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This War is Against Spiritual Beings

This War is Against Spiritual Beings

As Pascal Najadi explained, corrupted Politicians is the easiest to arrest, but the war is against spiritual beings from another dimension, just as the Bible had described.

July 2024 / CIG News

Kimberly explained about Lucifer and his demons. "These demons have the ability to split like a star-fish," she explains. "They can inhabit numerous human beings at the same time. Yet, they can act alone and not even be in a human. People who allow to be inhabited by these demons, therefore become part of it."

"These beings have been around for millions of years. Imagine how many little star-fish they have made. It is awful a lot. It turns out that 25% of the people on this planet have a solet of one of these beings. And they know it." Kimberly

Once inhabited by such demon, anyone can enter in that person. They are allowed certain amount of power and control for having this demon up in there. They will tell you anything to sell you. It's all about getting people to bite, so that you too can become a star-fishlet. 

"Satanic Worshippers and their Secretive Covens exist across the Globe." AMG News

Precisely because this is a war against spiritual powers, as Kim explained, "It wasn't long after we cut off some main part that everything else started to fight; all the little ones of all of these beings started coming out of the woodwork. And even if the host person is killed they can just move in another being, they are autonomous. 

"We now have to clean them up...  go out there and create something where they all go back to Source, and let the Source sort them out. Because it didn't appear that they are going to stop." Kimberly

"The once that are 100% infected, meaning they have no anything left of their own sole are feeling the most pain," Kim explains. "These will be your Bloodline Families, your Bankers, for example." And if the person is dead, they can mimic him or duplicate, because it is a lot a power for these demons to have those high position figures under their control. "Mainly, that was what we have been dealing with," Kim ended. 

Video: UNN News about Trump's Assassination attempt, and the war on Demons.

Why did FoxNews report this as "an attempt on a seating president"? (27:38)

NOTE: We only report what different sources are saying, is that truth or deception is yet to find out. But we hope that will give enough data to feel where the providence is heading. What is sure, is that something major is shifting since Lucifer stepped down. 

"I will totally obliterate the Deep State," Trump said

In the previous report, we clarified that the last few years we are undergoing A DEFENSE WAR. Federal Registry of USA shows the Declaration of War at the end of December 2019 (25:01). US Space Force was founded on the same day. Since then we are in a Defense War globally operating under the radar. A Global Defense War under act 50. An international coalition against extraordinary security threat. Read more... 

BRAKING NEWS: "On Tues. 9 July 2024 at a NATO Conference in Washington DC Biden announced that he was not in charge, but now a Military Government was over the US." (13:18 min)

Biden is not the real one for years. See some of his masked versions explained in the 46:17 minute of this video.

In his last Geo-political Report, Fulford wrote, "In case you missed it, the US now has a military government." You can look at that on the whitehouse.gov site... "under section 1333... of the national defense authorization act

"I don't believe that the Deep State has this kind of muscle anymore. A lot of what is being happening now is sort of a 'Reverse False-flagery.' It will look like the Deep State is up to no good, but it's the White Hats doing it for their own purposes." Mike King 

"This is a hunt for people who have murdered millions of people." P. Najadi

War on Deep State Escalates

"Military intelligence has planned this war, that is now ongoing officially. Millions of people are in active war duty, 800 Admirals and Generals. The war is against the Deep State." 

Pascal Najadi, who assisted US Space Force in the court case, giving them a big list of those involved with these bio-weapons that provoked this Defense War. "Science says the Covid vaccine is a bio weapon, and it is now confirmed." This is a biological war, and the weapon kills in 1000s of ways. The victims are already 1 billion, he said:

"I'm giving you the information, disclosure, that they are failed and they are finished. All of them. And those who have not been executed yet, long list, will be executed very soon, by US Justice Military System... Forget the courts they are corrupt everywhere." Najadi (6:50)

The immediate result after the declaration of this secret war was that more than 12,000 CEO's have QUIETLY STEPPED DOWN since 2017. These Luciferian pedophile CEO's and government officials being quietly arrested. This was a massive global work of justice that has already happened. In addition, we see the signs of the Monarchy been broke. Many Royals started suddenly getting sick, dying or disappearing from public view. (See, QUEEN'S DEAD SIGNIFYING THE DEATH OF THE WESTERN POLITICAL AND MILITARY LEADERSHIP) Many famous rich people and actors also seems to be gone, or replaced with CGI. And now we are approaching some final steps before full disclosures. "I want to see a reveal," Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes said. 

