On Reading DPBy Rev.Yulian UTS / 2006 / Internal Guidance
Restoration is carried out centered on the Word. Our responsibility is to learn, believe and practice it to reach perfection. But why not studying and not teaching DP is a sin? How this creates a base with Satan? In a spiritual message, from 1993, Jesus explained why "Not reading DP is the Biggest Sin" for us the Unificationists. He gave many examples of how Satan prevents us from reading the Principle.The Complete Truth is here to expel the ignorance, which keeps us under Satan's control. But why members and second generation are loosing faith? Father said, these problems come because we didn't study the Word. It's true, many members, especially second generation never read the Divine Principle even once. And as we know, faith only comes through reading God's Word.
"True belief cannot come... without knowledge and understanding. We study (DP) to confirm our belief by knowing the truth." (DP, p.8) "Scripture can be likened to a lamp which illuminates the truth. It's mission is to shed the light of truth." (DP, p.9)
Here is the scary reality of many of us. In a recent Workshop we asked the families, "Who read DP at least once beginning to end?" From all the participants only one mother did. No one else from the parents, nor the children even bothered to read DP at least once. No one even thought that's important. Even the leaders who were present have never read it. That's our shocking, miserable reality.
"Ignorance is the shadow of death and the cause of ruin... no act of will can arise from ignorance... intellect, emotion and will do not function properly." DP, p. 10
We have failed our human portion of responsibility. God's responsibility was to give us the Truth. Our responsibility was to read, learn, believe and practice it.
"Human beings should perfect themselves through their faith in the Word as their own portion of responsibility... Only by perfecting themselves in accordance with the Principle can they earn the qualifications to rule the universe." DP,
The Sin of Not Studying DP
What is The Divine Principle
definition of sin? "Sin is a
violation of heavenly law which is committed when a person forms a
common base with Satan, thus setting a condition for give and take action with him." (
"Satan cannot perpetrate his evil activity unless he first finds an object partner with whom he can form a common base and engage in give and take action... Of their own free will, human beings are to bring Satan to voluntary submission by upholding the Word of God through fulfilling their responsibility." THE HUMAN FALL
Naturally, not learning, believing and practicing the Heavenly Law make us live in IGNORANCE and constantly violate it. Jesus' warning is correct. the biggest sin for our members is, that we have the word, but we allow Satan to make us lazy to learn and understand how to apply practically in every situation of our life.
Only by understanding the Principle we can solve all problems:
"The Divine Principle... is overriding, all-law. If we study the Divine Principle, we can solve everything. Nothing is too complicated to be solved by the Divine Principle. Looking through the glass of the Divine Principle, all the complicated situations of the satanic world will become simple and clear. The same is true for all the problems within the heavenly world. Through the Divine Principle, we can solve everything." Father,
Question: How can we hope to reach the world if we don't read nor understand our own teachings?
Shouldn't be a requirement for reading and knowing DP:
1. For all Leaders, in any position
2. For all who participate in decision making
3. For Blessing Candidates to have read it several times?
Comment: Sorry, but those who aren't proud of who we are and what we teach need to pound sand and not be in a position of guidance, guiding others. We owe it to True Parents and to God to grow and strengthen our understanding of the Divine Principle.
"As members of the Family Federation, you have a firm responsibility to educate people. Don't give your own speech. Read the Divine Principle book and the books of Father's words. Teach your relatives what True Parents have done. That is the formula course." Father, 950207
Do we Understand the Principle?
The book is not the truth itself, but only the guide to reach the Truth. And that complete understanding requires faith in the Word and practicing. Here are the 3 stages of incarnating it.
Levels of understanding the Truth:
- Logical Understanding (Formation Stage)
- Know the Applications - what's right and wrong (Growth Stage)
- Embody, Incarnate, Live by it (Completion Stage)
Remember, the books are only a guide, to understand God's Principles. True Parents are the practical incarnation. To understand God's Principles in practice we are to study TP's words, life and work, the Spiritual Messages, Unification Thought, and the VOC (CAUSA).
To mature to the level of spiritual understanding, we go through these three stages. We start with low
physical mind understanding (educating our physical mind) and pass through the growth stage with practice and prayer, until our spiritual mind matures to give you
spiritual understanding of the Truth. At that stage, as a divine spirit, you will know any truth you ask God about.
