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Sanctuary Church - Rev. Hyungjin Sean Moon: Freedom of Resentment

Sanctuary Church Rev. King Hyungjin Sean Moon AR-15 Ceremony World Peace and Unification Sanctuary gun blessing ceremony Couples assault rSanctuary Church
Against his Father's Legacy
Freedom of Resentment and Accusations

One who lives in love, does not need guns, for he has no enemy and is protected by God.  We cannot go with resentment against the resentment. Resentment, accusations and fear trap our minds under evil spiritual influence. We have to love and liberate the original mind of resentful people. See, GOD'S LOVE: TRANSCENDING ALL NATIONS AND BORDERS

"In this age, war is the most primitive and destructive means of resolving conflict, and will never lead to lasting peace.. Humankind should end the perverse cycle of war, which only sacrifices the lives of our children and squanders enormous sums of money (and weapons). The time has come for the countries of the world to pool their resources and advance toward the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world." Sun Myung Moon, Peace Message I

One's spirit mind never goes negative, that's the nature of the physical mind, which cannot feel the heart of others and judges externally, feeling no pain in hurting them with accusations. These are the traits of a person abiding only by the physical mind. That's what Sanctuary Church does. They don't understand basics of Rev. Moon's teachings; negative talk generates negative energy.

We see Hyung Jin's sermons full with resentment... Obviously is real in his heart. I can feel compassion... But he should be mature, to understand, that will only send him to hell.. dragging there all the Sanctuary Church with himself.

The spiritual mind always loves. It cannot even think of blaming. It takes all blame upon itself, for the sake of liberating God and humanity. That's when God's power is released; That's the essence of Father's teaching and life. As Mother says, "No matter how unjust the persecution we receive, we do not blame anyone, rather we love them." That's why we are called Unificationists.

Satan is the Master of Accusations

In Satan's world, however, there is no escape - you're always accused. Your heart is always in pain and agony. Resentment directly connects your heart to the resonance of Hell. Both sides feel pain, the accused ones and the accusers. It's inescapable satanic cycle.

Why Sanctuary Church feels excused to create it? Are they blind? Don't they have hearts! Trapped Emotions made them like that. They block their conscience, making them instruments of evil spirits. Just the opposite, we should always be in the resonance of love. Accusations aim to press others down in Hell, but the resonance of love always searches to liberate the hearts of others.

We should learn to recognize how satanic forces work, not to be misled. They are accusing, accusing and accusing.. until everyone thinks they have solution and will bring something better (CAUSA). On the way they feel excused to use dirty rumors and manipulative hate speech.

Hyung Jin gives all sermons full with accusations. What is that? He should wake up! How that makes God feel. Hitler did that. Marxism did that. Result was millions of lives destroyed and devastated. But while accusing, no one notices that Hyung Jin actually is the one changing all the core principles;

Hyung Jin goes so extreme as calling Father's organizations 'Fraud', Father's wife 'Whore' and 'Lesbian' and his hard working witnessing members, "bozos" (Stupid and insignificant) and 'Punks' (worthless people' - a general term of abuse). Why?

Cycling a problem in your head - Internal Hell

How Trapped Emotions work? Once we start cycling in the brain some unresolved problem, there are neurological connections created. By cycling same problem in the mind over and over again, they become stronger than any other connections and override all other logic. Finally all reasoning becomes subjugated by these stronger neurological connections. As a result the Spirit Mind (Heart) of the person becomes imprisoned by the Physical Mind (Brain).

Now the heart is misdirected in an evil direction; resentments and evil deeds can be excused. Satanic spirits are masters in trapping people through this mechanism. This was Satan's greatest power. Ones trapped this way people will work under evil spirits influence. Once they go in spirit world they themselves become such evil spirits that will come and manipulate others.

