Cultural Marxism
The Decline brought by the Cultural Marxism
Cultural Marxism destroys family, morality, society, bringing Decline, Dictate, Socialistic over control
The Decline brought by the Cultural Marxism
Cultural Marxism destroys family, morality, society, bringing Decline, Dictate, Socialistic over control
Rev. Moon helped ending the Cold War, yet he said, we are still to win ideologically over this free sex culture. We won the Cold War, but lost the Cultural War. They came up with the cultural Marxism.
By Rev. Yulian UTS /
12 Dec 2017 / CIG News
"we will soon be entering such an era, socialism, communism and other such ideologies of this age deny individuals ownership over anything. Instead, they speak of everything as belonging to the nation or society... You earn money just to have it taken by the state. Isn’t that true? We are entering such an era." (Sun Myung Moon, 1990.2.26)
The more socialist the government, the less freedom of choice we have. We are suppressed under high taxation; government imposes what to study, what medicine is allowed, what food can be produced and sold. And let's face it, it's not God's way. Medicine is "Petrol toxins"; food became NGO and chemistry; Education is Humanistic - excluding God and family; promoting left ideas, materialism and moral relativism. On top of that, homosexuality is imposed on us. If Communists used concentration camps, now people are legally pressured to surrender to this godless system.
Cultural Marxism destroys family, morality, society, bringing Decline, Dictate, Socialistic over control
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism
This is cultural, moral and religious revolution. A militant secularism has arisen and got hold on the intellectual and academic elites. In 1960s it captured the young in the universities and the colleges. This great battle - cultural war, began then nationally.
Since then secularism achieved dominance in the academic community, intellectual community, entertainment community, in Hollywood.. and part in Politics, but not in the nation as a whole. So we are 2 countries now. Cultural wars do not allow for a peaceful coexistence. one side prevails or the other. We won the Cold War, but lost the Cultural War.
Find out who are the thinkers whose writings shaped Cultural Marxism in Fools, Frauds and Firebrands: Thinkers of the New Left by Roger Scruton who brilliantly exposes the obscurities of Sartre, Foucault, Galbraith, Marcuse, Lukacs, Habermas, Adorno, Rawls, Dworkin and others of their ilk.
The Ideological Disease known as 'Cultural Marxism' Exposed
They view parents, family, Christianity etc. as oppressive. So they should combat them and replace them. They use political correctness, questioning common language and redefining the meaning of the words. This is their means of controlling the discourse.
Andrew Breitbart Explains Cultural Marxism
The Frankfurt School, scholars that tried to find they way how to spread Marxism. They came up with the cultural Marxism. Focusing on criticizing and bringing pessimism, do destroy the culture and implant their Marxist values. Sympathizing with that Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama wrote on the theories of Marxists. See Video
Why Cultural Marxism Is Destroying AmericaThis is cultural, moral and religious revolution. A militant secularism has arisen and got hold on the intellectual and academic elites. In 1960s it captured the young in the universities and the colleges. This great battle - cultural war, began then nationally.
Since then secularism achieved dominance in the academic community, intellectual community, entertainment community, in Hollywood.. and part in Politics, but not in the nation as a whole. So we are 2 countries now. Cultural wars do not allow for a peaceful coexistence. one side prevails or the other. We won the Cold War, but lost the Cultural War.
Find out who are the thinkers whose writings shaped Cultural Marxism in Fools, Frauds and Firebrands: Thinkers of the New Left by Roger Scruton who brilliantly exposes the obscurities of Sartre, Foucault, Galbraith, Marcuse, Lukacs, Habermas, Adorno, Rawls, Dworkin and others of their ilk.
The Ideological Disease known as 'Cultural Marxism' Exposed
They view parents, family, Christianity etc. as oppressive. So they should combat them and replace them. They use political correctness, questioning common language and redefining the meaning of the words. This is their means of controlling the discourse.