Same as in the spirit world, it will just come to you directly from God. DP says, that's the natural state of existence.
1. The Stage of Ignorance Vulnerable to Low Spiritual Influence
"Once someone studies the Divine Principle they can turn completely around in only three days. Its power is much stronger than economic power. But you foolish people don't know what a strong armament you have." Father, 910728
If we never read and study DP, how can we gain understanding? We are still in the realm of Ignorance. And that realm is connected to low spirits. Looking at ourselves, many times we do not make connection between our logic and the Principle way. Meaning, we are still in Ignorance. This is the reason why on the same issue, we the members will have conflicting views. But such ignorance has spiritual consequences.
Often in our ignorance even we accept outside unprinciple ideas as Principle. I notice easily the difference between members who were reading and love the Principle, and those who didn't read yet openly talk against it. With the first ones it's easy to talk, agree and learn from each other. With the second group it feels like no truth is clear, everything is relative, not easy to discuss, agree on issues. It feels that they have no stable foundation, and are easy instrument for low spirits.
Тhe first sign you recognize members who are still in the realm of ignorance is, that the moment you tell them something Principle or what Father said, the very first reaction of their Physical Mind is to jump out with some opposing view. In that moment you know, there is no meaning to argue with them. It will be like arguing with the evils spirits. In fact, it will make them dominate even more their ignorant mind. Dr. Lee spoke of the state of these members in the spirit world.
2. Learn the Real Text: Not Partial Human Explanations
Do we really understand God's Principles behind the book? Even if we reed several times, still there are many things we don't understand.
"We must guide people to read the Principle." Gil Ja Sa
Can human lectures replace the real content of the book? No! We should embody the real Word, not something partial, or something with human errors and deviations. Father said. The book is the real teacher:
Father's Guidance on Teaching the Divine Principle is that listening to "lectures from bare memory... there will be no spiritual connection." Receiving such lectures, Father explained, we "cannot develop." Instead of lectures spoken with own words we need to "learn in accordance with the original content... The book is the real teacher." Only the original text has this spiritual power. Those who teach with personal explanations are "obstructing the real depth of the Principle," Gil Ja Sa wrote. See, THE TOP FIVE LESSONS IN DIVINE PRINCIPLE
True Parents are the substance of the word. That's why, "When giving this training, I was always careful to use only Father´s Words, and none of my own," Gil Ja Sa said. And how did Father teach us to study DP?
"How should we study Divine Principle? Self-study is the only way to study. Don't expect anybody to teach you. Learn by yourself. You have to learn yourself before you can answer either the difficult or easy questions other people are going to ask you. If you don't study, learn and memorize, you won't be able to answer... So we don't get any results whatsoever from witnessing... we have to equip ourselves to be able to teach others. We have to learn ourselves. The only way is through studying the book." Father, 921206
3. Learn DP by Heart
That's why
Heung Jin Nim, in his messages from the spirit world, urged us to learn
the Divine Principle by heart. Even if someone wakes us up in the night, he said, we should be able to recite it.
"Learn it by heart," Father said, " This will give you a hundred times greater advantage than giving lectures by bare memory. Lecturing from bare memory will have no spiritual connection. You may start talking about everything under the sun, and even after ten years, you may still be without confidence." Father's Guidance on Teaching the Divine Principle
DP is the bone structure Father's words are the flesh, which without this core structure cannot hold, Gil Ja Sa explained, based on Father's guidance. If you didn't take time to read and study the direct text of the Principle you lack the structural base for understanding correctly Father's words.
Our Portion of Responsibility to Incarnate the Word
"According to the principle of of creation, man.. was made to be perfected by believing in God's words and practicing them, as his own portion of responsibility." DP, Resurrection
The Life Elements (Truth and Love) are received freely. But that was blocked because of the Fall. God's providence of Restoration is carried out through the Word. The only way to grow spiritually is by (1) understanding, (2) believing, (3) practicing, and finally (4) incarnating the Truth. Not studying and practicing the Principle is a failure to fulfill our own portion of responsibility.
"(For) Resurrection... there must be 'Word'... which is God's portion of responsibility. Only by believing in and practicing these words as man's own portion of responsibility, is God's will accomplished." (DP, p.173)
In his spiritual message Jesus said that millions of people are prepared to join full time immediately... and their ancestors are pleading with him to allow. But the good spirit world prevents that, because we have no foundation and are not ready to take care of them. We will just kill them spiritually, because of our own ignorance.