Mass Cyber Attacks

Situation Update 19 June: "GLOBAL IT SHUTDOWN" / All American Airlines have been grounded. Banks are shot down. Many ITM machines don't work. A sign of how easy they can flip our lives with a switch of a button.

Kymberly explains: "All of that access glitch that you had on Friday, that all went out of the window. There is nothing left in there. We replaced everything with Care, and we reprogrammed the financial system. The financial system will no longer take your fake stuff." 

Kimberly also announced: "The declaration of Martial Law is both global and individual, country by country. It is every single country in the world, not just the US." In her words, "we have the majority, at least in the US, of militaries and agencies on board." More than 90% on the Restoration side. 

Who was Running Your Country

Putin told to Tucker Carlson, "You don' even know the names of the people who are running America." Biden, Obama... are not running America. Obama is as much a tool in somebody's hands as Biden is. Just a puppet, doing what he's told. So who is running America, causing the chaos, the wars around the world? Why would those entities benefit if Russia and USA go to war? 

We are corounded in a box were we either stand on the one side or the other, pick Putin or Zelenski, and there is no way in between, while in fact these politicians are just actors. It's all a script. Politicians and media lie about everything. All scripted by the 1%. 

We need to get our house in order and a lot of this has to do with taking this parasite off our back, that is playing all of the countries against each other with un ultimate evil goal. 

"Why have Abortion Rights? Baby's organs were worth over $45,000, if harvested while the child was still alive - bloody dirty money going straight to the Cabal."

When 60 years ago JFK identified the problem with these Secret Deep State network and their infiltration within all government structures, 7 days later he was assassinated. (9:39) The same Cabal people were petrified by this young preacher who could inspire people - Martin Luther King, whom they also assassinated.

Video: US is not a country but a Corporation. Just another Crown Colony, paying its taxes to the Crown.

"How do you spend 5-6 trillion dollars and no body finds it till the last second. And then, all the paper work magically happens to be just at the right place and just the right time to get destroyed (in the 9/11 attack). All the agencies involved were told to gather all the original evidence... the Senate was doing investigation... then the whole building was destroyed. This is a plan. A plot. And the people involved, they are a religious cult, and we are fighting them right now. That's what this fight is all about." Juan O'Saven

Club of Secret Handshakes

"It's a club," Juan O'Saven explains. And they are very careful of who is invited... to screen families, bloodlines, people that will play the game... that's why all those secret hand shakes. "They are a religious cult, and we are fighting them right now," he said. (49:50)

"We are all sick and tired of politics being run via street theater staged by Freemasons," Fulford wrote. "Having secret societies decide without public input inevitably leads to social decay and inequality."

"Freemasonry has been a vehicle for the Black Nobility to further their agenda." Their intricate rituals, symbolism, and hierarchical structure have provided a fertile ground for the dissemination of their ideology and the recruitment of influential members, Judy wrote.

Even when colonies were given freedom, that was only illusion. They left out in these countries various bloodline families, and secret society networks that have gone on controlling those countries ever since. Not knowing who is actually ruling them people do not rebel. The same way, they infiltrate churches and religions and the lower congregation has no any idea that their leadership gradually became Satanic. 

Question: Why is the UC London pastor an self admitted 'Leader of Secret Society'. His allegiance is to his Secret Society, not to the UC. Why is he allowed to be a leader in FF? How many other members of Secret Societies are infiltrated in FFed UK? 

Video: Jessie came out of Illuminati lineage and became Christian, describing the relationship between the Luciferian Brotherhood and the Masons, and practices, signs and believes. 

