG News / Dec. 2024 / 

What we witness now, and it is a providential turn, is that the mass of people are rejecting the conventional politicians. While that's happening in country after country those in standing power are using any type of election fraud, media lies and false flag operations to keep themselves in power. And yet, the sweep of change seems to be unavoidable. 

In regard to the changes in governments that will now start happening all around the world, Canada's PM, Justin Trudeau, just stepped down and the government shot down for 2 months to see what to do. At the same time Trump is talking about uniting US with Canada, and liberating UK, and Australia. Not a coincidence, these days the documents were revealed that Canada was originally signed under the US Crown Corporation. One way or another the events in different countries are connected with this upcoming shift. 

We are seeing a domino effect. It's happening in Trinidad and Tobago where Prime Minister announced resignation. Romania's Democratic party which 'won' the elections also stepped down. And also in Austria the Chancellor resigned. Not a coincidence that this is happening around the world at the same time. (22:43)


Juan O' Savin explained that the South Korean president was informed of what was happening with the electoral process to hijack South Korea. "One of the key military people was arrested last night," he said. They were going after an attack against the election system through election fraud. "They couldn't do it through the court. They could only deal with that through a certain military situation." 

The whole country was screaming, do something to fix these crooked elections. And that's exactly what he did. So, Juan said, "don't believe that the people are against what the president did. The once screaming the loudest are not necessarily representative of the rest of the population. This process of cleaning the election process is ongoing right now in many countries."

THERE WAS A HUGE OUTCRY FROM THE KOREAN PEOPLE TO INVESTIGATE VOTER FRAUD. Pastor Sean Moon details what is happening in South Korea following the failed impeachment of President Yoon.


What Just Happened In SOUTH KOREA?

Democrats were trying to impeach the judges investigating them, making the government dysfunctional. When the South Korean president briefly declares martial law to stop that all hell broke loose.

Fulford gives a bit different report: 

"In South Korea we have the president and all bunch of former handlers for the Khazarian Mafia in that country being arrested. And we gonna see unification there peacefully." (49:34)

Later Fulford had being given further information:

There is also a struggle for control of Korea. Last week, the US military intervened to prevent 2,700 South Korean police from arresting ousted President Yun Suk-yeol.

It is also very likely that the Khazarian Mafia offended regime will continue to threaten to shoot down Korean civilian aircraft in order to force South Korea back into submission.

The day after a Jeju Air passenger plane crashed at Muan International Airport in South Jeolla, another Jeju Air plane, also a Boeing 737-800, suffered landing gear damage...Four sudden plane crashes in different countries at the end of the year are likely connected.

But something deeper is happening here, Ben Shaprio says, because this sort of constitutional crises is now taking place in a variety of countries: Israel, Hungary, Brasil etc. You can also see the cleaning process that started now in the US; cleaning bureaucracy, cleaning FBI etc. 

Romania may start a Chain Reaction

At the same time the future President of Romania declares war on the Deep State. Here is amazing interview with him, explaining the corrupt intention of the world Oligarchs, and how the world should change towards freedom to enjoy time with family and God's creation.  

But as events in Romania show, the fight is not over yet. There is a power struggle there, as independent candidate Calin Georgescu was robbed of his election victory by Satanists.

“The corruption system in Romania has shown its true colors by making a pact with the devil,” he claims. 

More and More Nations Follow that Process

"What's actually happening is the Western version of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Regimes are falling in Germany, France, the US, the UK, Japan, South Korea, etc. In the coming weeks and months, many countries will likely cease to exist, including South Korea, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, etc. In fact, in a sense, what we are witnessing is the collapse of the Western Roman Empire after nearly 3,000 years of existence." Fulford Report

"There is no longer a regime in Syria. Under the leadership of Turkey, a new era of “one nation, one flag, one homeland” has begun. This sets a precedent for all countries in the region." Turkish Media 

US Government Dissolved

"Effective immediately, all US government and gov. corporations are hereby dissolved due to breach of oath. All statutory and foreign laws are also dissolved. The only legal frameworks remaining in effect are Constitutional Law... and established Common Law." (3:08)

According to this directive of Donald J. Trump, from 4 Jan. 2025, "Any government corporate body - including police, judges lawyers... must cease immediately.

"Washington DC on Lockdown with fences, 11,800 National Guard."

We Were Occupied Nations

"A whole section of the world's poor countries saying, 'you can't still from us anymore.' So it's a fundamental shift in the world, a shift to a new paradigm and away from this Corporate Cartel Dictatorship that has run the world..." (Video)

The nations and people of the world today are waking up that we were not free. All nations were occupied by international evil power keeping them under control. The above cases show a great move to exit this Cabal, Deep State control imposed on them through infiltration. Getting out requires deep inside cleaning, which definitely faces fierce reaction and much false flags to fool the people.

Video showing how Israel staged false flag attack to use it as excuse to start a WWIII, and how the US government covered it up. All showing that even USA is a Jewish occupied nation. 