Coming out of Ignorance is a process of Transforming the Concepts in our Inner Heungsang
It's up to you, to put efforts study, pray, ask questions, practice and find the practical meaning of the Principle for any situation. DP is not simply about Adam, Eve, Moses, Jesus, etc., it's about our own daily life, our own course to divinity. See,
Study, Know and Believe to Incarnate the Truth
This chart shows how important is that our concepts of wright and wrong (good and evil) should be completely aligned with God's Principles and Spiritual Laws.
This alignment does not happen in a day. It is a process that takes years. Gradually each concept in our Inner Heung Sung should become aligned with God's Laws and Principles. Any deviation in these concepts leads our Intellect, Emotions and Will to function in a wrong direction.
The above chart shows why those in leader position should know the Principle on deeper spiritual level. Otherwise they will block the congregation to learn, and will transmit their deviating concepts on the whole community. Father calls such leaders "Criminals." See,
This is why Mrs. Sa does not allow any inaccurate interpretation of the words written in the Principle and she honestly points out errors in order to have them corrected. Only the actual Word can lead us to grow to the Completion Stage of Divine Spirit.
Where are we: Formed, Life or Divine Spirits
Levels of our Spiritual Growth:
- Formed Spirit - Old Testament Level (Formation Stage)
- Life Spirit - New Testament Level (Growth Stage)
- Divine Spirit - Completed Testament (Completion Stage)
So what is our level of growth? What is the purpose of having the Principle if we grow only to Formation Stage (Formed Spirit)? That's the level Old Testament believers could reach (Middle Spirit World level). What's the meaning of having this Complete Truth if we grow only to the level of a '
life spirit' (Growth Stage)? Christians for 2000 years could reach that level.
"God does not directly govern them because He wishes to allow them to fulfill their own portion of responsibility. God will govern them directly only after they have reached full maturity." DP,
The meaning of the Principle is to lead us to become Divine Spirits. Enter God's direct dominion. And the most serious question is, how many could rich that stage? These are the ones qualified to be citizens of the Cosmic Nation of Peace and Unity.
Your spirit can feel and perceive everything in the invisible world
I ask members, "Did you notice what DP explains you will be able to do when you become Divine Spirit?" Most don't even know DP explains such things. They didn't pay attention. But once you rich that spiritual level of growth, you start noticing, "Oh, that's why the Principle says this." Then you notice that Father spoke so much of that. "Oh, why I never noticed before?" Because when we are not grown for it, we don't notice.
“When.. the spirit man becomes a divine spirit.. the spirit man can feel and perceive everything in the invisible world. Since all the spiritual phenomena thus perceived by the spirit man are reflected and echoed in the physical man, presenting themselves as physical phenomena, man finally comes to feel spiritual phenomena even with his five physical senses.” DP 62: Structure of the Spirit Man
When people approach that level of spiritual growth where they can perceive spiritually the truth, it becomes very difficult for Satan to control them. He will do anything to prevent people from studying the Principle and understanding how to live a Principle life. He wants to keep you in darkness. As Jesus explained in his spiritual message, Satan can make you lazy, be busy with other things, falling asleep when trying to read, or spacing out, so you don't really understand it. You have to be serious to overcome that.
With Wrong Concepts Conscience unites with the Evil Mind
I see so many members who think they know DP, and yet they reverse the correct order in every area of their life, which automatically allows the evils spirits dominate. Despite seeing the bad results, they cannot recognize which principles they violate, so they cannot repent and get out of the situation.
Do we unite with God's or Satan's viewpoint is the first step. Satan will devise any reasoning to keep you in 'the shadow of death' eternally, spiritually stuck in ignorance. Did you know that in Humanist Philosophy to define what's good, what evil is considered the highest evil. Their god is the god of Relativism - where everyone can do as they wish; where Free Sex is OK, and 'self-centerdness' is the highest virtue. But can they escape the Spiritual Laws?
How the Fallen Nature Works?