How such a person becomes an instrument of evil? To run away from his consciousness he has to constantly cycle excusing logic for his resentment. But that will not solve it. So he will search for external support and start massive multiplication through gossiping. That will bring temporal relief and false feelings of joy, but will not solve the problem. Many righteous and conscientious people were trapped in Hell in this way.

Unresolved Pain in the Heart leads to Resentment

How did Satan drag God's children to Hell? He uses fear and resentment. Unresolved pain in the heart, will inevitably lead to resentment and change ones perspective even to the point of neglecting all core Principles and sane logic. But SC have no remorse for doing that? Why?

At first it is hidden gossiping - sharing displeased emotions, like Ham (DP p. 258). But once he finds enough support he feels the power to multiply evil openly and viciously, with no remorse, calling his own mother, "beach of beaches" and "theological lesbian". How much more bizarre things can go! All this seems strange and confusing if we don't understand the spiritual reasons behind.

Spiritual Reasons Behind the Resentment

I have the ability to see ones lineage and what kind of spiritual influences are upon him. When I look spiritually, I could see 100 million historic resentful people doing returning resurrection through Sanctuary Church.

God showed me 70 000 evil angelic leaders - masters of lying, tricking and misleading - working directly on Hyung Jin. Yet I could see that his lineage is clean, there is no personal base for that invasion. It's all for the purpose of some Cosmic level indemnity. Read Father's prayer blessing Hyung Jin

Just few evil angels are sometimes enough to control and manipulate a person. But why so many are mobilized to trapped one pure child of God. These leading demonic angels control all the evil influences in the world. Yet now they are trapped in one person; doing everything to change his perception of reality; make his mind so blurred, even core principles are overpowered by the fixation on these trapped emotions.

Fallen Feelings have to Reappear to be Resolved

Why God and True Father allowed that to happen? Historic fallen natures and resentments can only be resolved if they reappear for a period of time and are reversed and resolved. In this case there are different levels of Indemnity to be completed at the same time; Individual, Family, World and Cosmic Indemnity.

1. On individual level: To qualify and enter the realm of perfection, everyone has to go through a period of complete rejection, yet 'gladly endure' - meaning overcome these heavy historic feelings without resentment. This is the very reason Father pushed away his own children once they have reached to the top of the growth stage. For the same reason many of our best leaders, lecturers and missionaries also experienced a period of complete rejection. Those who overcame could enter the benefits of the age - to grow to Divine Spirit. Those who failed, developing resentments, were trapped under Satan's dominion, or stayed struggling, confused and nonfunctional. They are easy pray for Sanctuary Church - having the same common base of unresolved feelings.

2. On Church level: To divide good and evil within the Church, God caries the providence of separation. All those who failed into resentment, humanism or other deviations of the Principle have to separate on the Cain (Physical Mind) side. The rest of the Church has to realize what's wrong with that and center on the Principle, cleansing itself from all humanism, criticism, gossiping etc. Therefore if the Church does not stand centered on the Spirit Mind people, in pure connection to God and the Principle, it will also fail into faithlessness; Goodness will be not established. In no way God can work if the Church is a mixture of good and evil, as it is right now. God is not clear. Confused members gossip and accuse. Principle education is not priority. Members don't even know the Principle. Thus, entering in the Age after the coming of CIG, we have to go through the indemnity period of the Divided Kingdom, to resolve that.

3. On Cosmic level:God wants the True Family to quickly make indemnity for all these evil forces to be liberated so that humanity can be free to enter CIG. Hyung Jin has no evil lineage allowing them to invade him. Definitely God and TF had allowed that for the purpose of indemnity.

Indemnity for all Historic Resentments

How historic indemnity is made? There has to be someone who takes all those feelings of historic resentment (Cain figure). They will come on him and he will feel them as his own. And there has to be Able figure on God's side, accused with  all these resentments and accusations, yet gladly endure without responding (creating common base on the level of resentment). This way all these resentful spirits, dragged by Satan to Hell by resentment, will be liberated.

