As Rev. Moon declared in 1999 Lucifer stepped down and was forced to repent. His subordinates were laughing at him, saying they will do even better without his guidance, message from the Spirit World said. God told him that only when he dismantles the evil network he has created he can ask for forgiveness.
I suggest you read Dr. Lee, Messages from the Spirit World explaining the position of Lucifer after the Fall. He also explained that Lucifer was created by God as a good Angel, and eventually has to be restored in his original position.
The Bible also talks of the day Lucifer will be subjugated, by saying:
"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!... For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God... I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee... saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms." (Isaiah 14:12-16)
In 1999, the declaration, "The Complete Liberation of Satan's Lineage and Accomplishment of True Blessing on the Cosmic Level" enabled our ancestors in the spiritual world to go the way of liberation and work for the unity of the earth. We arrived at the time when God could free the spiritual world and physical world and establish the God's sovereign nation of love to be governed by God."
Even the Global Repository declared that after 1998 Lucifer stepped down, no longer giving directions to his earth minions. Isn't it amazing that now the Alliance (the White Hats) also reported that fact?
Satan has returned to the original creation and received absolution
"The alliance has received intelligence that Satan was defeated years ago and what we are seeing now happening across the planet is a mop-up operation to remove his local field agents notably the top members of the Rothschild (red shield of Satan) family." Fulford Report
Lucifer Repented
Satan has returned to the original creation and received absolution. Lucifer was defeated years ago and what we are seeing now happening across the planet is a mop-up operation to remove his local field agents.By Rev. Yulian UTS / 21 May 2022 / CIG News
"After we come into a parent-child relationship with God, when the son wails in sorrow God the Father will also wail in sorrow. Then Satan will be frightened out of his senses and flee. He cannot remain there." Sun Myung Moon, CSG 149
1. Rev. Sun Myung Moon declared in 1999 Lucifer stepped down and was forced to repent.
2. The Global Repository also declared that after 1998 Lucifer is no longer giving directions to his earth minions.
3. According to his latest Geopolitical Report Fulford was informed the same by the Military Alliance (the White Hats). According to Fulford's report, "Satan has returned to the original creation and received absolution."
"The alliance has received intelligence that Satan was defeated years ago and what we are seeing now happening across the planet is a mop-up operation to remove his local field agents notably the top members of the Rothschild (red shield of Satan) family." Fulford Report
After the foundation of the International Marriage Blessings expanded worldwide, Lucifer had no longer lineage rights over humanity. So in 1999 he was forced to step down. Without his spiritual protection and guidance his minions started collapsing. The good forces in hiding stepped in to abolish the vast spiderweb of the Satanic sovereignty. See, THE TRUE MEANING OF THE MESSIAH
And now different sources report that, THE SATANIC SYSTEM IS CLEANING THEIR OLD GUARD, in desperate attempt to adjust to this age of upcoming Cosmic Peace and Unity. And both sides, GOOD AND EVIL WORK TOGETHER TO ABOLISH THE OLD WORLD PARADIGM.
"When the True Parents appear, Satan will ultimately have to withdraw."
"The Lord of the Second Advent comes to this earth... the levels of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation and world... linked, centered on God's love, God's life and God's lineage... establish one lineage, one love and one life as the tradition. When this happens, Satan will have to leave. This is done by the work of engrafting which will naturally remove our connection to Satan's lineage." (CSG - Audio)
NOTE: We only report what different sources are saying, is that truth or deception is yet to find out. But we hope that will give enough data to feel where the providence is heading. What is sure, is that something major is shifting since Lucifer stepped down. And several high sources confirm that.
