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Coronavirus: Liberating Nature and Humanity

CORONAVIRUS Liberating Nature and Humanity

Only love will save the planet and bring humanity into the new world of freedom, joy and wonders that God desires

By Y.UTS / Unification Family Therapy

It turns outwith this Virus; Nature gets cleansed, now corruption will be cleansed, but also humanity is becoming healthier. Seven million die annually from air pollution, and now the clean air experts say, this virus will save millions of lives.

Shutdowns Were Pointless All Along: "It didn’t matter whether a country pursued a severe incarceration-in-place policy like Israel, or went about business as usual like Sweden, coronavirus followed precisely the same pattern."

Reports of overwhelmed health care were not only exaggerated, they were purposefully manipulated by WHO and the media. It's true: In Italy, 50 000 people were dying per month in 2019, but with the Covid pandemic we see 32 831 people died in 84 days (among those of Coronavirus). And strangely, people stopped dying from Cancer. (See, Proof News)

Most hospitals are nearly empty. People start realizing, the death toll is lower than the initial forecast and coronavirus deaths are more in line with those attributed to a bad flu season, or even lower. So it's very important to understand the spiritual meaning of this pandemic. Why was this done? Where it will lead us?

We also note that the closure of most non-essential commercial activities is already a blessing for nature.

Video: Deserts turning green

The Day of Judgement: the Dawn of God's Love

Father Moon predicted this virus will be like the Flood Judgement when the evil Sodom-Gomora like culture was destroyed and only the good family was left to restart the earth. We live in historic time that thousands of years after us will be written about.
The Principle teaches that there is a force outside the human society, which is manipulating human society via a network within the human society. Thus, it talks about Lucifer and his Cabal elite network controlling the world throughout history. 
What we are witnessing now is the overthrow of this ancient control system involving murder, lies and bribery. The hereditary family group controlling this system, called 1% or Cabal, is now losing its grounds. Its structures are under investigation. Soon humanity will see the fruits of being free from these dark forces. Just notice what is happening behind this Covid lockdown.

World Health Investigation Under Investigation
The Clinton Foundation Under Serious Investigation
Corrupted Leaders in Security Under Investigation

See the Protocols of Zion to grasp the evil mind of those who controlled humanity so far. It's a sequel of 10 documentaries uncovering the history of the satanic control from the OT, NT, till now. It's time to end. God will come back in control. Nature and Humanity will be free. 

Heal the World with Love

More than 20 years ago the good forces on earth started preparing for the transition to a new paradigm for humanity; where prosperity, new technologies will give freedom, liberating us from the need of wars, suffering and hunger. Humanity will be now free from the control of money and learn the greatest universal power of all - love:
"Love is God, and God is love... The energy to heal the world can be obtained through love... love is the most powerful force there is, because it has no limits... If we want the world to survive... love is the only answer. Enough powerful to entirely destroy the hate, selfishness and greed that devastate the planet. Each individual contains in himself a powerful generator of love... Love congers all!" Einstein
There is no point in panicking and fear, because the power of consciousness and mind is much more powerful than a virus and much more powerful than any weapon that was created. It has the power to transform the human future. Allow yourself to be centered and calm, where you feel connected to this ocean of God's love.

Change the World Paradigm

See this video to understand what is coming and why the US Space Force was created, to help realize this new paradigm. Richard Greer also explained the new technologies that exist. He clarified that UFO encounters were actually observations of these new, secret technologies, and the so-called Aliens are actually extra celestial (spiritual) beings.

I was always curious, how Angels were coming and appearing physically on earth in the past. In the Book of Enough was written, how they had a way to appear physically and were taking him with flying machines; showing him not only the physical world but also spiritual things and laws in action. They were showing him how to control the weather, something that these new technologies can do. And Richard explained that that's always the case, if it's interstellar it is inter-dimensional, meaning spiritual and physical worlds become one - can interact freely in that higher frequency. Keshe also explained that in his lectures. When you create a strong magneto-gravitational field, the original mind of people opens, they get healed, and they can even travel in space.
"This technology can be built today with technology that is not developmental to deliver any human being from any place on planet Earth to any other place in less than an hour... Declassifying some of what is currently held in secure vaults would be a good idea." Barrett, US Space Force
So that helps understand why Rev. Moon's words. Originally physical and spirit world were supposed to be one. But now these two worlds are separated, because of the Fall. After the year 2000, especially in 2012, the age of unity of both words will begin. People are now able to restore their original position, thus spiritual and physical will unite and become one world. And that's the future of great technological developments, just as The Divine Principle explains. The book, "Life in the World Unseen" also talked about the great technological inventions prepared to be revealed on earth and make our life amazing, but waiting for the time when people will be ready to use it for good, not for destruction.

