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An Illusion so Vast that Escapes our Perception

So Vast to Escape Our Perception

In the previous CIG Report, THE DECEPTION: the awakening & THE REAL ENEMY, we explained how all this separation of left and right, white hats and black hats, is part of the script - a theater cleverly designed to create an illusion and keep the deception. Yet both sides, God and Satan, want to abolish the previous social construct, however with different end goals. 

Yes, the truth has to be revealed. We idolize sexually perverted satanic Hollywood actors and actresses as if they are gods. We celebrate pagan holidays. We support child trafficking in the form of charitable donations. We support a Congress that passes legislation to kill us and slowly remove our God given rights. See, WEATHER WARFARE

They always make us believe they will make the world better; save the environment, protect our health... So weird how is it literally the exact opposite of what they say when they do it. 

We go to doctors who often make us sicker. We take medications and vaccines that poison and kill us. We support the terrorist state of Israel responsible for literally every modern day war, and the home base for the Synagogue of Satan. We think voting will somehow change things when in fact every single 4 years it gets progressively worse. Read, THE ILLUSION OF FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY

But now, some invisible force is pushing the truth of these evils be known, just as Father Moon predicted about this new age that we are transiting to: 

"Up until now, good and evil were in a muddle, crisscrossing over each other while ascending and descending. But from now on, I see us entering a new dimensional age, in which good and evil can be completely separated." (Sun Myung Moon, CSG, 740)

The fact that all this awakening of the truth is taking place is a visible sign of the invisible spiritual wind overtaking and transforming the world in accordance with God's Will. No matter how the evil structures are twisting, morphing and trying to survive, God has his plan that is beyond their comprehension.

And now different sources report that, THE SATANIC SYSTEM IS CLEANING THEIR OLD GUARD, in desperate attempt to adjust to this age of upcoming Cosmic Peace and Unity. And both sides, GOOD AND EVIL WORK TOGETHER TO ABOLISH THE OLD WORLD PARADIGM.

Video: 2023 was massive documented pushback to tyranny & control by the evil Deep State globalists. "You have people who would never believe that it was that bad. But now they started realizing, it is that bad, we have to push back, they are trying to kill us and they are trying to take all of our stuff." 


Their Methods and Philosophy are Satanic

In the movie, Spiderman, the illusions of Mysterio, foretold us that they are going to pull the biggest illusion in history, and they don't care how many casualties there will be in the process. One thing was really true: The guy pretending to be a 'savior' is the very evil genius behind all that destruction.

We can now appreciate the mass exposure of the perverted satanic ideologies and their manipulative tactics, even while knowing that they are again planning to trick us with this. Just as Lucifer told part of the truth, just to trick Adam and Eve. As the Divine Principle explains,

"To extirpate evil by its root, and thereby end sinful history and usher in an era of goodness, we must first expose the motivation and origin of Satan and recognize the destruction he has wrought in human life." The Human Fall

How best to "expose their motives" and "the destruction they brought on humanity" then using their own teachings. Read carefully their Evil Secret Plans, below. Unless these Snakes are exposed completely, no hope for humanity. As Father said, we have to win IDEOLOGICALLY. Indeed, this is a SPIRITUAL BATTLE.

Created by the Rockefellers secret

"We will create an illusion that will be so large and so vast that will escape their perception. Those who will see it will be thought as insane. We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection with us. To keep the illusion alive our goal will be established one drop at a time to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur."

"We will remain bound in secrecy... We will keep their life span short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite. We will use soft metals and sedatives also in water and air. They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn."

When poisoned they will come for solution yet we will feed them more poison... they will destroy their minds and reproductive system. We will teach them that these poisons are good with music, films and make them accustomed to them. Starting early on when their minds are young... luring them with sweets... when their heath decay we will fill them with metals that will... their minds and still their future... we will create medicine that will make them even sicker and cause other... They will go oppressed slow and obese.

