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Articles on Unification Family Therapy

Basis for Unification Family Therapy

Helping The New Tradition of Marriage Be Established

One of the most practical area of application of DP and UT is the Family Therapy; resolving actual problems in families and the society. Psychology, not philosophy, has dominated the world in the last century. Thus, proper contra-proposal to the humanistic psychological views was long needed. 

Family therapy is closest to the Unificationist view because it recognizes that individual problems cannot be mended without correcting the whole family construct. Family therapy proved to be very effective in dealing with the family problems, precisely because it is based on fixing the family four position foundation. READ

Articles on Unification Family Therapy

By YuliUTS /  Unification Research

Unification Family Therapy
Same-sex marriage will hurt families and society
Culture of Selfishness: More Couples Sleeping Apart
Basis for Unification Family Therapy
Meeting their Match: Rev. Moon See Their Fortune
Unification Family Therapy: Games People Play In The Family
Why incompetent people are often incredibly confident
Interfaith Partnerships: A New Vision for Peace
Study: Abstinence, not condoms, led to teen birth drop
Problem of Today's Humanism
The most dangerous religion of today: Humanism
Depression in Homosexuals
About The Unification Family Therapy

Influenced by the selfist-humanistic thought, psychology today has its limitations in bringing us to the original ideal. Without the model of the True Parents. Rev. Sun Myung Moon's core ideas and principles are therefore at the base of the Unification Family Therapy.

Thus, the primary object of Unification Family Therapy is to set forth a psychological application of the teachings of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. It is intended as a presentation of Unification Principle as a psychological system, comparing it with such traditional systems. The material is presented in the form of a lecture series on basic issues setting the framework of the Unification Psychology. 

Few important issues will be dealt with in this first chapter of the book; Why we need to develop the Unification view on Therapy? What are the objectives of this Therapy? What "horizontal" and "vertical" therapeutic methods do exist and how they correspond to the Unificationist view? And not less important, what role sexuality plays for the healthy Marriage?

This first chapter sets the framework for development of the Unification view on therapy. The next two chapters, dealing with the external (practical) and the internal (spiritual) aspects of the Unification Family Therapy, will go in some concrete therapeutic strategies for resolving the husband-wife problems. My hope is at list to start what is in future to be expended as a very important ideological implication of the Unificationist Worldview – that of Unification Psychology, Unification Psychoanalysis, and Unification Therapy. 

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