"Even though Lucifer is no longer participating in the war, and has gone back to Source, and most of the lower astral beings are gone back to source, we are still being stuck with some of these fallen folks... Being disconnected from their muster, and general, has definitely taken a tole on them. They don't have the information and the knowledge that they used to have." Kimberly (18:57)
"As things change on this planet, they are getting freer and freer... a lot of those that were neutral have joined our side over the last few years," Kim says. "They can see that Source is coming back. They know it's only a matter of time before dominion changes hands." See, This War is Against Spiritual Beings
The Changes in the Spirit World
"As True Parents (Rev. and Mrs. Moon) performed the Total Liberation Ceremony, the walls in the spiritual world collapsed and the spirits in the spirit world were able to move freely. With this, much change came in the spiritual world."
Heung Jin Nim sent a message from the spirit world on January 1, 2002 describing the effects in the Spiritual world of True Parents' declarations and ceremonies. He explains how ancestors are recreated, about the Training Center and their progress in the training there. He also reported in detail how the spiritual world has changed since the Coronation of God's Kingship.
"When I first arrived here, I encountered many difficulties as... the atmosphere was not good for me to work strongly. Among the spirits here, believers in different religions continued to insist on the ways, rituals and doctrines of their own religions as they knew them on earth. Those who had not been religious were likewise set in their ways. None paid any attention to things beyond their limited vision." Changes in the Spiritual World
In December 1996 True Parents called the founders of the four great religions and the 12 disciples of Jesus to attend a 40-day workshop at Chung Pyung. Spiritual message describes, how "They went through a 100-day workshop and explored the whole spiritual world. They learned the Divine Principle and came to understand the spiritual world overall... Through the course of 100 days at the spirit world training center these religious leaders learned who the True Parents are, and this brought us into unity of heart. Finally, after the Blessing of the four great Religious Founders, the world religions are able to unite."
"The victory of the 400 Million Couples Blessing resulted in cutting off Satan's lineage and connecting everyone to True Parents' lineage. Through this, the victory of True Parents could be connected to the spiritual world... through this God is now able to liberate the
Heavenly world completely and go anywhere to spread His original heart of Changes in the Spiritual Worldlove ."
On Easter Sunday, April 17, 1998 True Parents gave the "Declaration of the Opening of Elder Brother-ship, Parent-ship and Kingship." This declaration... connected to the victory of the 360 Million Couples Blessing... proclaimed as "cutting off Satan's lineage on the worldwide level."
"In 1999, the declaration, "The Complete Liberation of Satan's Lineage and Accomplishment of True Blessing on the Cosmic Level" enabled our ancestors in the spiritual world to go the way of liberation and work for the unity of the earth.
The "Liberation of the Cosmos" prayer in the Pantanal... brought many more changes. Through these we arrived at the time when God could free the spiritual world and physical world and establish the God's sovereign nation of love to be governed by God." Changes in the Spiritual World
On October 14, 2000 True Parents performed the "Liberation of the Spiritual World," attended by the four great Founders of the major religions, philosophers, saints and sages, the 4000 people participating... the ceremony, which opened the new shimjung (Heart) culture of the Kingdom of Heaven on the earth and in Heaven. Now there is a way open for even Satan, the Archangel, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven eventually.
The Lineage War between God and Satan
Who are the Dragon Families? In their view, they are the Reptilian-Snake lineage that ruled the world under Lucifer for thousands of years. (Pharos, Royals, Dictators like Hitler, and Stalin, even most Presidents today. For example, most US presidents are lineage related). They claim that their lineage is different from us the humans, because it originates in the sexual relationship of Eve and Lucifer (the Cain lineage). Specifically, for it allows Demons to live in them and use their bodies.