(1) Not seeing God's viewpoint, leads to
(2) Leaving the proper Principle position; which results in
(3) Reversing dominion in many possible ways; And finally,
(4) Start Multiplying that Evil
Why Father said that
Humanism is our biggest enemy? Why is Humanism/Relativism expression of Satan's ideology? Humanism
reverses dominion in all possible ways (like - Subject/Object, Internal/External, Vertical/ Horizontal, Husband/Wife, Parent/Child), and makes philosophical excuses of why this Satanic way is better.
In Humanism all God's principles are reversed upside down. In our ignorance many of our members are misled by the nice sound of these philosophies. They fail to recognize how these reversals allow the evil spirit world to work freely in their own life.
Our Conscience works based on our Concepts of Good and Evil
Why the Restoration was carried out centered on the Truth. The Divine Principle is not about intellectual learning, but the path of growing spiritually. The path of developing our hearts and creating the world of true love.
To grow spiritually we have to practice the Truth, so we should first know it, otherwise, we will be surely misled. Our Conscience will not work properly, because our conscience works based on our personal view of Truth.
"The new truth should lead fallen people to block the ways of the evil mind and to pursue the goals of the original mind, enabling them to attain goodness. It should guide people to remove the double-mindedness that sometimes seeks good and sometimes evil. It should empower religious people to overcome the contradiction which they face in their struggle to live according to the Way." DP,
Studying is not the end. It is the beginning. But then you have to understand it, believe it, and put it into practice. These practical experiences will lead you to even deeper understanding of how God's Principle works in real life situations. So with the next reading of the Principle you gain totally new and higher understanding of how the Principle works.
The real problem with members who are still in the Realm of Ignorance, is that they are channel for evil spirits. And these spirits will do anything to block God's way and God's truth. If a lecture was really deep, enlightening God's truth, the spirit behind them knows exactly who is vulnerable to their manipulation. The spirit will make the person share his 'displeased feelings' and transmit the same negative attitude in his or her heart, saying, "Oh, I don't like listening about God," "Oh, that's enough with this Principle." Instead of saying, "What's wrong with this member," the vulnerable person will be possessed by the same evil spirit and start running around to make sure such lectures are not given again.
Thus even one or two such people end up blocking the whole community from deeper Principle education. At the same time, lectures that are compromised with lots of selfish and humanistic concepts may become well accepted and even praised. The next generation grows thinking that's the Principle.
Deviations from the Principle Leading Away from God
Even a Principle lecture, by omitting the essence of the Principle can easily lead to Humanism/Relativism. By philosophizing about everything under the sun, immature lecturers make the line of what's good and what evil very blurred. In their ignorance they may give examples and explanations that lead to Relativism.
Instead of clearly learning what's principle or unprinciple, sometimes it goes so much off, that it seems the unprinciple is the right way. For example, instead of 'Forget yourself', and 'sacrifice for others,' they embrace the very opposite view of, 'Self-esteam', and 'Self-love,' not realizing that's Satan's way. How ignorant of God's Principles. Father teaches the opposite, "Forget yourself," "Live for others," "Give and forget."
Yet, instead of "tuning to God’s frequency of unselfishness," as Father told us, such members desperately focus on tuning with Satan's self centered vibrations. Not clear in the Principle, Satan tricked them to believe that's the way to happiness. Communities that learn that selfish way of thought become very resistant to listening the actual way of the Principle.
Wrong Concepts Trap Our Spirit
Dr. Lee said, he found so many such members in the Middle Spirit World. misled by such false ideologies. Even there they continue to give such a stupid arguments against the truth, so it seems they can never be saved out of there, he said.
Chart: Each new information creates Neurological connections in our Brain. Incorrect Neuro Paths can become prison for our Spirit.
DP transforms our mind. Each new information creates Neurological connections in our Brain. Incorrect Neuro Paths can become prison for our Spirit. But the principle allows our spirit to be liberated of that prison.
Read the Divine Principle minimum 20 times: To Have Protection from Thoughts given by Evil Spirits
Unless we read DP minimum 20 times we don't have personal protection from Satan within our own minds. Evil spirits can constantly influence our thought and feelings. But to be able to separate others from Satan, Father said, we should read DP minimum 100 times.
Can we separate the correct from the wrong thoughts in our own mind? Jesus explained that in each minute 20 to 30 thoughts come in our mind from different sources in the spirit world, including Satan. How important it is to be able to cut correctly what thoughts are good, which ones are evil. It's not that simple.