We will focus them on money and external things... destruct them with fornication... make them do what we say. We will use fear as our weapon... establish governments... own both sides... make them kill each other... Control all aspects of their lives and make them what to think and how... gently, letting them think they are guiding themselves... forming animosity between them, forming different fractions. We will accomplish this using hat as our allay, anger as our friend. We will prosper from their wars. 

We will use all the tools to accomplish our goal, tools provided by their labor. This they may never know... must always live in an illusion. We will take over their land, resources... providing us with total control over them. 

We will invent Laws to still the little freedom they have. We will establish money system that will make them slaves forever, keeping them in debt. We will use the media to control the information and make their sentiment in our favor. 

When they rise against us we will crash them as insects. They will be helpless to do anything for they will have no weapons. So grand will be the illusion that they will never know they are our slaves. The reality we create for them will be their prison. They will never know the truth, for they will go against us. They will not be able to see the truth until is too late." 

 URGENT ALERT                                           

Their Program of Infiltrating Media, Politics and Churches

These same Khazarian Jews, generational Satanists, are the owners of NEARLY EVERYTHING, is all part of the Cabal bigger plan using ideological subversion and manipulative propaganda program of psychological warfare. 

Together with the Masons and other agents, they infiltrate from inside everything not only to keep control but thus gradually acquiring everything good that others created under their Satanic umbrella.

NOTE: Check in your Churches, if some with such Jewish descent didn't take the position of educating your youth. They take such positions to manipulate their minds with their satanic narrative. They are musters of manipulation, so you'll never realize how unnoticeably they plant evil seeds in their minds. Then you wonder why your kids are loosing faith when they grow up. 

That's the case with our UK Church, only Khazarian Jews were allowed to teach DP. Church committees are all packed with handlers, keeping sure that the correct narrative is kept, and everyone is under check. Already main pastor positions are given to known Masons. True Father warned us to be alert for such communist agents. 

EXAMPLE: "Listening to 2 of William Haines' (Jew descent) supposed DP lectures. (1) In the lecture he was explaining the secret to have sex with any girl you want even if you are ugly (what kind of seeds he is planting in their heads)" (2) He barely had few charts from DP... it was all outside stuff. (3) Main points of what DP and Father explain so beautifully were replaced with outside humanistic stuff teaching exactly the opposite. (4) Second generation told me how he was saying on the lecture. "I don't believe DP, but I have to teach it." Thus implanting in their minds that DP is just vague and not important.

How they Practiced it in History

"Our hearts break when we understand God’s lonely, desolate position, not surrounded by the environment that should have existed, accused by Satan, robbed of His rightful place." Sun Myung Moon, CSG p.133

Look at the reality of our countries. For profit, through IMF, they forcefully take all the mineral resources out of the ground, as fast as possible, without any benefits for the local population. (1) (2) In fact, they often ruin the environment around them and make their life miserable. Read, THE MONETARY CONTROL

Due to the external debt, "each country is de facto owned by the IMF and the World Bank." Thus, in reality, your politicians are only showmen, obligated to follow the script they are given from these private bankers, who RULE ON BEHALF OF LUCIFER.

It is Conspiracy beyond our comprehension. Satan was always conspiring against God and humanity. He does that through his earthly objects, the Principle explains. So their evil was not randomly driven by money and greed. No! Behind was the Satanic ideology aimed against humanity and against God. 

Researchers found that 90% of the 5 years old are geniuses but education will dumb them to 2% only. It's all on purpose, according to their goal and plan. 

Video 39 min 80s CIA, blacks, music, mafia:

In the 80s CIA projects were designed to bring about mass imprisonment of black youths by the millions to fill the largest privately owned Prison Systems. Top music executives, music producers and destitution were largely part of unknowns CIA (Deep State) military industrial complex operation to install hate music, crime music, gangster killing music to bring new era of growing Racism among blacks. 

By spreading drugs through CIA operations and gun weapons trade smuggling rings for decades. They intentionally created killing wars between the West and East Coast and moved a massive pedophile ring, human trafficking ring, through the entertainment industry. All connected to CIA, Rockefellers subsidiary companies and associations. 

