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We are moving to a new paradigm of governance and economics


A World Transformation is at Hand

Transition towards a new paradigm of governance and economics, accompanied with disclosure of new technologies for building CIG (One Global Family Under God)

4 March 2021 / CIG News

"Technology has always changed world power," Gen. Steven Kwast says. In the past even a small island could dominate the world "because they optimized the development of deep sea."  But now, "Space is gonna change world power." "But the story of rejecting new and holding and clinging to the paradigms of the past is why no civilization has ever lasted forever."

We could not learn about and use the new revolutionary technologies "because the darkness did not allow more significant advances" in technology and spiritual development of humanity. But they can no longer keep us in darkness. (1) 

Yes, the US Space Force has already announced that it will declassify these technologies. They say they will make energy and the internet free for everyone. We will move to a new, harmless, high-speed Internet, accessible to anywhere on earth. The goal is for poverty and ignorance to disappear.

"The reason space is so powerful is... because it will transform the four major engines of economic growth: (Transportation, Information, Manufacturing, and most important - Energy.) These are the things that will change humanity, will change world power." Steven Kwast

"This technology can be built today, with technology that is not developmental; to deliver any human being from any place on planet Earth to any other place in less than an hour. To deliver Wi-Fi from space, where you never need a cell tower to connect. To deliver energy from space so you never have to plug your phone... and you can use that energy over time. It can be applied to cars, to houses... The technology today is expensive, it's dangerous, and it's wasteful. Plug it into the wall, because we are used to paradigms."

209 countries have signed large-scale changes to the system. There will be other reliefs for people. According to this new bill, we are moving to a whole new paradigm of governance and economics. There will be no more wars and no need for weapons. The Space Force is already demonstrating radiation technology that neutralizes any military missile as soon as it is launched.

"You either have it and your values rule, or you do not have it and you must submit... The biggest trap of culture is the mindset... that it has to be that way."

Instead of wars, we will go into space, mine the moon, build beautiful space stations with lakes and nature, and gravity-free printing in space instead of factories on earth. Mining Mars, the Moon and other planets is the future, the Space Force General admitted. 

High Tech and Comfortable Living Environment

"The modern world of highly developed technology has now brought us externally to the threshold of the ideal society... Economic progress would have accompanied the development of science and technology, creating a comfortable and pleasant living environment." ESCHATOLOGY

According to his lecture these technologies already exist. Even houses and buildings can be printed in space and delivered to anywhere on earth for pennies. We will be able to travel cheaply to any point on earth in less than an hour.

"Transform the energy market where everybody can trickle charge... to power anything on planet Earth from anywhere without any power lines, any power plants." 

"Transform information, where you can get information.. and you don't need to be near a city or near a cell tower."

"We can manufacture things in the space using the vacuum and zero G, to not only research... but to build facilities and structures in a ways we could have never done before, and deliver them as light as a feather anywhere on planet Earth for pennies on the dollar of transportation coasts." 

Steven L. Kwast is a retired Air Force general and former commander of the Air Education and Training Command

A lecture by David Steele on the benefits of open technology explains why prices will fall by 20 times. He gives the example that a two-storey house with free energy and water, together with an aqua-pond greenhouse system for its own production of vegetables and fruits, will cost only $ 500 in production, and the delivery will be for a negligible price.

Next stage will be restructuring all power structures, the judiciary, education, healthcare. Those trained in these areas will need to be retrained. We will also have to re-learn history, because most things have been false and misleading.

Keshe, who revealed how gravity works, says we will soon be able to fly to Mars for our morning coffee and return to work. This technology exists. The question is how long the transition will take, 7, 10, 15 or more years.

But more importantly for us, they promise that life will become easy. Tax will be removed. A lot of money will be given to charity. New treatment technologies will make our lives full. Viruses and vaccines, it turns out, were a scheme of Satan's elite to keep people forever sick and to limit the population to keep us in slavery. Imagine how beautiful the world would be without them.

The Competition for this New Market

The competition for the mining of the moon is in full swing. There is the real race between the United States and China, military admits. There are reports and testimonies of dozens of flights to and from the moon, which are conducted daily. But to talk openly about it, the US Space Force first wants to declassify its flying gravitational technologies, which have so far been misleadingly pushed as UFOs.

“US has hundreds of vehicles that are more than capable of space flight. So we have a fleet of vehicles that are seemingly extraterrestrial. But if you know that, you will start questioning why we still use oil…”, that is why they keep all this secrecy, said Navy Seal, Bill Wood. “This space fleet… can go easily around the solar system without much time or any hindrance to the occupants.” Asked, How fast? He answered, “Incredibly fast… just below the speed of light.” (Video)

In this video Dr. Greer discusses crucial information about advanced technologies.

"Whenever humanity has a new marketplace like this, if there is not some guardian force that brings predictability to that economic marketplace, violence ensues. Pirates, thieves, and thugs steal what good men and women build."

In his words, China and Russia already have the technology and "are building a navy in space," with "battleships and destroyers." For "whoever gets to the new market sets the values for that market." "We can either set the values where we are love equally by God... or we can have the values that we see manifest in China... crashing religion and human rights, and human dignity."