Technologies of Peace and Prosperity for All

There will be no more wars and no need for weapons. The Space Force is already demonstrating radiation technology that neutralizes any military missile as soon as it is launched. Instead of wars, we will go into space, mine the moon, build beautiful space stations with lakes and nature, and gravity-free printing in space instead of factories on earth. Mining Mars, the Moon and other planets is the future, the Space Force General admitted.

Video: According to this lecture, these technologies already exist. Even houses and buildings can be printed in space and delivered to anywhere on earth for pennies. We will be able to travel cheaply to any point on earth in less than an hour. Read more...

Predictions: After the Virus

In general, even if you don't want to use the term "biblical" for what is happening, at least we are seeing the biggest global changes since World War II. The changes we will experience are guided by God and the good spiritual world. The world is now under God's authority. Stay calm and pray for the best. God wins. For it was predicted:
Mankind will face the corruption of the world and ALL governments will be overthrown. After a few months, not years. I believe the worst will end by July 2020.
Spiritual Vision: I was praying to learn the meaning of that pandemic. and I had a vision in my dream. I saw a big bread. The beginning was rotten, but the end looked fresh and tasty. This is like the truth. Humanity has to swallow it. in the beginning looks dark, repulsive, they don't want to hear and swallow the truth. But once they learn it, it will liberate them and new fresh times will come. The bright future requires humanity to digest the dark truth of the satanic stuff done by those who governed us and many other famous people. It all has to be revealed. So that God and humanity can be liberated.
"What is the prescription for healing this fractured world? It is true love." Sun Myung Moon
I believe True Parent's victory. I believe God and the good spiritual world will now have full power. We have 7 more years to work hard and expand the Culture of Heart. But this year we are facing unprecedented transition.

What will happen if some good forces do not stop that insanity? See their Plan:

The Hidden Invisible Enemy

And that's the real question - How to bring the truth out? For many will be very difficult to accept the horrible reality behind. Many were asleep, not seeing the satanic things. Many became part of them and were fulled to assist these satanic agendas.

The elite uses a false pandemic and quarantine to force the population to surrender their human rights.

Coronavirus is a real war with this hidden enemy, or "Invisible Enemy", as Tramp called them (implying the evil people behind this Virfus). We live in a great time, when the truth is being uncovered, humanity refuses to stay in this slavery position.

Increasingly, people are realizing that the Coronavirus, which has been designed to restrict freedom around the world, is false.

This is the "Real" pandemic for this richest 1%. The norms for their world Depopulation Program cannot be fulfilled. Bill Gates is not happy, and the World Health Organization (WHO) is under investigation, as Trump sad, and they will get to the bottom of it. Dr. Scott Jenson, a Minnesota Republican state senator, says U.S. government doctors have been instructed to write all deaths as caused by the Coronairus. Media was showing false videos. Many Hospitals were mostly empty.

Covid-19 has spread to all corners of the globe, yet did not reach Beijing, home to all Chinese leaders. There is no blocking in Beijing! Why?

And now we learnthe head of WHO was a terrorist serving China's agenda. Bill Gates didn't raised him in that position because of  health, but to guarantee his criminal plan for forced-vaccination. As a top member of a Terrorist-Communist party, with a known history of genocide, Tedros was elected as the head of the World Health Organization with the help of Bill Gates and China, because of his ability to commit and conceal genocide - help spread and conceals epidemics, and elevate mass murderers in high positions in WHO - see records. Truth should come out, The Trade Market is next, Trump said!