We have around 60 thousand thoughts a day. Researchers found that around 80% of them are negative - unprinciple.
As Father said, we should
read the Principle minimum 20 times (beginning to end) so Satan cannot invade us. Satan has built lots of blockages in our minds that only the Principle has the power to dismantle. True Father explained, "If you were to read twenty or thirty pages of the Divine Principle black book each day continuously, then your level of spirituality would go up and continue to rise daily." Read,
Rev. Moon's words on Reading DP.
"Read Divine Principle one hundred or one thousand times. Spirit world is watching you. If you stand still, you will see the phenomena resulting from that. If Midori-san here reads the Divine Principle 1,000 times, her spiritual level will shoot up like a rocket and she will experience many different levels of spiritual life and she will stay up there. Her personality will develop greatly. That is possible. This is no ordinary power. For that reason, Father is telling you to keep reading the Divine Principle, even memorize it. Do you understand? Then you can utilize it in any way." Father, 940212
In Father's words, the Principle holds the answer to any question. Before asking me, he said, before asking your leader, first refer to the Principle. Read and pray, and you will find the answer to any question. If you understand the Principles of Indemnity, Father said, you can achieve anything.
"The Divine Principle... is overriding, all-law. If we study the Divine Principle, we can solve everything. Nothing is too complicated to be solved by the Divine Principle. Looking through the glass of the Divine Principle, all the complicated situations of the satanic world will become simple and clear. The same is true for all the problems within the heavenly world. Through the Divine Principle, we can solve everything." Father,
Examples of Low Spiritual Influence
Not reading the Principle is a result of succumbing to low spirits influence. In today's Cheonshhim Won Special Vigil Prayer it was explained how her daughter was now liberated from the attacks of evil angels and could now read the Principle without spiritual attacks. So she is now reading minimum 3 pages a day.
When you first start making conditions of reading DP, beginning to end, it is so difficult. If our mind is still immature, we are easily spacing out. If getting sleepy, realize that's the low spirit world is doing everything to keep you still under their control. Yes, it is a spiritual fight, but with each new reading they are loosing control. After few readings, beginning to end, gradually your spirit will mature to the level where these attacks will disappear.
But if a member never read DP beginning to end, imagine how much he is under evil spirits control. That's a state of absolute spiritual darkness. He has no maturity to recognize why he has no desire, interest, curiosity to study deeply DP. He is stuck under the evil spirits.
And what are the consequences of such lacking clear understanding of the Truth? We can be easily misled. Evil spirits can easily give us unprinciple thoughts, emotions and desires. Unaware we are unable to stop that. That happens if one didn't form strong Principle concepts in his mind. Please understand, not firm in the Word we have no protection in our own mind.
See the chart: Without influence of human mind Satan will be unable to work. So, he will loose all his power.
Being able to see spiritually, I witness this kind of things all the time. I saw evil spirit enter and talk through inexperienced, young leaders in STF. That spirit was making him block the successful members and keep the struggling members in their low state. And the immature leader humanistically thought that's carrying, while the spirit was actually making him suppress both, the good and the bad members. The good spirit world was blocked and couldn't work with that team, because they have to go through the Abel figure.
I saw evil spirits make leaders even forbid the members to study and discuss DP. I saw so leaders who openly say they don't know much DP, and yet insist they know the correct way. They tried solve the problems based on their physical mind logic. But each solution ended to create more confinement for the Original Mind. The natural result was that everyone felt suffocated. Many problems arised. Reversing the Principle all goes wrong.
We cannot just continue violating the Principle, allowing the evil spirits to work freely, and then expect good results. I see parents violating basic principles which allows evil spirits to work freely through their children, making temper tantrums to control the parents. I see couples will divorce long before it happens, just because of their wrong concepts. And I see these wrong concepts as trigger points in their minds, that evil spirits can use when they wish.
Please take that seriously. The evil spirit world is never asleep and many of our members are totally not protected. That's why we are to read DP with our
mind and body united.
The Principle is Food for your Spirit to Grow
the Divine Principle is not simply an intellectual thing. Reading it opens the flow of 'Life Elements' needed for your spirit to grow. Yes, the Principle teaches the way to perfection, but those who cannot fathom it spiritually do not understand. Only to the level your spirit have matured you understand and practice. It's up to your spiritual level of development.