Their Obsession with Depopulation

If we are 8 billion, only the State of Texas would be enough for everyone to have a self sustaining farm. So the rest of the world will be empty. Why squeezing us in the big cities and fulling us that the world is overpopulated? To excuse sanctions, taxation and limiting our rights laws. They even lie:

The real human population is more likely around 3 billion, according to calculations. The big cities in the world consist of 1.5 billion. All the villages cannot be more than 1 or 1.5 billion extra. The rest is purposefully inflated numbers, to excuse their Depopulation programs. 

And yet, in their criminal insanity, they are planning and predicting that 2/3 of the population will be gone by 2025. (4) That is 70 to 80% reduction of the population in just 2 years.

Video: In 1994, 160 Nations Agreed to Reduce the World Population To 800 Million by 2030 at the World Population Summit in Cairo, Egypt. 1. Toxic Chemicals like Fluoride in Food and Water. 2. Man Made Viruses and Diseases like AIDS virus placed in Vaccines. 3. Chemtrails — filled with heavy metals and numerous chemicals that are Neurotoxins, so sperm counts in men have dropped 50% since they began this project, and respiratory and cancer rates have skyrocketed. They use especially Military Aircraft.

Black Death that swept Europe was connected with the Jews. Was massive pandemic, mass genocide with bio weapons. In 1348 thousands of Jews were caught poisoning the wells with led and were punished with dead. This ignited a vast persecutions famous as 'the Black Death and burning of Jews.' This was 400 years after their Khazarian Kingdom was annihilated by the Russian King, Svietoslav. This Satanism-practicing ruling class spread throughout Europe as Ashkenazi Jews (DNA not Jewish, religion - Satanism, not Judaism). With Babylonian satanic magic they became the Bankers, owners of the biggest Corporations, Media, Military, the Royals and the Governments. 

Just as they were poisoning the wells of Christian communities with led, today they are poisoning the air with Chemtrails, full with heavy metals. The same depopulation agenda. But in the past people got awareness of that and sought retribution. Records show how nobilities and peasants in France aligned together against these Jewish communities, who started this plague in Italy and expanded it in most developed Europe at the time. 

"Only the vaccinated died during the 1918 Spanish Flue. It was a Vaccine Experiment." (Video1) (Video 2)

They follow the same pattern today of releasing pathogens into food, water and air. And by controlling pharmacy and the vaccines, they prophet immensely from that. Then using the empathy of the people they collect millions in donations, what only gives them even more incentive to create more and more horrible diseases in the hundreds of bio-labs they own. 

The Kissinger Report, explicitly states that the purpose of foreign policy in Africa was not to help but to reduce the population. Shrink the population, because they have many natural resources there, not to use them for themselves. The UN was there not to give clean water, but contraceptives and vaccines. (3)

This is a psychopathic mindset that you can comprehend only when you learn that these same Khazarian Jews practiced Satanism for thousands of years. 

Video: Riccardo Bossi

The old social order obstructs both Satan’s & God’s side

We may wonder why the operatives of the Satanic side seems to be fighting to expose and destroy previous system of control.

"When the prevailing social order obstructs the formation of new societies, including those furthering Satan’s goals, Satan joins in the fight to destroy it... (for it) had become an obstacle to both Satan’s side and God’s side... Satan’s side also benefited from the collapse..." DP

In this case, the old Banking system is obstacle for the Satanic side, so they join to collapse it and to expose it's Khazarian-Jew, Satan worshiping Oligarchy. They themselves are exposing the vices of the Democratic political system, the Royal families, all that is hindering them to usher their New World Order system based on Military control, new technologies and digital money.

White Hat vs. Black Hat or Two Wings of the Same Bird

 "Yesterday the operatives running the White Hats discovered they have been working for the Dark Side the whole time." UNN

Why the Deep State are Exposing Themselves Their Past Crimes? Why the "heroes" of this Awakening are only furthering their evil goals? 