This is a part of a bigger plan for a controlled society: Following China's example, you can see what the post-Coronavirus world should look like. The Chinese Government pushed everyone to work in Labor Camp Factories complete with nurseries for infants,  fulfill the dual function of cheap labor and an unmitigated push to tear the family apart. Husbands and wives are split up and children are educated by the Party. Gates' vaccines are not only to guarantee the reduction of the population but designed to track and control everyone. Gradually the Cabal elite was to enslave the whole of humanity and liquidate 95% of it, especially those who are not good for slaves.

The good forces could no longer wait, they had to urgently interfere. They had to turn this pandemic into an operation to cut the evil completely. While we are at home, a war is waged and our prayers for the good to win are of great importance. But first, please inform yourself, for you can easily stand on the side of evil, without realizing it, just because of ignorance.

Dr. Rashid Buttar BLASTS Gates, Fauci, EXPOSES Fake Pandemic Numbers 

Prepare for what is to come: 

Prepare for what is to come. Is it good? Oh, yes! There will be a complete global meltdown. And then - restart the whole system. Trump will agree to invest $ 5 trillion in the economy, but that won't help. Once the satanic occult members are encircled, he will release Nikola Tesla's zero-point energy for the American industry.

Trust the Plane - God Wins

1. Victory over the satanic forces in the spirit world
2. Victory of the good forces in space and technology
3. Victory over the underground Shadow Government (Tunnels)
4. Victory over the Satanic Cabal in Hollywood

All these were achieved. Now all prayers and work are focused on abolishing the remaining pillars of the satanic structures that kept humanity under slavery.

These were all under Satan's Control - in need of transformation:

- World Health Organization
- The World Trade Organization
- Restructure satanic Governments
- The Banking Mafia
- The Education

Now all these tools of the Cabal will be under investigation. Despite their resistance, they will have to crumble or be restructured to serve the good of humanity. For they were all tools of the Satanic Cabal, controlling the world for hundreds of thousands of years. They were all infiltrated and manipulated by the 1%, rich, paedophilic elite, serving their perverted agenda. Only the truth will liberate us.

The World is Experiencing Resurrection

Two thousand years ago Satan invested all his power to kill God's Son, but 3 days later he was resurrected. Now we see the attempt of this vicious virus to kill and paralyze humanity, yet many prophecy the birth of a new, free world

First, we saw the truth about Hollywood be revealed and arrests made. Mell Gibson spoke of the satanic practices in Hollywood. And you can hear Keanu Reeve on breaking out of the Matrix! God cannot allow this evil to continue any longer. With the Cosmic victory of our True Parents in 2020, the good forces are now to intervene and bring their end.

They could see, that their time is over. But the satanic Cabal decided to move on with their plan for total control and unleashed the deadly virus. Under the cover of WHO and filantrops, like Bill Gates, they planned to paralyze humanity, impose total control and forced vaccination with holographic chips. They openly talked about killing a big percentage of humanity. Leaving less than 1 billion alive.

But there are some good forces in this world, prepared by God, trying to reverse that and bring victory for God. "The use of the pandemic or "infodemia" to overthrow their current global power structure proceeds smoothly, as many sources agree. There have been numerous reports of mass arrests of elite Cabal figures." I hope it's true. Some of these can be confirmed by news reports. And truly, not easy, but I found some evidence for that. At the same time, on 26 of March was launched a new security satellite by the newly created Space Force. They promised disclosure of new, secret technologies that would transform our lives. See, STAGE SET FOR SECRET SPACE PROGRAM DISCLOSURE

Hopeful Events Foretelling God's Victory

As I predicted a year ago, there will be A Consciousness Shift After 2019:
"From now until 2023 we will see many things collapse such as money, religion and government, but these changes will present an opportunity for everything to be rebuilt in humanity's best interests. Many who have been honored will fall from Grace, having been a part of the family of Dark from the beginning. Many shocking revelations to come." (Predictions 2020
What is behind Covid-19 Pandemic: Concerning the real action behind Covid-19 we read:
The well-protected strongholds of deep-state officials, many of them Satanic practitioners who often make child sacrifices, are attacked by elite military special forces under the guise of NATO exercises.
Pentagon sources for the ongoing military campaign against the Satanic Mafia in the US:
"As the underground cabal bases are destroyed in Utah, New York, Idaho, California and elsewhere ... the rescued children are taken aboard Comfort and Mercy hospital ships protected by Marines."
These troops are driven against the huge demonic forces of the Illuminati in the setting of the Deep-Underground Military Base. They use advanced weapons that are unknown to others and are almost in the realm of fiction. These bases are connected to the national network of motorways and (deep-earth) tunnels using magnetic-levitating trains (magnetic cushion) reaching 27,200 km / h. Ie several times faster than an airplane. See video and maps

Even though media is controlled by them, now we see what they have done with this world:

The world will be shocked to learn that over 40,000 children were kidnapped in the United States alone each year (FBI statistics). These kids have been tortured to death by the elite to obtain a form of adrenaline, known as adrenochrome.