How did they become so organized

How does it work? "Masons are the entry point. All the cities and towns, all across America, they build them and put them in grides. You want to be a business owner, you want to be attorney... a judge... You want any position, even a pastor, you've got to join. And once you go to one meeting, that's it. Then, you do what they want you to do and you get promoted... The promotions go all the way up to the Knights of Malta, Order of... In Gorgia is where all of this was established by Albert Pike in 1864." Sheila Holm (29:10)

But in fact, they did not found it, it was already all over Europe, she said, "this is what the Pilgrims wanted to get away from." And remember, Albert Pike was the one who put the plan of creating the 3 World Wars. 

The Masons created these huge orphanages. Parents would live their children and they will get free education, but what's gonna happen to them? They get them controlled, they get them in all those youth organizations. Make them controlled and get them into higher positions. They got the same program in every town. So the only way this community could continue was, "if you don't do what we tell you, we gonna kill your family, burn your business." 

But, it starts the Masonic, and then it goes to all these other levels. "Everything they do, they hide. Everything they say is a lie. So we gonna stop falling for the lies, and stand up." They were doing all of this in secrecy, planning for the time to establish their New World Order (The Order of the Palladium, as they call it). He got this plan directly from Lucifer, including the system of public schools

"This was going on in layers from the very beginning. It was in 1891 when the first US Treasury Secretary, Hamilton, put in the first Centralized Banks... We became enslaved long ago. We were always under bank's control... They brought this in from Europe." 

"Albert Pike put together the 33 degree Masons. He brought in his right-hand guy, Giuseppe Messina, the Khazarian guy who started the Italian Mafia. So the Khazarians come and take over Russian Mafia, CCP in China, the Italian Mafia... They went in and took all of these nations, and took over rulership, and that's what they do." They are all bloodline families, intermarrying and interconnected.  

As we reported previously, above the 33 degree Masons there are 15 degrees of the Illuminati bloodline Black Nobilities, who rule from behind.

Black Nobility Families and the Order of the Dragon

"Pharaoh, does not mean King, it means Viper... in old traditions the Snake was a symbol of Satan, the Devil," Najadi said (1). Their bloodlines were ruling the world till today, from behind the scene.

Video: Rothschild's and Rockefeller's are Related to the Orsini Black Nobility Bloodline. Saturnalian brotherhood, the 13 bloodline of the Illuminati (2)

The real elite has to never be see in public. This upper elite controls the lower elite, as Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Duponts and the rest, they are not the leading elite, just public faces that you are allowed to see, serving the purpose of keep the real once hidden. The lower families have no power unless it is given to them by the elite - the top families. (Video)

These family lineages practice Satanism for thousands of years. These families all intermarry. They are so much intermingling, so they are all practically the same.

Selling their soul to the Devil 

Mell Gibson recently explained, "The Elites, Hollywood stars and producers, and some of the most powerful people in the World made fortune by selling their soul to the Devil and selling children." He pointed that, "Human Trafficking is a32 billion dollar a year business... the fastest growing enterprise in the world." In his words, "Wars and Wars and Natural Disasters are the main source of Children collected to be trafficked." 

"Underground excavations of properties of celebrities like Hugh Hefner, Oprah, Ellen DeGeneres etc... found to have human remains. Skulls and Cauldron were found long with pentagrams, satanic statues, ceremonial robes, secret rooms... demonic sigils on walls and doors."

There are thousands and millions of people in different countries, all around the world, Kim explains, that such a demons are using for power, in their worship of death, to propel their black magic. Aiming to grow the demonic power, so they can fully inhabit everybody on the planet. And people are made to participate in that even unknowingly, by celebrating Easter, not for the good things Jesus did, but as celebration of death. .See, BATTLE WITH DARKNESS

"They focus people on celebrating Death each year. They walk with the cross with a dead body hang on the cross." (1:24) UNN News

Supply Chain of Children for Their Sex and Magic Rituals

Colorado Representative Scott Bottoms confirms that such people are buying 1-5 year old children for sex. 

On 15 July, key individuals in Human Trafficking were arrested across multiple states. "You won't believe the names of these individuals," commented Steve Bannon on Telegram. After the Spetznas found children with their blood completely drained for production of Adrenochrome, the WTPNews reported, "Putin is determined to use the leads to destroy the global Adrenochrome supply chain and punish those committing crimes against children." 