It is now becoming obvious of how the Satanic side by exposing the truth of themselves is planning to win at the end. How, unable to control the truth that's coming out the Satanic Corporation raised the banner of a patriot-truth-movement with the only purpose to control the narrative to their own ends.

"There is no White Hats, it's misdirection, it's a Psyop. It is a set up. We have been sold out. We are under the attack of these corrupted Intelligence Agencies." Mike Gill

Just as Kimberly Goguen, now also Karry Cassidy and others are raising the alarm that main figures in the Trump Team are part of this larger conspiracy within the Patriot Movement. The large part of the Patriot Media is in fact captured under the Deep State control. (Video)

"Let's open the borders to 8 million illegals, to show them how evil Biden is." This is crazy. How do you get these people out? The so called White Hats were putting this together - allowing the Biden show, which is under their control, to do it's worse.
AI is telling them to allow the Dark Side to do it's worse. They insist they have to allow this evils. It doesn't make sense. Saying, "We gonna save you," by creating some kind of cataclysmic event. Those are not lessons to be taken. Who makes this plans is the Dark Side. That's Satanic. It's all about keeping us confused. That's how few control us the many. 

Do you notice that we are constantly waiting for this or that indictment, but nothing happens. Why? Because the white hats are just the other wing of the same bird. What's gonna happen with all the people who believed in Trump when he is also exposed? 

Fulford is told by inside people that "the hole Q thing is not really about Donald Trump. It's about Military Intelligence. And they gonna use a Donald Trump, or the Donald Trump as their figure head, but it is a Military move." (5)

Grand Illusion of Awakening: Marking the Moral People for Elimination

"There was definite realization of people that thought that they are the white hats that they are not actually white hats. And they have been promoting a dark agenda for quite some time." UNN

The Satanic side knows the spiritual law. They have to show us what they will do to get our consent. That's precisely what I observe the so called White Hats do. They tell us what evil things will happen. And they say, "It has to happen, so that people will wake up." And we stupid, consent with their evil plans, while they constantly talk and plan of a new and new 'Scare Events', bio-attacks, energy-weapon attacks, and genocidal wars (like Ukraine, Palestine...). 

If you listen carefully, the things they say that should happen, to scare and awake us, are finally the complete fulfilment of the Evil Plan, which they are supposedly saving us from. When that happens will be too late. We will awake in the unescapable Satanic reality. It is really a carefully designed psyop. 

Now Fulford reported, "It is almost game over. The so-called “rules-based world order” has lost internationally. All that is left now is to finish them off in their last strongholds in Europe, Israel and the United States."

He calls that, "The undeclared civil war... that will involve lots of nighttime shootouts." It is a life or death situation he says,

"On one side the Satanists have used Google etc. to compile a list of Americans who they want to kill in order to stay in power. On the other side are patriots with a list of over 1 million sealed indictments they want to act on in order to liberate the US from Satanic rule." 

Video: More Deaths Than Wartime, shows the statistic of Excess deaths by week. That came immediately after the release of the Covid vaccinations. While the countries with small vaccination have negative % of excess deaths - few percent less than expected. 

Texas Criminal Charges: Pfizer to pay 350 billions for Mass CV19 Vax Murders if found guilty on 10 counts of cover up and disinformation. Pfizer knew it is a weapon, it is toxic, and gonna cause harm and even death. The Busters were not even approved. Yet they lied and lied to intentionally deceive. "They literally murdered 15% of our adult population." 

How they cover their crimes? They split us in two enemy fractions and fool us to fight and kill each other. It seems like they are just using this animosity trick to be able to kill innocents people left and right. Including the Unificationists, known precisely for ending Communism and championing family values.

Fulford talks of, "dozen senior Japanese politicians, including four cabinet ministers, were arrested in Japan." "They were all affiliated with the Unification Church or Moonies. Japan is now in the midst of a major political clean-up that will remove the system of KM." Yet, the only affiliation they have is of probably attending on of the Unificationsit Peace events. But even that is enough for them to manipulatively blame and destroy any moral opposition. 