Predicted Peacemaker Marks the End of All Evil

Video: The Peacemaker in Nostradamus' predictions: A man from the East, with the name Moon, who will be uniting Religions against Communism and bless thousands of families wherever he goes in mass marriages. See, THE SEVEN SIGNS OF NOSTRADAMUS FOR THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST

The goal is a world in harmony with nature, in which all people have a healthy and happy standard of living. This planet can be transformed into a paradise for all. Yet, even though humanity is winning, the fight for planet Earth is not over. Everyone has to do their part.

The Path Humanity Should Take
Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Proclamation:

The path that humanity must now take is clear... in the face of the D-day that Heaven has revealed through us... you can see that the changes of... the “era of worldly matters,” ... a humanistic era ... these eras were transitional. They are destined to end. They were courses of preparation necessary in order to enter the era in which people could rid themselves of their fallen nature, return to their original selves and live as one united family where they attend God as their father.

The “era of heavenly affairs” is the final stage, in which human beings should follow the path of living for the sake of others. They should do this through establishing an absolute standard on the foundation of purifying themselves, both inside and out, through the holy Blessing Ceremony. This is the time of opening up the era of God’s kingdom, Cheon Il Guk, a time in which we can return to the heart of the one true God.

Once the actual era of God's unified peaceful world - Cheon Il Guk begins, the spiritual and earthly worlds will be connected and brought into oneness, and all things will be governed under the Union of the Spiritual and Physical Worlds, which will be established on earth for the first time. Moreover, the providence will be carried out according to the heavenly law and the heavenly way.

Elections will disappear: They are conducted in a purely secular fashion and will absolutely disappear from the face of the earth. All people will become one family through cross-cultural marriage and the World Peace Marriage Blessing, and we will enjoy tranquility and happiness in the sacred reign of peace. Let me say it again: this day is drawing near.

God's wish for us was to live in Love, with him as our Parent

Stage Set for Secret Space Program Disclosure

US Space Force
Stage Set for Secret Space Program Disclosure
True Parents create a Peaceful World based on the Culture of Heart
2020 - the sharp transition towards One Global Family Under God is marked with disclosure of new technologies for building CIG (God's Kingdom)

Everyone needs to understand that with this Coronavirus we were dangerously close to losing our freedom forever. The US Space Force reports, "We had the choice to let the previous elite (the Black Nobility) put you under total mind control or interfere and liberate humanity from their evil control." That's why REV. MOON PREDICTED THE CORONAVIRUS JUDGEMENT DAY
"The modern world of highly developed technology has now brought us externally to the threshold of the ideal society... Economic progress would have accompanied the development of science and technology, creating a comfortable and pleasant living environment." ESCHATOLOGY
As Robert Steele said, "There is a colony on Mars. There is a 10 000 people there. They are never coming home. NASA lies a lot." (1) Secret technologies are 30 years ahead of all we know. Yet, the future is that of Open Source Technologies, where everything will be shared and 90% cheeper. Talk about "pleasant living environment."

Since quantum computing already exists, the Space Force announced, you have to imagine how important it is to guaranty the security of the society, which they will provide. Quantum computers can literally communicate with everyone's mind; Can read their thoughts and see through their eyes. It can go in the past and see through the eyes of any chosen individual, they claim. For us who know the spiritual world, that should not be a surprise. This technology is already present and will be used everywhere in the next decade. Spreading the Culture of Heart is now more important than ever.
"(Humanity) reach the highest level of spiritual knowledge... Science then would have advanced rapidly in an extremely short period of time, and today's level of science and technology would have been attained in those days." ESCHATOLOGY
SpaceX’s founder tells US Air Force
the era of fighter jets is ending
The Space-X was secretly preparing the technology for Space Force and the new and better world. This world will be resurrected. Thousands of years of satanic control will be ended. We live in historic time. God wins. Read, TIME OF COSMIC DEATH AND RESURRECTION

On April 27, 2020, the US Department of Defense issued a public statement authorising the release of three “UFO” videos taken by US Navy pilots.