Secret Societies are Done

"A purge of the second level, the lower degrees of Freemasonry, is currently taking place," Mr. Pool says. "Most lawyers and judges are part of the Satanic System, part of the "Club". They will disappear and be replaced by Military Justice.

The Satanic Cabal was using Masons and other secret organizations to infiltrate churches, organizations and all other social structures. Do you think the London Pastor of UC is the only such person infiltrated in our Movement? Especially in UK, you can find them among the Educators and in the Committees governing your Church. Once they take few top positions, they will use any manipulation to replace the rest of the leadership with their people. At the end, every religion, every church, even the most noble organization ends up under their Illuminati control. This was done for hundreds of years. They are experts in such infiltration. 

As president Kennedy said, we do not tolerate secret societies anymore. Why do we need secret societies, for what purpose? That's really Conspiracy stuff. We don't need that. We don't want them. 

"All Freemasons listening now... you are done," Najadi declared. "Your secret society is done. You have done bad things, you know it. And you think running away. No. The Space Force knows where you live. They know you phone calls. You are done."  

Military Tribunals are Ongoing 

"At least eight million people have already been removed worldwide. Executions have been recorded." Mr. Pool. Planning this operation took seventy years. 

We saw numerous insiders who claim that Military Tribunals are ongoing. Victims who say there were called to testify in these Tribunals against elite figures. Dr. Jan comments, "Any of the Tribunals of anyone important, there is a video... I don't think we will see life executions, but there will be composite clips of the Tribunals." 

"We will never know who turned to the good side to save their lives. But we need these controlled ponds, because they know a lot of things, and how to do certain things. So, you've got to keep some of these people around." Dr. Jan, 1:43 min

"We are in a global war," Sheila Holm said. "You see the other nations cleaning it up. Russia got rid of the Russian Mafia. Italy got rid of theirs... we are giving the truth unto to the people. We are handling the human rights offenses globally." (44:17)

The Awakening Movement 

While the people of the world are waking up the tide is turning on the Elite and their depraved pedophilic lifestyles

When Rev. Moon mobilized the whole good spirit world to assist the physical world to be liberated from that Satanic system, I got a vision. In 2015 God asked me to open my spiritual senses and I saw the whole globe with numerous Satanic pyramids, but they were all surrounded by God's love. In the age after the Coming of Heaven, God could not allow them to continue as they were. 

And now Najadi explains these pyramids became visible, because the cards of lies have collapsed. He gestured a pyramid with his hands and explained, "If you have a house of cards of a criminal, of a liar... one card pulled by justice and the whole card house collapses. This now happens. The card-houses collapsed." (1) 

Video: Black Nobility: "The Royal and Nobile Bloodlines are all working together as a Global Crime Syndicate in part of the modernized Roman Empire." 

Trying to Eliminate us

"Vaccination is a time-bomb," scientist found even back in 1936. "Never seen an unvaccinated person with cancer. Vaccines attack the immune system 5, 10 or 40 years later." 

Why and how are these Elites trying to reduce humanity, and why are people now determined to expose these Elites? The examples coming out are millions and scary:

Artificial Sweetener - Aspartame is a brain drug, 'excitotoxin' that excites neurons to death (killing brain cells and causing other nerve damage).

Now the UK Govt Docs Quietly Admit "Vaccine Holocaust" Will Kill Millions of Children (Video)

The Awakening movement empowered the people to do their own research. To see through the lies. Getting people involved to think for themselves. That's why many of these False Flags are caught out, because people are on a watch. 

Research: We can't find an autistic kid among the unvaccinated. You won't find auto immune diseaseepilepsy, non of these chronic diseases. But governments never reported this, because it will show, 'If you don't follow our guidelines you will be healthier.' Reporting the statistics will show that CDC and WHO were harming the public for decades, and burring all the data.

 It will take time to comprehend 

"It will take some time for people to trust that things have really changed and that there is no longer any danger," Mr. Pool says. The military expects 3 months for the "Awakened" and more than 6 months for the remaining soulful people.

Najadi says, "Trump told us, he was invited to run for a President. Who invited him? 200 generals." "The Q-operation is augmented, not led... by AI systems. The best on the planet...  have created certain check-points, like levels in a game, that everything has to go through before it goes to the next level," he explains. Some of it is predictive by date. We know what date the election is scheduled. That is fixed in time. And there are other check-points that are based on societal things.