So obviously they are twisting reality to portray the good people as part of the evil and use that to annihilate them. So who is the Mafia at the end? The groups that Fulford is representing surely are. Yet, they are now portraying themselves as the good guys liberating the world from evil. Satan always reverses good and evil, as usual.

He says, "The arrest of the Moonie politicians means the Nazis have lost control of Taiwan, Japan and North Korea." But these politicians are not Moonies. So they use "labeling" to be able to blame and kill everyone they want. 

Just as I explained in the previous report, THE DECEPTION, the whole idea of Awakening is that they will scare the world with all the evil they themselves did, only to be able to point at whoever is not with them and destroy him. Portraying themselves as 'saviors' who are trying to stop the genocide of the KM, they are actually the Cabal operatives genociding humanity and removing the good people who stand on their way.

Since the these Luciferian bloodlines, (Calling themselves, White, Blue, Red, Green... Dragon Families), are everywhere, they now use the Awakening of the facts of their evil doings to blame everyone who had any association with them. Even groups like the Unification Church, who are known for actively working against these Satanic-Communist forces.

Who are the Dragon Families? In their view, they are the Reptilian-Snake lineage that ruled the world under Lucifer for thousands of years. (Pharos, Royals, Dictators like Hitler, and Stalin, even most Presidents today. For example, most US presidents are lineage related). They claim that their lineage is different from us the humans, because it originates in the sexual relationship of Eve and Lucifer (the Cain lineage). Specifically, for it allows Demons to live in them and use their bodies.
The Khazarian Dragon Family is only one of them, given the more visible Financing-Banking part of the pyramid structure of control. Above them are several higher levels, closer to Lucifer, and transferring down his specific instructions. It is a very strict hierarchical structure, based on dark magic, fear and secrecy. See, BLOODLINES GIVEN TO RULE ON BEHALF OF LUCIFER

Their manipulation is so satanic. Only because one lives near or ever met with their Cabal representatives, now they can portray this innocents person or organization as evil. Just as Fulford writes, "Land-locked Paraguay is where the Moonies had a ranch next to the one owned by Adolf Hitler that was subsequently taken over by George Bush Sr. They used Japanese and German submarines to create an international drug mafia smuggling cocaine from South America, amphetamines from North Korea and Heroin from Southeast Asia. This group was also engaged in large-scale human trafficking and arms sales."

Notice how he uses manipulation. By saying "they... smuggled cocaine... and did large-scale human trafficking," he wants you to accept it that Unificationists did that, while in fact he is talking of the Nazi-CIA-Mafia guys he himself represents. They are his sources in all of his materials. He was never even hiding that.

At the end, he is not even accusing the real evil guys, but the once known for being their biggest obstacle. Naturally, since he represents these evil guys. But the problem is that now hundreds of millions of people will be manipulated with his lies and false accusations. The purpose is all these 'Awakening' people to be made to hate and fight each other. 

Another danger I could foresee, and is now becoming more obvious, is that Trump, who is the 'hero' of destroying the 'left', at the end is actually setting the stage to destroy the 'right' and all it's associates. The political 'right' in US had power standing on the strong foundation of Christianity. Now their goal is to use the Awakening to destroy all religions. Even Fulford said,

"We are still trying to get to the bottom of what Donald Trump represents. We get two versions. One is that he's gonna go after all the Patriots, and he is a Trajan Horse. And the other is that he is gonna go after all the Satanists. We will see."

Notice that the Awakening is specially designed to scare the moral people. Those who stand for moral and family values. Everyone who associate with the revealed truth and facts of the evils of the Cabal, is being located and will be marked to be destroyed. That's why the gurus of these awakening are all Cabal agents. Exactly the same way in the Communist regimes, all the Church priests were the Communist Agents who will report and destroy any true believer who is threat for their Totalitarian regime.

Do you think Donald Trump and Elon Musk are God’s enemies? 
It's known that Trump and Musk are born in the 13 Illuminati Bloodlines. That's why they are allowed to be insane rich. By the way, they are both reportedly dead. And no need to ask what side the Doubles are, for they are only actors. The Space Force is pulling the string, the question is if they are against or with God. The answer is, they are from the Black Sun Cult - Satan Worshipers. So, you do the math!