The Khazarian Dragon Family is only one of them, given the more visible Financing-Banking part of the pyramid structure of control. Above them are several higher levels, closer to Lucifer, and transferring down his specific instructions. It is a very strict hierarchical structure, based on dark magic, fear and secrecy. See, BLOODLINES GIVEN TO RULE ON BEHALF OF LUCIFER
"The fundamental problem lies in the lineage. Any problems related to the bloodline cannot be resolved by fallen human beings. That is why humankind needs the Messiah." CSG, 1262
The Changes in the Physical World
The biggest and most secret operation to remove Satan's local field agents
"So far we have been dominated and dragged around by Satan. Now we should reverse this, capture Satan, bring him before God and accuse him." Sun Myung Moon, CSG 149
"What you are seeing is the biggest and the most secret thing the human being ever done on earth - to take these people down. The majority of the Deep State is been already taken out." David Wilcock
The news from the last week events is so great providentially, that I don't even know how best to report it. Humanity is being liberated as we speak. And the forces doing the change are on much higher spiritual level. Don't be misled by external events, remember that Father Moon had mobilized the good and the evil spirit world to disclose all and free the earth.
"The trials have been going on since Sep. 30. Thirty news reporters are down at GITMO watching the trials. And once it gets reported, everyone will know." David Straight, Trump's Assistant
Video: David Straight explains the power in this world. You have the Pindar (the all seeing eye), who is the head of the 13 families. The Pindar no longer exists. In 2017 Trump took him down, claiming that position. You still have the 13 families, but half of them are on our side. The other half control the Illuminati, the Bilderberg group, the Council of Foreign Relations, the 300... They control everything. But their corporation is bankrupt. Trump dissolved it. See also, "We Are At War" - Parts (1 to 5)
What's coming? June is Alliance military Manifestation. July is Revelation. August is Vindication, and September is Recovery and Restoration. Key marker is the announcement of the Queen's death will signal the death of the Western military and political power. From there events will quickly role.
THE EVENT: There is going to be a BIG biblical scenario where they make out it's WW3 but really they are activating Militaries then bombing all of these Satanic Luceriferian landmarks. Enacting GESARA funds and We The People rebuild, White Hat supporters claim.
Ending the Slavery Taxation
The fact that Lucifer stepped down in 1999 was confirmed from his direct subordinates, at the top of his pyramidal structure for control on humanity. They stopped receiving his directions after 1998. So, what's at the top of this financial structure of slavery? It's called, "The Global Repository." It has the most powerful 'quantum' computer, that controls all the financial transactions on earth. After Lucifer's representatives controlling it were also taken to Source, the Global Repository, under it's new Trustee, Kimberly Goguen, transited under God's dominion, if her testimonies are correct.
In her words, this week the IRS accounts started going down. Global Repository GR will complete their elimination till 21, June. We will no longer be obligated to pay taxes on our work. Taxes were collected in private accounts, and they have no longer registration. The Birth Certificates that held us in slavery are also no longer valid. Gradually we will implement new system for the property taxes, the GR trustee explained. (1)
God created us as free sovereign beings, but they took our unalienable rights and turned them into privileges that we have to pay for.
"God existed before we had cognition of Him and He rules over all our senses and over everything to do with us. Awareness of this is more important than anything else." Sun Myung Moon
Satan's minions did everything to remove that freedom from us. And those who did not support their banking slavery system were killed. As Henry Makow's research shows, "The Rothschilds have a habit of murdering Presidents who don’t follow their orders. Rothschilds Murdered at least Seven US Presidents between 1773 & 2019." The chance for getting out of this satanic control was not yet here until True Parent's victory. Only now is this possible, True Father Moon explained.
Restore Nations Centered on God
To build God’s ideal of Cheon Il Gook by 2027 we need to restore nations, firmly rooted in the Divine Principle and the Heavenly Tradition. We need to subjugate Satan and restore God's sovereignty.
"Your governments never had control. They had Deep State actors that do control them. These Dragon Families, the Order of the Black Sun, the SSP, the Jesuit Order (Black Pope)... and goes beyond to people you didn't even know. The Black Nobility, that no one knew who they are." Kim, Global Repository
We clearly see how our internal foundation leads to external transformation of the political, social and technological structures. And we know that in each of these areas God has prepared Able-type figures. We cannot do it alone.