"They all submitted to President Trump. In 2017-18 he went around and said, 'guys, we have to take down the Deep State, because they are attacking the people and everybody agreed to be on the same page. They had to. They have no choice. Some of them got executed on the way. The clever once, they joined." (Brazil, Russia, China, North Korea...) Paskal Najadi (24:08)

The question comes, is that not un internal bloodline war. Many of the heads of the black nobilities now live in India and Asia. What do that tells you? Why are they pushing all kind of agendas to collapse the West? 

They are not human   

But why they want to exterminate the human species? They are not from us. As Najadi said, "These people are not humans. It's not about money for them." God gave us this planet. No one should tell you when, where and how much to drive, with diesel or not, or how far to go on this God given land. What they did attempting to survive and keep their control is beyond Biblical, Najadi explains:

"The Covid democide executed by corrupt, rogue, fascist governments and parliamentarians of political parties, culprits, were the cause. The effect, officially we lost 20 million humans, but I hear one billion injured." (11:45)

Fulford commented: "What I do know is that a lot of really bad stuff planned by the Khazarian Mafia was stopped by NSA." 

The Evil Actors are Well Known 

Everyone who helped this genocide or conspired in it, is guilty of treason, Najadi said. "This is the first global attack on the human species." 

"The Actors are known. Depopulation agenda people (and they are not humans), like Bill Gates, Falci, all the Pharmaceuticals, all of them... WHO, WEF, UN, Gavi, Biden, Obama, Clinton, Soros, Bezos... The list is long." Najadi (8:25)

Vaccines to Reduce Humanity to 500 Million as a last resort to keep themselves in power. "They planned, orchestrated and executed... in a Nazi lockstep through WHO, with current Swiss Government approval," Najadi said.  Number of presidents who refused to cooperate with this plot were assassinated.

Why were the Unificationists involved? They say, because Abbe attended and supported some of their events. Why are the underworld of Japan and the Dragon families so afraid from the Unificationists, to try so desperately to destroy them? Let us look at the real evil instead:

Thousands upon thousands are dropping dead suddenly, or dying in their sleep. We know it was Trump who push that Deadly Vaccine. Why? Who is the real target of this Military operation? Are they fulfilling the Cabal's agenda for reducing humanity? Or are they cleaning their old guard, no longer needed? I guess, both! 

"Those are not humans. They are evil beings, Satanic pedophiles. Their rigs are cleared, their networks are blowing up, since years, and right now as we speak," Najadi said. "This is now a defense, a protection, for us the human species. Not a nationality, not a color of skin, not religion. We are one; Human species or not."

"Every media, that it was all Jewish, it is all gone. Everything  that you read now or see on Fox News or CNN... is all scripted by our Military Media people. Every line... the news against Trump or for Trump, everything world wide," Najady sys. All part of the Secret War.

"Foreigners... your flag is gone. We have no borders. We are one. We are the United States of the Earth..." (Video)

These are nice promises, and surely God wants to bring that world of truth without the satanic borders. But very easy they can use those promises to trick humanity into their new satanic system of control. 

Trump Assassinated for his Cooperation with the Cabal 

Kimberly reported: "5 billion dollars are given to prepare for a big funeral for Trump, Kim reported. Why? Is it because they cannot hide the fact that he is dead already, as Kim explained? Is his role as the Trojan Horse fulfilled? Are they trying to block the actor fulfill a really good role?"

Now even Najsdi started preparing the narrative for Trumps death. In recent interview he said that the real Trump died in helicopter crash in 1989. Trump was connected with the Masons and the Zionists, so probably that's why he was killed. He called for Trump to be arrested on charges of pedophilia. Are they preparing this narrative because Kim pushed them not to hide Trump's death anymore? Isn't Najadi also an actor replacing the real one? What's the psychological tactic behind his claims to be recently embodied by JFK, and that his wife is Princess Diana, and the 'Earth is Flat'? (Video)

But let's face it; Who pushed these Covid Vaccines? Trump! A guy who builds Casinos - cities of Sin, delivering Satan's chocolate to his children. Why we see several versions of Trump? Why we see him saying different things to different groups of people? And then he has to say few different, opposing answers even within one sentence! Manipulative trick used by Sociopaths, or trained manipulators. Why media only accused him of things that will make him a hero among the Awakening movement, and not the real dirty stuff about his past and present? See video of Trump, leading a Masonic lodge (click).