Fulford said, "I heard that Donald Trump in Marolago is not the real one." For few months now many other White Hat spokesman on the internet say the same. But let's face it; Trump was the first Jew to be American president; and Trump was the Trojan Horse to make the Covid Lockdowns and the murderous Covid Vaccinations possible. Now 'Sudden Deaths' and heart-bloodcloaths are massive problem. 

If Trump is still the Commander in Chief, why are they blaming the illegal immigrants and all other wrongs on Biden? They openly admit, that all the evil done through the actor playing Biden is controlled and done by the Trump Team, and their goal is to destroy the political system and collapse the States. 

Who are the Order of the Black Sun, that Trump and Musk are affiliated to? As Kim explains - The Mafia and the Mobs, they were always a creation of the order of the Black Sun. They are into the business of drugs, human trafficking, and than it turned into feeding pedophiles what they wanted. They are controlling all the secret agencies and the secret military (Space Force). 

As Catherine explained, "What kept dollar strong is Military action, she said. And a lot of it is invisible weaponry Black Budget covert operations, we don't necessary know about." "They have remarkable weaponry that can burn down the neighborhood in Hawaii." "Digital fires" are becoming something normal. They have weapons that can create fires, earthquakes, floods etc. 

"Right now we've been run by organized crime... and they need to be thrown out. We need the rule of law." Catherine Austin Fitts

Video: They are tracking the good people who are to be eliminated

So what is the real meaning of Fulford announcing, "we are now in a sort of interlude between the end of the old system and the start of the new. The implications will be life-changing for all of us"? We see that in the history, the satanic side after some period always destroyed its previous form of rule, just to morph into a new, more sophisticated one. 

What new system these people plane to morph into, by destroying all religions and moral values? The fact that most main characters in movies are now trans and homo is most telling of this new future they aim for. And we stand on the way. We, the moral people are obstacle for them.

But now UNN reported that the Chinese "Lee family, from the Dragon Family and partners of the Rothschild Family, have ordered the Secret Space Force to do all of the things that they are doing." "And the Order of the Dragon likes to kill people," Kim said, "they were the source of all the problems we have been experiencing,"  (That includes the White Hat scheme, the Trump-Bidan games, the Wars...)|

She also explained that in the past, if money were transferred to someone by the Front System, the same and equal amount of money will go to them in the Back System (for their Black Projects). That was the dual Coding between the Alpha System and the Omega System (of Banking), she said, but that's no longer the case. Most operatives now premised to no longer follow their orders, she said. "The original 3 family members, that placed those orders, have departed this planet."

The Banking Families claimed ownership over all the money in the world and all the Banks in the world, because that 'manager of paper currency agreement' did not make them owners. It only made them Managers. And their agreements are already expired. The governments in the world are big mess, and we probably have to change all this, Kim said. 

"There is gonna have to be a lot of changes, laws, different things that are going on in the world. We are damping the Tax System, and all kinds of things. We do have a plan for this." Kimberly Goguen

Let me repeat - no matter how much these evil structures are twisting, morphing in their attempt to survive, God has his plan that is beyond their comprehension. This awakening is an obvious sign of the invisible spiritual wind overtaking and transforming the world in accordance with God's Will. 

The Divine Principle explains how God works to re-establish the reign of goodness:

"Although there have been times when evil seemed to prevail, in the end the relatively evil social and political forces declined and were absorbed by the more godly forces. The wars which have shaped the rise and fall of nations are thus unavoidable during the course of the providence to re-establish the reign of good." DP, Eschatology

What is our responsibility? In accordance with God's Principles, fallen people cannot build God's Kingdom on Earth. First the Revolution of Conscience and Heart has to take place, so that true individuals, from there true families, and on that base true society and nations can be able to appear. It's time for that internal revolution, and we pray that in this Age After the Coming of Heaven, with the help of God and the absolutely good spirit world this Cosmic transition will happen.  Continue

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