"You can read it and immediately regain spiritual momentum. If you are to read twenty or thirty pages of the Divine Principle black book each day continuously, then your level of spirituality would go up and continue to rise daily." Rev. Sun Myung Moon
That's why each reading allows you to grow further and further, because Father said, with each reading your 'spiritual sensibility' expands. (see the chart)
If one's
Heart Resonance is in the Formation Stage of development, below 250 tHz, they tend to doubt the truth and be afraid to practice. They are still under the Physical Mind, controlled by lower spirits. But if a person is above that level, they reach 'willingness' to learn the truth (resonance of 300 tHz) and then 'acceptance' to practice it, (resonance of 350 tHz). That will give them the 'Vitality Elements' to grow to the Heart Resonance of 400 tHz - the resonance of Truth, where his reason will function properly. At that level he starts receiving God's 'Life Elements' more freely, and thus can elevate to the stage of 'Love' (500 tHz).
You keep reading, Father said, and with each new reading, you open another layer of understanding, and your spiritual sensibility expands.
A study showed that
the Word unlocks our DNA original potential. There are 6 groups of DNA to be unlocked. The first 3 correspond with unlocking the potential of our Physical Mind. The other 3 are connected with unlocking the potential of our Spirit Mind: the ability to sense the Truth, and the ability to love and bring Peace. See,
DNA - Antenna to the Spirit
Notice in the chart, that the resonance of Love (500) comes after we grow above the resonance of Truth (400). Love is higher and stronger then the Principle, but comes only on the foundation of knowing God's Laws and Principles.
Satan used 'love' to make humanity Fall. Precisely because God created love to be stronger than the Principle, Adam and Eve were supposed to keep faith in the Word, to be able to achieve True Love.
Even today, Satan is still using 'love' as a bate to fool you away of the Principle. False shepherds will tell you, 'love' is more important, and use that as excuse not to study the Truth. They would say that to mislead you into Humanism and Relativism.
Do we learn with our Physical Intellect or our Spiritual Intellect
Reading the Principle end to end, numerous times, unlocks the potential of your Physical Mind and you Spiritual Mind. Your Physical Mind gets re-programed to start accepting the guidance of your Spirit self. Only when this neurological re-alighnment is done, God can now stat relating freely with you. That happens when your
Heart Resonance reaches above 400 tHz. That's the stage, where DP explains, you start to obtain Life Elements from God freely.
Therefore, studying the Principle should not be done in the way that leads our Physical Mind to become Subject, and thus imprison our spirit. Just the opposite, Father was teaching exactly how to avoid that and study in the way that allows our Spirit Mind to be liberated. When our Spirit Mind restores it's proper position as the Subject of the Physical Mind, our Original Nature is liberated and God can work freely through us.
Why True Father stressed that
we cannot learn the Principle by listening it conveyed with
human words? Only the direct text has the spiritual channel for resurrection. That's why even lecturers should teach completely centered on the text. Only the actual Word has the power to revive our Original Mind. No matter how many lectures you have attended, no matter how good, this cannot replace the actual Word contained in the DP. See, Fathers guidance
This chart shows that the Purpose of Restoration is to restore the proper position of our Spirit Mind (Subject) and Physical Mind as (Object). That's when our Original Mind is free and God can work freely with us. To achieve that in a witnessing contact or a member, the Leader's Spirit Mind (as Able-figure) plays the Subject position over the Physical Mind of Cain, guiding him until his own Spirit Mind matures to take that Subject Position. To be able to achieve that, Abel needs to first have done that inner restoration within himself. Otherwise he will be ineffective to help others or witness.
Evil Mind = Physical Mind is Subject (Channel for low spirits)
Original Mind = Spirit Mind is Subject (Channel for God)
Same like the Earth is separated by many borders and restrictions to travel, our mind is compartmentalized by Satan, restricting the free work of our spirit. That's why Father explained, we should
read DP beginning to end - to see the complete picture. Please understand, we read DP not simply to learn intellectually, but to liberate our spirit.
Each reading will remove one layer of ignorance. Each reading will remove some of the neurological blockages. Thus, each reading will open a bit more our spiritual sensibility to God.
We don't study the Principle to just satisfy our intellectual interests.