Today the White Hats move firmly against the Deep State Khazarian Mafia and their pedophile and trafficking networks. That would have been impossible if the evil spirit world was still in control. So it is important to correctly recognize who is with the Cabal and who is on the God's side. My reports are trying to help you see that more clearly, by giving you data which we can later connect and eventually see the full picture. Follow the CIG UPDATES.
Do you understand God's pain? Watch this Documentary. If you have a heart you'll cry. It shows how hospitals were used to kill people. How to liberate God's Heart if we don't resolve that? What evil monsters caused that? Who are these hidden evil people who rule humanity behind the scenes, that we call the Cabal? This small group used their money to buy politicians, doctors, Freemasons, judges, generals, etc., and thought they were beyond any form of justice or punishment. See, Satanic symbols and governments collapse.
"If you drag Satan, the devil, in front of God and accuse him, would God say, “Hey! That is not how to do it!” or would He be pleased? No doubt God would say, “Oh my son! My only son!” and would want to bless you eternally. We can imagine how intensely God has yearned for that." Sun Myung Moon, CSG 149
Father Moon was born 100 years ago (1920). Jesus appeared to him at the age of 16. He saw how painful was God's situation. God was unable to liberate and embrace his children because the world was under Satan's complete control. The young Moon determined to liberate God's heart, by making the foundation to liberate humanity of Satan's control.
In 1982 he established the Washington Times. He helped Reagen to become a president and bring the Communism down. He worked tirelessly to unite Christianity and all other Religions, to end the Satanic power and open the way for God's Ideal on the Earth. After restoring 400 million families in God's lineage, Lucifer had to step down in 1999. From 2000 till 2012 he made the required world foundation for abolishing the Satanic sovereignty on earth. See, Culture of Heart: The Revolution in Love and Consciousness
Why are the evil structures and manipulations exposed now? Forced to return to the original creation LUCIFER REPENTED, just as Father Moon predicted:
"The satanic world continues to break down. You just wait and see what happens. Individuals, families, tribes, races and nations in the satanic world have lost their purpose and direction... In the past, we suffered under the rule of satanic dominion; however, things will reverse... I have unified and liberated them all. Satan has to retreat now." Sun Myung Moon
The Zionist cabal Petro-dollar confidence scam is ending. Worthless Zionist Fed paper is backed by nothing but hype. Rothschild powers were removed long ago. They have no London standing.
After the Banking contract of the Khazarians expired in 2012, the Global Repository (GR) moved out of the Satanic control and under God's direct dominion. The previous trustee that worked directly under Lucifer, Marduk, was "taken back to source."
Marduk is a title (meaning, "Lord of the Sea") - the chief god of ancient Babylon, who became lord of the gods of heaven and earth.
As you know the GR is giving the allocation numbers, to approve all money, including the digital currency. The point is only GR was dealing with the controllers who dominated humanity for thousands of years. Even the Khazarians and the Black Sun order didn't know much of who was above them. They no longer have the ability, the authority, and the access codes to make payments.
"Everybody keeps thinking that the Global Currency Reset is going to come. The operative Mercenaries however did not get paid, because Rothschilds no longer have the ability, the authority, the codes, the access, or the intelligence to bring in the money to fund anyone. The US Treasury informed us that the Government will need 800 million dollars to maintain their basic operations." The Trust Fund
Kim says that GR has it's own military Enforcement, called G.I.A. Since GR was working directly under the spirit world control, they use arms that could be considered more spiritual or quantum-plasma-frequency level. Thus it surpasses all military forces on earth, Kymberly explains.