"When you see China on the far side of the moon, mapping today minerals and the resources so that they can eventually have infrastructure to build and 3D print and have a manufacturing industry in space... there is a continent out there 3 times the size of Africa (the Moon). And it has a massive amounts of everything that mother Earth has. To include water on the south pole. And China is racing with ships on that open ocean... to tap into the trillion dollar markets." 

Inhabiting other planets

Austin Steinbart says, he has being trained to lead the Space Force, says that all the extraterrestrial life forms he has seen are in fact of human origin. People inhabiting other planets adapt to life there, which leads to genetic and external changes. I guess from previous - destroyed terrestrial civilizations, people have already had flying technology and inhabited other planets. 

In fact, Steinbart clarifies; The so-called contacts with aliens are mainly visits from the future. He explains how this is possible with quantum computers that already exist. According to him, when the military realized that these contacts are just visits from the future, they were ordered to ignore them.

He also spoke about free energy and the Internet, but clarified that at the moment we are struggling with the disposal of some very evil people, capable not only of attacking us with viruses, but also with mass killings, assassinations, organized riots, etc. It is about the fact that the United States, Russia and a number of other countries expelled the Rothschilds and took back their national banks from the hands of these private mafia structures. This provoked a counterattack with the Corona virus, under the guise of which, however, the forces of good began a mass persecution and arrest of the entire structure of the pyramid that ruled humanity behind the scenes.

Quantum Med Beds: Holographic Medical Beds

"Quantum leap is not a simple advance. It is a real jump. It will be the end of unfair wages. It will be the end of the disease industry. It will be the end of criminal organizations and inefficient education systems... Abundance will finally manifest on this earth." Audio

Who was blocking that abundance? 

It turns out that all the wars, poverty, violence, injustice, etc., were planned and created by these banking cartels. For thousands of years, their bloodlines have ruled the world behind the scenes, spreading terror, violence, wars, disease and pandemics. Thus we understand that our ruling world elite is not accidentally deeply involved in pedophilia, brutal torture of children and ritual murders. This was the same ancient satanic cult that ruled the ancient Incas, Egyptians, Babylon, and so on. And the adrenochrome (blood rich in adrenaline), raped by the raped and tortured children, turned out to be the powerful drug that gave them strength and youth.

Now this satanic system is falling apart. Since 2013-16, began some high lever court cases, persecution and uncovering of global channels for child trafficking. For the first time, elite leaders in Hollywood, politics, even higher elites, like the Pope and some Royals were caught and tried in International Court.

Now the military court will begin slow disclosure, revealing the shocking videos, testimonies and facts. Gradually that will go in the main news, awakening more and more people to some horrible facts. Until then, this was done quietly, under the guise of the Pandemic, so that there are no riots and to ensure the safety of the people. The purge is expected to be mostly completed by 2025-26.

Is Humanity Matured not to Misuse it

"The bloodshed will pale in comparison to WWII and WWI" when you know the power of this technology.

Now many governments signed to close their Nuclear Plant. The Green deals are not the solution, but reverting to even worse for the environment and for humanity means. As far as I understand, they will close all nuclear power plants in the world and launch new technologies. This tech was here for decades but was kept secret.

Two reasons for the secrecy. (1) The Oligarchs controlling the Earth used it just for themselves to keep control. (2) If humanity's consciousness is not matured it can be used to destroy each other. 

As Col. Greg Rinchinch explained, there are a lot of new weapons. The new lazar weapons hit is vaporized. If Hypersonic weapon goes 10 miles in less than 3 seconds. All you see is a flash. If is launched there will be no time to react. And that's a great fear of the big countries. (1)

Now we hear more and more openly about these technologies. The United States and Canada are already running on free energy from a huge, underground gravitational technology that has been secret until now, some sources claim. In a recent video, it was described that a device, the size of a shoo-box, can produce free energy to power way more than a single house. The patent for this particular device was already officially discussed and can be freely seen on internet. 

The Need for Revolution of Heart and Conscience 

Here comes the most important question. What will people do when they have enough money and time? Look at the riots in the United States. People are so ideologically confused by the deliberately introduced disagreements with which they have divided us and kept us subordinate. Now we need a new revolution of the heart, a revolution of conscience, as the Unification Movement brings.

For the new tech to come, the old blocking corporations should go. As a result of court decision, the entire Rockefeller Standard Oil-Trust, the world’s largest corporation of its time, was sentenced to be dismantled. But Rockefeller was already above the Supreme Court and did not care about this decision. Read more

People need to understand that family is something extremely valuable. This is the school of love and conscience. Only from healthy families can a healthy society, nations and a world full of love emerge. All humanity must unite, as One global family centered on God, as our universal parent. This is the teaching of Dr. San Myung Moon. It is no coincidence that Nostradamus prophesied of him as the Messianic Peacemaker we must follow. (See)

In this regard, dozens of nations have already accepted his teachings. In some countries it is taught in schools. In some areas, more than 80% of the population has received family blessings. You have heard of the mass weddings he holds, entitled, "World Peace through Healthy Families." The most beautiful thing is that prominent representatives of all religions are already uniting behind these goals.

Rev. Moon often spoke about moving to other planets and living in space. Some families, he explained, will choose to live in space station. New technologies will allow us to have our houses in the sky and obtain the needed water and energy there. Some will choose to travel to other planets and live there. Others will choose to build houses and towns under the water. The earth will be connected with super-fast magneto-gravitational underground trains, allowing us to live at any place and work on the other side of the globe. Read more 

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