The so-called UFOs are actually man-made spaceships. What you didn't know is, that they function as time machines, the Space Force announced. In a way, same as quantum computing, they transcend the physical reality and connect to the spiritual reality. Well, they are here too and soon such new tech will be disclosed, once the present war with the dark elite controlling this world is over. See, ENDING THE BANKING CARTEL

Time for Secret Space Program Disclosure

“US has hundreds of vehicles that are more than capable of space flight. So we have a fleet of vehicles that are seemingly extraterrestrial. But if you know that, you will start questioning why we still use oil…”, that is why they keep all this secrecy, said Navy Seal, Bill Wood. “This space fleet… can go easily around the solar system without much time or any hindrance to the occupants.” Asked, How fast? He answered, “Incredibly fast… just below the speed of light.” (Video)

Long exposure streak shot - successful launch of SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket before dawn at 5:42 a.m. on June 29, 2018 from Space Launch Complex-40

Since we are at the final stage of this war and the satanic lineage's demonic power has been dismantled under the cover of this pandemic, please understand, the only thing left is to wake up the people to the truth. So please read my articles carefully, and research the truths that I'm telling you for yourself. More and more facts are coming out. Humanity is soon to be completely liberated. Read, THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD: GOD'S VICTORY IS AT HAND

See also, CORONAVIRUS: THE SPIRITUAL WAR UNDERNEATH to understand the recent events and the importance of the creation of the US Space Force, in the effort to protect the earth.

Trump signs Space Force Act – Stage Set for Secret Space Program Disclosure

Trump’s signing sets the stage for some amazing disclosures of what the USAF has secretly deployed in space for decades.
President Donald Trump signed the Space Force Act into law, included in the omnibus 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) officially creates a sixth branch of the military – US Space Force (USSF). Trump’s signing sets the stage for some amazing disclosures of what the USAF has secretly deployed in space for decades.

FOX NEWS: The Swamp is deeper than he thought, Trump said on May 8, "but we are cleaning up the FBI, we are cleaning up the Justice Department." Sее update on "Fighting the Deep State"
Approximately 16,000  civilian and military personnel will transfer from Air Force Space Command, which currently hosts 26,000 personnel, to the new Space Force. President Trump would like to see the creation of a Department of Space Force eventually.
The big change that lies ahead is what the USAF plans to do with the highly classified space program it has secretly developed and deployed with futuristic aerospace technologies dating back to the 1970s. Lieutenant General Steven Kwast (USAF ret.) recently mentioned some of the cutting edge technologies developed in classified Air Force laboratories in a November 2019 lecture:  
The technology is on the engineering benches today. But most Americans and most members of Congress have not had time to really look deeply at what is going on here. But I’ve had the benefit of 33 years of studying and becoming friends with these scientists. This technology can be built today with technology that is not developmental to deliver any human being from any place on planet Earth to any other place in less than an hour.

Less than a week before Trump's Act, the Secretary of the Air Force, Barbara Barrett, and Mike Rogers, one of the Congressman who co-sponsored the original bill for Space Force, both called for the USAF to declassify the advanced space technologies it has developed. Barrett said:
Declassifying some of what is currently held in secure vaults would be a good idea… You would have to be careful about what we declassify, but there is much more classified than what needs to be.
All the assets and personnel that clandestinely operate within the USAF secret space program will be transferred over to Space Force and the authority of General Raymond.
This secret space program space activities have been classified so highly that it has negatively impacted career advancements and benefits. The creation of Space Force sets the stage for the official disclosure of major components of the Air Force’s secret space program which I have discussed in detail in the US Air Force Secret Space Program. Disclosure is likely to begin with antigravity vehicles such as the legendary TR-3B, a flying triangle that was first sighted in the late 1980s, and newer rectangle-shaped flying platforms, which were photographed near McDill Air Force base in 2018.