If true, this is a huge news; The Global Repository just announced that most Black Nobilities - the so called Covens - worse of the worse, were taken down. The hierarchy of power of these Covens is based on how many and how much more powerful demons work trough them. That requires human sacrifices. Read, SATANIC PRACTICES TURNED INTO VAST CAPITALIST ENTERPRISE
Each Coven needs numerous children only for their major satanic festivals; Christmas, Easter, The September “Marriage to the Beast” ceremony... The majority of the kidnappings of the kids happen a week before. Each satanic Holliday requires a specific sacrifice." These Little Ones
Video: The Global Repository Trustee explains how the world was controlled. Some history of the controllers and the destruction of this system of control
From 2.5 million Super Elite, she reported, only 2000 Covens were left alive in April. These are the ones "who wanted to kill us all and achieve world domination," I thought, "this is such a small number - it will be easy to locate and get them out"
And truly in a week, Kim says, they were reduced to 500 - than some 280 black nobilities. On 9th of May only 14 were left alive, after some Enforcement intervention. We are talking of the Cabal controllers, not even human. Correct definition will be, "possessed by demons". People who non of you even knew they existed.
And as of yesterdays only 6 of the 14 were left alive, after few of their underground bases were annihilated. They were too taken down this morning. In effect, the lower Cabal generals will have no one calling them on the phone to give them directions.
There are still 500 of the original 2000, Kim ads, but they are still trying to find out; what is going on? Where is their money? Their house of cards is going down. In a week or two they will be also gone.
"Be assured their evil plans will not work," Kim said. "We know what they are doing is hurting people... it violates the Natural Law... so all we can do is taking down their facilities." And as she explains, their servers are down, so no matter how much they try, they have no way to connect to the Back System again. On the question, when it is all going to end, she responded, "Honestly, I think, whey they are all gone to source."
"May will be a month of upheaval. A month when all the dirty things of this government will be exposed. In a few days we will send something that will destroy and expose this Cabalist. Information will be only among the people who want good for this country, and not the manipulators." The Survivor
It’s time to re-orient oneself to the present, take responsibility and focus on the future and what we want to make of it. Build loving families and society is something we have to do ourselves.
Another obvious process resulting after Lucifer is no longer in lead, is that the numerous countries suffering under the yoke of the heavy Central Banking system are now looking for way out. Russia and BRICS, with their push of Gold-Backed Currency, are stepping in that position to give them hope and protection for such previously suicidal move. This sounds great, but could easily be a trap to lure them into the Chinese-model of complete digital control. Which will be a transition into the New World Order.
Since only the 'false saviors' staged by the Cabal have the free right to speak the truth, we see the vail of deception is collapsing. In captured laboratories Russians found the production of the Corona Virus, how it was spread, and the World Health Organizations' involvement in this crime:
The Russians captured a large number of migratory birds with microchip-controlled capsules containing various plagues... could be opened by satellite command where they would cause the most damage. The locations of the American laboratories that manufacture these biological weapons in 36 countries was presented to the Security Council. The diseases and epidemics, the means of their release, the countries in which they are being tested. Even the virus responsible for the current pandemic and the huge number of bats used to transmit this virus. Proof was provided that the World Health Organization representatives regularly visited these laboratories around the world. Fulford Report
This discovery provoked swift actions. As Fulford reported that last week China and Russia gave ultimatum to the US Army to either destroy the Khazar Mafia (KM), or we will face a total war with a nuclear/scalar weapon.
"MI6, upon getting this evidence promised “We will sanction the United Nations on a shoot to kill.” In other words, the named officials, including those working at the WHO and UN, will be shot on sight." Fulford Report
"All adverse effects of the experimental Covid injections are now being reported as evidences of a crime. They are the cause of so many sudden deaths. Just look at the professional football players. There were 1044 collapses, and about 720 deaths in young healthy footballers from around the world." Situation Update
"The international boycott of the West is accompanied by raids by international special forces against US biolabs around the world, CIA sources said. [13] U.S. biolabs in Bangladesh, Congo, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Ukraine, Kenya and elsewhere are under attack to eradicate US biological warfare, sources said." Fulford Report
The War on Child Sex Trafficking
"Lucifer seduced God's children sexually in their infancy. That was the Human Fall. He is the originator of pedophilia, homosexuality and free sex. And now is time this will be exposed and brought to end." The Plan to Save the World
Many, misled by the media attacks failed to grasp the importance of Trump for God's providence. Why was his first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to declare a war on the international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites. Was this a suicide wish, or is he raised as a 'false savor' to trick the masses? All the Cabal media was upon him to eat him alive! But are they really? His evil past was carefully kept, and the accusations were only designed to rise him as a hero in the eyes of the more awakened and moral people.