The Occupying Force is Spiritual

The world is now waking up to the other dimensional nature of this occupying force. As we well know from the Divine Principle, even Satan needs his physical objects to work through. Clif High calls them, "The Elohim Club, doing all the Color Revolution(s)... doing everything they can to create chaos." Why? He explains,

"The Elohim Worship Cult believe themselves to be chosen by their Space god to rule humanity... that they have the right to farm humanity. This Cult also knows that they have to report to these (other dimensional = Spiritual) space aliens." Clif High

He gives example with WWII.

"WWII was engineered just like WWI by bankgsters that were all Jewish. One third of all German military and the Intelligence Service were Jewish. Almost all the military intelligence in the Nazi Regime were Jews. This was odd, because the whole trust in Hitler's thing was to overturn the degradation that had overcome the German society as they let the Jews in. They got to the point where they were having Trans, open naked men's parades in Berlin... such a (morally) degraded society. That caused Hitler raise." Clif High

Spy System of the Babylonian Rabbis

Regime changes done by CIA, by financing local apprisings, providing the training, the flow of arms, the camps. Same was in Syria. (Video)

The Jews in USA and England formed OSS that later split of into the CIA in the States, and the MI5 and MI6  in England. That group was known as 'The Rabbis' because it was 100% Jewish. That's why CIA was 100% devoted to Greater Israel, Greater Zionism, he explains. "There was one non-Jew CIA guy I met in over 40 years of association with that group," Clif says. 

"Bare in mind that the Rabbis are Babylonians. They are not Jews as you will understand," he says. They have kept the high technologies for themselves to control humanity. And as SGanon said, were robing us of our humanity, poisoning our genome to the point where we don't know the scope of our original spiritual abilities. 

"We've got a military campaign waging around the world in the shadows, to dethrone, destabilize and destroy. A very old, very intrenched power structure that... through the control of the intel community... the military industrial complex and the banking financial sectors, gov. sector, etc." SGanon

Video: The Drone Enigma: The only comment from Col. Bosi was that this show is to hide and cover for the ongoing rap up arrests. WTP News wrote, "The drones are part of a military "drill" being conducted by space force.

Governments are Corporate Fiction

"They didn't want us auditing them. They didn't want us to know that they are just Corporation - a corporate fiction, that they don't have jurisdiction over us. We hand them jurisdiction," Miki Klann explained. This is false, phony, fake, counterfeit government built on Corporate Law, not the Constitution. They are not here to protect our human rights. 

They are signed under the Corporation. They knew so many ways to blackmail or threaten you. Look at how they invaded us. They are not our authority. Ask in the court, "What statutes and regulations are applicable to me as a living man/woman?" Guess what, "there is not even a single statute in the Corporate Structure that applies to you." (49:40)

All Courts are Banks

All Courts are Banks, all Statutes are Bonds. It's all about money in exchange for trafficking the living man. Who protects the corrupt politicians, pharmaceutical companies and tech giants? Who protects the Deep State Cabal Elites in every country around the planet? Answer: Lawyers! 

The International Bar Association Lawyers work for and were credited by foreign entities of the Roman Vatican Empire in collusion with the Pope, Queen and Henry the VIII in the 1500s. In the 1800s the United States Corporation crafted a new branch of the Bar Association. 

The illegal practices of all judges, Lawyers and those who enforce the illegal procedures of the NULL and Void dead Corporation Entities (Vatican, Royal Crown, US Corp) are and will be subject to arrest for Crimes Against Humanity and punished under all rightful laws of coercion and unlawful actions in Military Courts. 

All courts are corrupted. Every person that is part of the BAR is a foreign entity that was trespassing on human rights. They have been working under massive fraud, under the cover of law for a long time throughout the world in every country. They protect fraud elections, illegal practices by politicians, corporations, tech Giants, Pharmaceutical companies and ELITES that run the world.

We have no contract with this Unlawful Broken Corporation and associates of the BAR and their counterparts. You are not a property or subject to these false Entities. Whoever claims you are property and whoever states they have a contract on your life in the private side or corporate side are deceiving you. No such contract exists. End Game!

Video: Many court cases were held against this high level of corruption. Please see the documentary of their work. Here is the real fight. Watch from 54 min to the end.

The Collapse of Big Pharma

Slovakia is the latest country to claim that "vaccines are an act of bioterrorism." It was found that Covid was a bio-weapon attack with produced based on snake poison. Article on the website of the World Economic Forum from 2015 explains how by using poison they can improve the state of the world. (Video)

This is a turning point in human history. Decades of lies, suppressed cures, and profit-driven manipulation are finally being exposed.

Dr. Lee in his messages from the spirit world had revealed Satan's hand behind all sicknesses, but only now the veil of ignorance has been lifted, revealing how these illnesses were perpetuated to maintain control and wealth at expense of human's well-being.  

With the old system dismantled, the era of medical tyranny will be over. The awakened people are stepping forward to rebuild healthcare from the ground up. Suppressed treatments and revolutionary breakthroughs are being unleashed. This is a reclamation of humanity's right to health and freedom. 

Restructure our Society

We have to restructure our society based on our spiritual identity of who we are as children of God. This new ideal world is only possible based on true families, because 'Family is the School of Love." This is a consciousness warfare operation that requires a new awareness and new knowledge to be able to recrate the world according to God's original ideal. The world has to embrace the Culture of Heart that Rev. Moon prepared as the foundation for the new Peaceful World centered on God as our Parent. 


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