Trump signs executive order to support moon mining, tap asteroid resources

President Donald Trump signed an executive order today (April 6) establishing U.S. policy on the exploitation of off-Earth resources. The executive order, called "Encouraging International Support for the Recovery and Use of Space Resources," has been in the works for about a year. Artemis aims to establish a sustainable human presence on and around Earth's nearest neighbor by 2028. Lunar resources, especially the water ice thought to be plentiful on the permanently shadowed floors of polar craters.

Steps to slow disclosure:
There are also disk-shaped flying saucer craft and stealth space stations that were jointly developed with the National Reconnaissance Office. More incredible are the “stargates” or traversable wormholes that have been secretly developed and used for decades according to multiple insiders.
The disclosure of these and other advanced technologies will be mind-boggling and revolutionize the aerospace industry. More importantly, for the Trump administration, they will help re-industrialize America and establish Space Force as the leading military power in space for decades to come.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Covert Secret Space Program Disclosure: US Navy Patents Confirm Futuristic Space Technologies Real

Rather than attempt to declassify advanced technologies whose release can easily be blocked by government agencies opposed to disclosure, the US Navy is taking a novel disclosure approach. It is using the US Patent and Trademark Office to have patents published which are the blueprints for astonishing technologies long used in a Navy-run secret space program.
Undeniably, the information in these patents will enable the bravest and boldest minds to realize scientific marvels soon to benefit all humanity, finally breaking free of the closely guarded netherworld of special access programs and security clearances.
Dr. Michael Salla reveals the different mind-blowing Navy patents that have been recently published, why such monumental secrets are finally coming to the light of day and how these patents connect to testimonies by multiple insiders who expose how the Navy first deployed its secret space program back in the 1970s.
Finally, Dr. Salla will explain why the Navy’s approach of helping the general public to “reinvent the wheel” of highly advanced space technology is a major step forward in the disclosure process, and what other dramatic events can be expected to take place next.

Coronavirus: Time to Awake and Free the World

"Now, all of Satan’s world must be struck." CSG 196

By  Y.UTS  /  CIG News

While everyone is fixed on this virus fake pandemic it is easy to miss the great changes the world is experiencing behind the scene. As True Mother, Hak Ja Han Moon said, "God is in control and everything will go well". And Father Moon told us, we should be "the first to recognize (the time of Hope), analyze it, criticize it, and take action". 

Lukashenko who is part of the White Hat Alliance and visited many of our True Parents events for peace, does just that, by saying the following:

"After the pandemic the world will be different... where will our place in this new world be? This is the main question... not this coronapsychosis, not the infodemic." Pres. Lukashenko

So how this Corona-psychosis connects with the events reshaping the world? Surely we see this economic and information war between West and East. On the other side, we see the ever more increasing war on pedophilia and sexual abuse. And let's not forget the war with controlled media manipulation, which now includes not only the main media but also the internet (Google, Facebook, etc). These are clear signs of where the spiritual wind of change is headed.

Exposing Satan's Way of Control
The Rothschild Banking Dynasty: How Zionist Luciferian Overlords Came to Rule the Earth 

Once unraveling it, this sexual abuse turned out to be on a much bigger scale than we could ever imagine. We all know the Principle explanation of it going on from the beginning of human history. And yet,  many Unificationists thought this satanic reality is a fairy tale. Many even tell me it is a Conspiracy Theory. But not for the 39 million survivors of sexual abuse in the US alone.

Pedophilia, is originating directly from the Fall under the direct influence of Fallen Angels. Rev. Moon was teaching clearly of this. He told us, that these Satanic forces on the earth are in direct spiritual contact with Satan. Father Moon revealed the Sexual Roots of the Fall and the use of sexuality to control humanity.

Was it necessary to have a War in Ukraine to uncover how vast the network of pedophilia and human trafficking is being spread? Read, HUNDREDS OF PEDOPHILE CAMPS SCATTERED IN UKRAINE and see how this is connected with Lucifer worshiping (DEVIL WARSHIP IN UKRAINE). 