Andrew Breitbart Explains Cultural Marxism
The Frankfurt School, scholars that tried to find they way how to spread Marxism. They came up with the cultural Marxism. Focusing on criticizing and bringing pessimism, do destroy the culture and implant their Marxist values. Sympathizing with that Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama wrote on the theories of Marxists. See Video
They infiltrated the schools. In the 50-60s it was Liberation Theology. These are variations of Marxism. Or they call it Social Justice Education. But they view everything, filtering everything through left progressive thought.. destroying the western kids.. bringing relativism, pessimism, immorality. Eroding moral certainty by teaching them there is no absolute truth.
Postmodernism and Cultural Marxism
Communism is estimated to have killed at least 150 million people, yet its crimes have not been fully compiled and its ideology still persists. The Epoch Times seeks to expose the history and beliefs of this movement, which has been a source of tyranny and destruction since it emerged.
Intended Moral Decline
Very important to understand what we are fighting with and mainly understand God's pain. If you are real Unificationist and Peacemaker, if you really believe in God and the importance of true love and true families.
As you can see this is all coordinated and very well systematized method to pervert society and destroy the family construct. They actively work through education, media and legislation to turn the children against their parents and make parents powerless, so that they cannot teach moral values. See, How Rev. Moon Fought this Moral Evil
We are still dealing with the consequences of the 250 years Khazarian rule. For those who don't know history, Khazarians accepted Judaism but kept their satanic practices of child rape and ritual murder. Khazarian history
Human trafficking and child trafficking reaches unbelievable proportions. Few million children are kidnapped and trafficked each year. Are you a believer in God if you keep closing your eyes in front of this satanism. Over half of the world slaves are children. It's not the Will of God that tyrants rule, that pedophilia is rampant. See, Liberate our Children
Video showing you the Khazarian false-jews's agenda of sexually perverting your children.
"The Rothschild KM pre-staged and engineered the Russian Revolution by using its central banks to pay for the Bolshevik infiltration of Russia and their Revolution on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia (KM)... This had been planned since the destruction of Khazaria." See, the Khazarian history
The Rothschild KM has hijacked Judaism, patterned it off of Babylonian Talmudism (Luciferianism or Satanism), and gained control over the banking and Wall Street professions in general, Congress, the major mass media... See, FROM ZIONISM TO MARXISM
Who was behind Marxism and the Free Sex Culture
The KM used its monetary power to gain control over all of the medical schools and controlled the American Medical Association. See, THE PHARMA CARTEL. Part of this massive plan to dumb-down and mind-control the American masses was the KM’s buying up and consolidating all the American mass media. Guess WHO IS POISONING OUR FOOD, MEDICINE AND LIFE?
A number of Russians in the High Military Command in Russia, and in the highest positions of leadership in the Russian government realize that it was the same Organized Crime Cabal that organized the Khazarians into Bolsheviks to mass-murder 100 million innocent Russians — and these men want payback.
Khazaria was on the territory of today's Ukraine. No wonder Ukrainian logo is actually the Khazarian logo. (1) (2) (3) Why the "Rothschild's bank servers were in Ukraine and have now been seized. Why "The biological weapons factories built by Bill Gates and the Soros Foundation (Rothschild) in Ukraine have been destroyed." (Read more)
I grew in Communism! I know what Lefts do. And it's really scary to see Socialists gradually try to do the same in the west.
ReplyDeleteBut what can you do, that's the Left-Humanistic-Materialistic philosophy; Government should take complete power over people's lives. They don't trust people. In their philosophy, people are animals, no beings with soul.
This is UNHUMAN philosophy, why they call it Humanism? Over 400 million people were killed because of this materialistic philosophy. Now millions of babies are killed because of the same insane philosophy. SCARY IT IS
For the Lefts people that cannot be controlled, cannot be trusted. They devise methods to make us want to loose our freedom. No, the world should become more and more free, without control, but by investing in good families, and the conscience of the youth, which Lefts so eagerly strive for centuries to destroy.
Why the Lefts (Socialists) hate so much family and fidelity? Read, it's in their philosophy. That's why they will never stop trying to destroy it. Their wrong philosophy is to blame and discredit, because Lefts are simply fulled to believe it's leading to something good. The world should open it's eyes to see the true evil, satanic nature of the Left-Humanistic-Materialism.