"A lot of people... they truly believe that Trump is a Patriot... he is fighting the Deep State... until he is not. The Trump's operative organization, that's running it, first it was a select few and then it started making it's way around." At his 40th birthday he had his official initiation (on video), Kim explained. "All of the Patriots in the military and the agencies that felt he is a good guy had figured out that he is no different then all of the rest of them. If he is saving babies, he is saving them for desert. That made it all around the Patriot community." Kimberly (6:30)

Exterminate 92% of humanity

But Najadi says, 

"these Covid injections ... we let it happen. We had to let the enemy make the mistake... but we have changed the bio-weapon formula. The Space Force has modified, re purposed through quantum technology... to only eliminate and kill Jews, clones, reptilians. We are only 8% divine humans on earth. The enemy... they are now injected irreversibly. There is no cure. We lost a billion people already, we will loose next wave 2 to 3 billion."

You can see how they twist the narrative, openly saying everything is under military control, and we will kill 92% of humanity. The usual Satanic trick, present the problem with the Awakening, and excuse the 'solution' - killing us all. Total insanity! 

David Icke Predicts What's Coming Next

They want a World Government and a World Army, that's why they want to discredit the existing governments, which is easy, since they have corrupted them and can now disclose all the evidence collected. 

Elon Musk's Electric cars, Neuro Link, and vast number of cameras everywhere, are all designed to keep you under complete control. Every violation the camera captures you in will be automatically fined from your Digital Wallet. This is the so praised QFS Brix Chinese Digital currency they are pushing us in. 

He says, the program is going on, even speeding. They are working fast to fulfill the Agenda 2030. It is control, justified by the false presumption of Climate Change. Control of all the basics of life; food, water, energy, movement. 

It's happening so fast now, because they are in a race to connect this AI to the human brain. They are rushing, because of the fear that enough people will wake up. They are in fear, they gonna throw everything at us to make us consent. They have no choice. The amount of crimes these people have committed... they can never stop stilling elections, they know if they stop that will be their demise. 

Weapons of Spiritual Warfare

A doctor revealed the 4 weapons of spiritual warfare... to disconnect people from the higher world. To do that they had to destroy the penial gland - the most sensitive part of our nervous system. They found it is highly sensitive to Aluminum, Florid, and Wi-Fi. That's why from the brough spectrum of frequencies, they selected those that are especially damaging to the penial gland. And they pushed these things on all human beings in the last 60 years. That's why people have severely calcified penial gland. 

While blocking the normal spiritual development of the masses, at the top of their Luciferian Brotherhood structure they have the 5 Mothers of Darkness. Raised in that lineage, and trained to inherit that position, Jessie testifies:

"Every night those 5 Mothers of Darkness will gather together, and their job was to meet with Satan, and to meet with his 9 Principalities for his army, and to get a download for what is his agenda... He has one agenda, to get his army into human host"... as "a spiritual gate to come and usurp the Tron of God," Jessie explains

Following the formula of creating problem to push through their solution, these satanists are now capable of using the new tech to kill people and replace them with clones. That means to kill you, and replace you with younger clone of you, without soul - just a bio robot that has only your material field copied in it. A purely physical mind thing, easy for them to control and manipulate, reprogram and use as they wish. 

That's why all the talk of MedBeds making you 20-30 years younger. When the younger clone comes out and you are killed, they have to make people believe they made you younger. They already have numerous underground factories of clones. God has to stop this madness. 

As Kimberly said, "Do I expect them to give up. No, I don't! But I do expect them to get off this planet. Because nobody wants you here anymore. Even Source doesn't want you here anymore. And you've been taken out left and right."

The FULL EXPOSURE of the Satanic Cabal operations controlling wars, governments, sex trafficking, pedophilia, Weapons trade and control of society through taxes and hundreds of trillions of Dollars to dark operations, is a clear sign that the spiritual power of Lucifer is no longer with them.  