Satanist have always controlled the world from the beginning of history. Only now we come to understand why sexual orgies,  pedophilia,  killing children and drinking their blood was giving them power. Once this came into open, and arrests started, they needed a plan to stop the people's protests. So we come to the Covid-escape pandemic. And here is their plan with their own words:

“Once the herd accepts mandatory forcible vaccination, it’s game over! They will accept anything - forcible… We can genetically modify children and sterilize them - for the ‘greater good’. Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions, and many of you in this room today are investors. It’s a big win-win! We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for providing extermination services. Now, what’s for lunch?” 
Henry Kissinger in a speech to World Health Organization Council of Eugenics February 25, 2009

Do you get it? Force Vaccination and sterilize our children! Do you see how that connects with the plan for a pandemic, forced mass vaccinations, voluntary giving up of our rights and world control? Did you hear Bill Gates promising to reduce the human population with 10-15% by using vaccination and everyone applauded? 

It turns out that Ukraine will save the world - Indirectly; In the captured laboratories, the Russians discovered the production of the coronavirus, the methods of its spread, and the involvement of the World Health Organization in this crime. See, Biological weapons in Ukraine

Dr. Lee has warned us, that all sicknesses are from Satan, perpetuated by his vast network established firmly on earth. Please understand what Rev. Moon was fighting with. (see, THE TRUE MEANING OF THE MESSIAH) You should understand that this is a global network, incredibly well organized under the Dark forces controlling humanity, that many now call the Cabal. It's the same Khazarian Mafia that want's to now take Ukraine. The same force standing behind Covid, the Vaccines and poisoning us with GMO and toxic sprays. 

The most frightening epidemics linked to Gates’ vaccines

In 2017, the Indian Government evicted Gates. The World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines. See Bill Gates Crimes Against Humanity

And did you see how 'Bill Gates is continuing the work of Monsanto'? And they are all part of the same satanic Cult - check their lineage. Learn of The Depth of the Swamp created by those same people. They were caring out this problem for depopulation for more than 240 years. Secretly plotting the extermination of humanity. Yet, I believe that the year 2020 will be remembered as their end. With the sound of a Trump, God will call his people the Bible says.

"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32

The International Media Association for Peace (IMAP): For a Peaceful World of Interdependence, Mutual Prosperity and Universal Values

Believe it or not,  there has never been a time in history when more good changes were implemented as it is at this exact time. The world is soon to awake and understand the truth. God is in charge, the end of all satanic structures is coming, and the world will be transformed and liberated. As we speak, 30 nations have united their forces to end the satanic forces of darkness that have been controlling the earth for thousands of years. Just as Father explained:

"Without fighting in the visible world and defeating Satan, no road will emerge by which we can make progress in the spirit world. Without this, we would surely face obstacles." Rev. Moon - CSG

As True Parents are bringing the fruits of their efforts to establish the Culture of Heart, the foundation has been made spiritually, so that the satanic lineage will end. Automatically that allowed the good heavenly forces to interfere, expose and dismantle all dark forces that were keeping humanity in this dark dominion. Trump not only promised to "Drain the Swamp," but he is actually doing it as a united effort of all NATO forces. Documentaries and reports started coming even in the main news. (See)

Defeating Satan is the only Way 

You may have seen earthquakes, floods or hear explosions happening right now all over the world (Over 200 earthquakes in US in the last 30 days, also Moskow, Spain, etc.). That's because of the cover operation to overtake the dumbs of the evil forces. Simultaneously liberating thousands, upon thousands of sex-slave children used for satanic rituals, tortured to produce adrenochrome by draining their blood. 30 000 military forces mobilized worldwide.

Did you notice: Mar 26, 2020 was launched Advanced High-Frequency Satellite, part of the National Security program for securing world safety. U.S. Space Force promises new technologies - free energy, fast and cheap travel, safety and security. See video

Instead of being afraid by the virus, we should wake up and see the truth; Trump and the good forces behind him moved firmly to end arrest all structures involved in the criminal act of child trafficking, pedophilia, and financial misuse. Under the cover of Covid-19 these people are chased and arrested. They are hiding and being hunted. They have nowhere to run. "Game Over", "No collusion, no obstruction."

According to sources, the children-blood they drink was contaminated with Coronavirus and that will be used as proof in court for their satanic cult rituals and murdering children. There is no escape now. Hundreds of Underground facilities with thousands of sex-slave-children are being liberated all over the world. See the video about Jeffrey Epstein supplying young children for the Global Elite.