Here is Map of the recent explosions - showing you where the Global underground war is concentrated now. Cleaning underground DUMBS military operations. And here is video, explaining why the Elite is hiding underground and their big underground mаnsions connected with highways, just as former Naval Intelligence Officer William Cooper reported. [v4]
"The sight of them, their skin, their eyes, their deformities, scars a person for life. There are 32 million like that down there... 28 battalions that are running ops down there."
David Straight explains Beirut blast, as a part of numerous similar operations around the world to destroy all shipping companies involved in child trafficking. (4) After their military operation they blast the place in a way to open and expose the underground facilities.
Take note of all the bombings & Fires recently. What is really being hit? Vaccine & Medical Labs, Oil & Gas etc. All stuff that is going to be the past. For example, 02.06.22 Gujarat, India - Massive explosion at a Deepak Nitrite GIDC chemical plant (5). No need for medical drugs when being given 6000 cures /med beds/ Suppressed Technologies.
See this Video: "There is more slaves on earth now than there was ever in history." Few million children are kidnapped and trafficked each year. See LIBERATE OUR CHILDRENThe STORM begins with FINANCE / Money. The 24 Nuclear Reactors that must be removed under the 3GD for GESARA to be Activated. And moving away from Oil & Gas.
Support those who Work on God's Side
Additional story says that Nikola Tesla was the originator of the concrete plan to end the control of these evil corporations. This is also connected with the Korean leader, Sun Myung Moon. New Yorker Hotel, that Rev. Moon owns, was where Nikola and supposedly John G. Trump came up with the beyond-brilliant plan to save humanity in the future. They vowed to do everything they could to ensure Humanity's exit from this matrix. The part about Trump is not yet confirmed. See, THE TESLA-TRUMP-MOON CONNECTION
Model Course of Fighting Satanic Forces
As we see in the Divine Principle, there is external and internal side of the wars. In WWI, WWII and Cold War the outside forces on God's side fought against the forces on Satan's side externally (Militarily). But that was reflection of spiritual changes, the spiritual war in the spirit world.
"The forces implementing all the evil on earth are evil spirits and fallen angels working directly through dehumanized earthly objects without conscience."
It's like a chess game. God will make a move (let say, preparing for Second Advent birth), Satan always acts first to prevent what God wants to achieve (Red Revolution + WWI). God takes the blow. Satan created Communism and took over 1/3 of the earth. But God had the Second Advent born - Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Actions and counteractions.
Satan knew that the Rev. Moon would teach clearly about God's Heart, God's Plan, and God's Principles. That he will rise true families and restore God's lineage. To prevent that he used Communism and Humanism to expand atheistic materialism and the Free Sex culture to abolish all moral values.
In the Cold War Rev. Moon fought this ideological war (through Victory Over Communism (V.O.C.) and the Washington Times and spiritual war (Divine Principle, Blessings, Rallies) But his work supported the governments on God's side to take actions and be empowered to subjugate Satan's side.
Clear example: The Washington Times supporting the stingers for Afghanistan played major role in ending the Cold War worldwide peacefully. Father Moon could foresee how important that was, where is most politicians couldn't see it or were corrupted.
Thus in 1992 Reverend Moon started the Completed Testament Age and the International Marriage Blessings expanded worldwide 400 million families were restored in God's lineage. Consequently, Lucifer had no longer lineage rights over humanity. So in 1999 he was forced to step down. And by 2012 foundation was made for God to take full authority over the spirit and physical world. See, THE TRUE MEANING OF THE MESSIAH

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