Chemtrails Cloud Seeding Suspended

Is it a sign of approaching the end of this war that the State of Illinois made the Chemtrails illegal? The sky was suddenly blue again. This signaled the beginning of a chain reaction to gradually block this poisonous cloud seeding around the world. 

"Former military doctor states chem trails contain barium salts, human plasma, microviruses, non-terrestrial nano-silicon machines, poisonous aerosols, and can even be used to augment ‘bio-coding’ frequency-transmission capabilities, to provide an assistive-basis for “thought-based DNA warfare”. (Video)

And truly, The Sidney Morning Herald now reported that the Cloud Seeding Operations are being suspended. I personally noticed that in the last 4 weeks there were suddenly no chemtrails both in East Europe and in UK, which is strange. But some days I see a lot of the 'tick-tack' (gravitational-aircraft) created, new type of Claude Seeding. I personally observed such a 'tick-tack' appear and disappear while forming them. All my family saw it. The narrative goes that they are not dangerous, but how to know?

High levels of contaminants exposed by insider. Violating law after law after law. Geo-engineering is the newest weapon they are using. 

As former Satanist, Jessye Czebotar said, "As Babylon has been taken down, and we know that Vatican was dismantled this past year, they are out of funds. But as they are taken down the new system is rising up - the Leviathan system, and who is behind that? You have the St.Hidren. So who is gonna bring the Antichrist in and proclaim him 'god' in the Temple? They already have rejected the real Messiah, so they gonna erect their own 'messiah', their own king." (Video)

Fighting the Cabal or Fighting us

According to Kimberly, "Q is a good source to know what the Deep State are planning, because they are the Deep State." Video

I also see this problemTrump is still the president, thus responsible for the current situation, if we accept this Executive Order 13818 as valid. Trump is also related to Q, and Q is telling us openly, "Now we have to scare people... increase prices... destroy western economy... take people's money... create war. To show people how evil the Lefts are." Pretending to fight the Deep State they are fighting us, looks like!

One of the signs of their morphing into a new system of control is that they are eliminating and replacing their Old GuardIn the CIG News Report, THE SATANIC SYSTEM IS CLEANING THEIR OLD GUARD, we reported of many top players being taken out, including Rothschilds, Royals etc. They are all being removed one by one, sources say. 

"High ranking global elites will continue dying in unprecedented numbers," according to Mell Gibson. "The old guard Illuminati are being slaughtered like... beasts." According to Gibson they are returning to their Dark Overlord to better support to coming Antichrist.  Video

The question still stands; Is that war on evil real, or just a cover for their morphing into the new System of Control? See, HOW REAL AND EVIL IS SATANISM TODAYIs humanity finally stepping up to end the spiritual subjugation of the Luciferian inhumane global merciless network of control? What did change in the spirit world to make that possible?

Why is all this happening now? It's God's love! It's for the sake of liberating humanity from these spiritual forces. It has to come. It has to be seen and revealed. It has to end. As Edgar Cayce predicted, soon the spirits of the lower realms will be completely prevented from influencing the earth God cannot wait any longer. We live in the age of CIG. The past has to be liberated quickly. How wonderful is this chance, even though we on earth will still suffer for a while! Read more...

Are they losing the Money Control

"As the beast is no longer feeding the 10 thousand corporations that were listed underneath this thing, you gonna see a lot more of this stuff breaking down. You gonna see shortages... you gonna see everything brake down as those corporations are not being fed, and the credit lines they had against fake assets go away. Remember, these guys were all about controlling every single thing in the world." Kimberly (27 min)

The privately owned by Rothschild, Crown, US Inc, Federal Reserve: The Federal Reserve was not a federal agency. Since 1913 through their privately owned IRS, the Fed has been unlawfully collecting and stealing taxpayer money by illegally enforcing their own rules on the population using the un-Consitutional Maritime Law, plus manipulating the Global economy and contributing to the financial instability of the US and the World. 