Father gave specific instructions on how to study and teach the Principle. We study it because it is the
pathway to perfection. These are the
key principles and secrets of winning the war within ourselves. They are all in this book. This book is that precious. Yet,
Satan keeps you from really grasping it, so it takes prayer and efforts. It's a spiritual battle.
In the Physical Mind, our concepts are separated neurological connections, that the Principle will start connecting in the way that our Spirit Mind can relate freely with our Physical Mind. When that happens and your spirit mind gets liberated; you start seeing the big picture, from God's higher perspective. You will be enlightened. You will be able to spiritually sense the truth. This will make Satan unable to trap you again in some misleading, trapping neurological connections (Like SC).
Learning DP is a Spiritual Battle that Most Failed
Not all who study the Principle end up to believe it and are victorious in practicing it.
Are you still getting sleepy when reading DP? Still spacing out? Or still not finding time to read? These are signs that we are still under the influence of fallen angels. Truth helps us to subjugate them. Are can be victorious or failed in that?
That's why restoration is carried out centered on the Truth. But that's not so simple. Each of these practical experiences leading to complete understanding are spiritual battles. You either win or fail. Satan will try to convince you, that what's Principle doesn't work. Those who fail form wrong concepts (Trapped Emotions) that become a blockage, a trigger points for Satan to control you, even use you to propagate his philosophy.
Even members who failed in their Formula Course end up believing and earnestly propagating their failure-excuse philosophies. Thus they become a channel for low spirits to block our community with their selfish-humanistic ideas, contrary to the Principle.
Consequently, not all who study the Principle end up to believe it and are victorious in practicing it. Only those who overcome Satan's attacks and experience the power of the Principle way will gain the power to Subjugate Satan.
The closer to the Truth, the brighter the color of your spirit
The Truth is like the light in the spirit world, those who are not aligned with the truth by themselves hide in lower and darker places. The further from the truth, the further from God, and the darker it the place:
"The colors of the different regions of the spiritual world differ... The Kingdom of Heaven is extremely bright and white, clean like flawless white jade. But as we descend the colors become darker and darker and dirtier... The more sins committed, the darker the color... the more fallen nature the darker their spirit self becomes, and they go to a dark place." Heung Jin Nim
How can we hope to reach the world if we don't read nor understand our own teachings?
ReplyDeleteSorry, but those who aren't proud of who we are and what we teach need to pound sand and not be in a position of guidance, guiding others. We owe it to True Parents and to God to grow and strengthen our understanding of the Divine Principle.
Thank you brother Yulian.
ReplyDeleteRead it four times in my 5am Hoon dok hae.
Over 230 + stopped counting three times this year
ReplyDeleteI read it front to back several times. I was not one to rely on lecturers to provide me with a first-hand account that was available. Furthermore, it was DP that coaxed me to become affiliated with UC. I had many pressing questions, all of which DP addresses in rational and convincing manner. Still, I do not study it enough, and this reminder is welcome.
DeleteI've read DP front to back more than 18 times, heard it lectured on two days w/s over 10 times, listened to it on 7 days w/s more than 5 times and attended 21 day w/s more than 12 times, I invested to live it to the best of my understanding when it became alive in my spirit and life which is more central to more than just reading, making it not only part of your life, but making it your life. Then it becomes yours... And the fear of God comes to those who oppose you and with their positions discredit you as True Father said would happen...
DeleteThe question is now: Shouldn't it be requirement for Blessing Candidates to have read DP certain number of times? What is the minimum times when they will start grasping the depth of the content?
ReplyDeleteI think that's a good idea Brother
DeleteAbonim-True Father ask each one of us to read and study 100 time the Bible and ODP since we know it by heart with humble heart of self denial.
ReplyDeleteWe know the Principles but non of us did perfected him or herself.
Our 4 fallen natures dominate ourself and we should practice the
Self denial life 24h a day do Home Chirch and Home Town and face persecutions with gratitude.
Yes, The meaning of the Principle is to lead us to become Divine Spirits. Enter God's direct dominion. And the most serious question is, how many could rich that stage?
DeleteAs DP says, “When.. the spirit man becomes a divine spirit.. the spirit man can feel and perceive everything in the invisible world." And those who read the Principle, I noticed, have this 'spiritual sensibility' way more developed, just as Father explained it will happen.