TF: Recognize the Global Era and the Time of Hope

This Documentary includes 10 videos with amazing facts that came into the open and brought to thousands of actual arrests (The Cabal Deep State and Qanon E1-10). And if you didn't notice since Trump came the game changed. A war against the Cabal elite and Pedophilia rings is in full action. Nearly 4000 were arrested in 2018. Around 5000 were arrested in 2019. And you can find the list of 500 000 top-level officials and famous stars that would be arrested in 2020 for crimes against humanity. Or many of them will die from Covid-19.

There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.

Facts are shocking, but they show one thing: "God wins" it's the time of "God's direct dominion". And we are Unificationists and Peacemakers should not stand on the way, but focus even harder on expanding the Culture of Heart. Now that the satanic lineage will be out of the way, restoring the world will become much easier. Aju!

"What kind of person is a wise person? He is the first to understand and recognize the global era and the time of hope. The wise person is the one who can bear the responsibility of being the first to recognize it, analyze it, criticize it, and take action. In this way, he takes possession of it." CSG p.196

If you don't believe it, I can bring you thousands of documents, from the US government, videos, even news-covers in the main media. Open your eyes and you'll see numerous signs.

The surest way to know this is the truth, is by observing their huge effort for censorship, erasing all evidence, covering up by all means, and than claiming that this never happened. It's just a Conspiracy Theory. Really?!!! Unbelievable! Miserable Evil Satanists!
See, Millenia of Human Enslavement, Child Rape and Blood Sacrifice from Antiquity to the Modern Catholic Church

See all the 10 videos, The Cabal Deep State and Qanon

How did Satan Control Humanity
It's time to turn on the lights and uncover the Spiritual Truth behind the Coronavirus

I urge everyone reading this to also see the videos. Check some of the links if you don't know the facts - to get informed. What's amazing is that you'll find all the world problems connected to the same people and their agendas. But when you check further, you'll find those people connected by lineage. However, what they always tried to cover up is their secret practices that are coming out in the open just now. And the horror of their deeds makes it unbearable to handle that information. Satanic stuff... whatever you want to call it, but definitely not human.

There was always a spiritual battle behind the scene. What we thought is history was fake propaganda (see video), covering the way Satanism controlled the world. As Father Moon explained, the evil physical world is in constant communication with the evil spiritual world:

In the progress towards the original world... good spirits are fighting their way towards it, and evil spirits are struggling to block the way. The evil spiritual world and evil physical world are in a constant communication. Good spirits are the ones who were opposed and persecuted in the sinful world." Sun Myung Moon, Earthly Life and Spirit World II

Only now it comes on the surface, how were Satanists mobilizing the evils spiritual world to help them gain power over humanity. They were using child sacrifices and sexual orgies. Now is the time for this ancient demonic practice to be stopped. God and humanity are to be liberated. Read more...

The Path Humanity Should Take
Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Proclamation:

The path that humanity must now take is clear... in the face of the D-day that Heaven has revealed through us... you can see that the changes of... the “era of worldly matters,” ... a humanistic era ... these eras were transitional. They are destined to end. They were courses of preparation necessary in order to enter the era in which people could rid themselves of their fallen nature, return to their original selves and live as one united family where they attend God as their father.

The “era of heavenly affairs” is the final stage, in which human beings should follow the path of living for the sake of others. They should do this through establishing an absolute standard on the foundation of purifying themselves, both inside and out, through the holy Blessing Ceremony. This is the time of opening up the era of God’s kingdom, Cheon Il Guk, a time in which we can return to the heart of the one true God.

Once the actual era of God's unified peaceful world - Cheon Il Guk begins, the spiritual and earthly worlds will be connected and brought into oneness, and all things will be governed under the Union of the Spiritual and Physical Worlds, which will be established on earth for the first time. Moreover, the providence will be carried out according to the heavenly law and the heavenly way.

Elections will disappear: They are conducted in a purely secular fashion and will absolutely disappear from the face of the earth. All people will become one family through cross-cultural marriage and the World Peace Marriage Blessing, and we will enjoy tranquility and happiness in the sacred reign of peace. Let me say it again: this day is drawing near.

You must all now engrave True Parents’ teachings onto your bones and practice them in your life. We have no choice. If we do not prepare now, we will surely be left behind. Read the full text

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