However, as Kim reported, "Their super secret back-door communication and monetary lines of the Jesuits and the Knight Templers "disappeared today.. We have no more fake accounts, no more monetary systems for black operations, and no more back doors for "the top Cabal military generals.)"

"Therefore there has been no money since 2012," Kim said. That was the last time the Global Repository gave them allocations (for print of new money). 

No longer under Lucifer, the Global Repository is no longer sponsoring their dark plans, Kim admits. Instead they started using fake pallets of cash and fake money on the screens on server systems like this to convince operatives and people around the world to do pretty serious things. A process orchestrated to be able to get something for nothing. There are still people that have never got their money, from 4 decades... 

And now Kim says: "Banks need to make a life choice at this point, because the fantasy in the 'false assets' are not there. Now they are telling everybody this is just a computer glitch, "Oh, this stuff started disappearing, but it's just glitch. We will get it fixed."" But Kims says, "Things gonna start getting really desperate." 

Subjugating Satan Substantially from the Spirit World

What are the signs that Rev. Moon has mobilized the good spirit world, including former presidents and religious leaders, to put end to the Satanic Sovereignty on Earth. The sequence of CIG News Reports are giving you amazing insight on that providential process reshaping the world now. 

To understand how we got here historically, read of REV. MOON'S VICTORY OVER SATAN & THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN. Since the fall, mankind has been under the dominion of Satan and his structures on earth rule. Due to the changes brought about by the victory of the True Parents, their hierarchical structure has been disintegrating since Lucifer stepped down from the leadership position (in 1999). Let's look at how these spiritual processes affect the earth? See, LUCIFER REPENTED 

Who Subjugated Lucifer making him Step Down 

"Someone on behalf of God must be victorious over Satan… as a child of direct lineage, he must fight with the satanic world and win over it for God." Thus, "When God’s love, God’s life, and God’s lineage are established, Father Moon explained, “Satan will have to leave." THE TRUE MEANING OF THE MESSIAH

After Lucifer was subjugated by 1998 he had to step down. His top demonic generals, however, continued on their own. But now, 23 years later, that everyone of the Satanic Pyramid (the Coven Musters and above) is gone, those below start presuming that without their muster they are now elevated to rule. And underneath of these new bosses you have the governments. 

But now it seems that this house of cards is collapsing. The victory was spiritual and ideological. Once Lucifer had to step out all the evil, previously well disguised, became obvious, its power was lost, and its collapse was immanent. Don't we see that happening now?

Lucifer gave the right to certain dark bloodlines to use the magic of money from nothing, in exchange of them keeping humanity to never develop spiritually, through constant suffering, wars, poverty, penalties, taxation and so on, and so on. But can they hide now? Why is all about their evils open for everyone to see? This is result of the changes Rev. Moon brought in the spirit world. 

"Harassed, accused and imprisoned, my husband and I never gave up and we never will, whether on earth or in heaven. One with his bones and flesh, with his thoughts mine and my thoughts his, I give my entire mind and body to practice love for the sake of God’s dream. I have walked this exhausting life course silently as the one called to bring the human family together as the Mother of peace, to heal our suffering planet as the Mother of the universe, and to bring joy to our Heavenly Parent as His only begotten Daughter." Hak Ja Han Moon, Mother of Peace

You have to understand that Satan was won spiritually before that was possible to happen. Now we see the external effect. After the foundation of the International Marriage Blessings expanded God's lineage worldwide, Lucifer had no longer lineage rights over humanity. So in 1999 he was forced to step down. Without his spiritual protection and guidance his minions started collapsing. The good forces in hiding stepped in to abolish the vast spiderweb of the Satanic sovereignty.  See, LUCIFER REPENTED: SATAN HAS RETURNED TO THE ORIGINAL CREATION

"Our Pacific civilization must learn from the Atlantic civilization’s mistakes. The Atlantic civilization could not realize its own Christian ideals. It degenerated time and time again into conquest and exploitation. In contrast, the Pacific civilization must display a maternal heart. It must grow as an altruistic culture based on true love, as the Holy Community of Heavenly Parent, setting the standard of living for the sake of others that uplifts all peoples. This is Your (God's) wish, and I am offering the remainder of my life to realize it fully." Hak Ja Han Moon, Mother of Peace

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