The period of indemnity will last until all trapped emotions of resentment are reversed and liberated through Abel's victorious heart. Thus finally, the Cain figure - object of those feelings, will be able to open his heart and overcome. When that happens humanity will be free of all this evil spiritual influence. Satan will be left with no objects to work through. And as we see this is also a process of resurrection for the Evil Angels too.

HJN Takes on Himself Historic Resentments

How HJN helps God's providence. All historic resentments come on him with full power. He has to liberate all historical failures - unresolved feelings in heart. That's why TF prayed over HJN's Inauguration, that his family has to "gain victory over resentment". The resentment,

 1. of all saints dragged by Satan to resentment when pushed away.
 2. of all gossiping, negative, spirits and angels
 3. of the failure of UC members
 4. Separate good and evil in our own church (humanistic and negative)

Indemnity is successful by reversing the 4 fallen natures, overcoming the historic resentment and obediently follow God's representative - TM. That's why Father blessed him, "to relieve.. the bitter pain of the cosmos.. have to overcome the bitter pain.. of resentment from three eras -- the Old, New and Completed Testament Ages."

Pastor Hyung Jin “Sean” Moon and his wife, Yeon-Ah Lee, not yet able to overcome that resentment, created a dangerous sect. Sure, we disagree with the Sanctuary Church sect holding gun blessing ceremony with AR-15 assault rifles. The Sanctuary Church deviated from the Unificationist ideals and reverted to fear, judgementalism and negativity; in complete opposition to Rev. Sun Myung Moon's teachings of Peace, Love and Unification. Yet, we pray for them to successfully overcome that heavy historic burden of carrying the resentment of all ages on their shoulders. 

True Mother Takes all the Indemnity

True Mother is the only woman in human history that showed absolute obedience and overcame all the historic resentments against husbands. Now she is taking the most difficult indemnity, to be accused by her own children. Yet, spiritually, this is the love and grace of God and True Parents, who want to quickly liberate all of humanity and the whole spirit world, including Hell. Everything has to be restored to God's all embracing love.

1. Indemnity for Liberating All Humanity
2. Indemnity for all Mothers that Triangulated against Fathers 

So many people in history have become trapped in Hell because of Gossiping (sharing displeased feelings - thus multiplying evil). Yet, this problem is mostly due to mothers. Instead of teaching their children to love and respect father, they have heartistically shared displeased feelings against husband with their children. The hearts of their children thus became twisted and satanic. Intimacy for them was to find common base to gossip. They knew no other love, than sharing such negative emotions.

Mothers made their hearts satanic. Now True Mother, the only woman that didn't do that, is taking the Indemnity and the accusations for all these mothers in history. Her son has to accuse her and resent her, on behalf of all these children trapped in Hell.

Divine Principle best describes this process in the story of Ham. Father clearly explains that this was because of Noah's wife, constantly accusing him and transmitting that to her children.

Multiplication of Displeased Feelings

1. Ham's Sin: Gossiping

What Ham did was multiplication of his displeased feelings. This was Gossiping, against the God's representative - direct expression of the 4 fallen natures. DP gives the key points of this evil process.

1. Seeing from self-centered perspective
2. Displeased feelings
3. Stirring up the same emotion in others
4. They are now agitated by Ham in the same emotion to resent the person in God's position

What Hyung Jin is doing is exactly that. He multiplies his displeased feelings against TM on world scale. Now gathering representatives in all countries - on the common base of resentment (unresolved pain). And through threats triggers the fallen nature and provokes doubts, insecurity and fear - all low resonance, allowing Satan to invade.

2. Recreating ones Hell in Listener's Minds

How Lucifer deceived Eve in the Garden? He twisted the logic.. He recreated his problem in Eve. Hyung Jin also changes all DP logic.. he reverses DP same like Lucifer. Hyung Jin's speeches are short inspiration and than accusations and accusations. In YouTube videos they read 2 min HDH and than have 1 hour accusations. That's really satanic. Nothing to do with Goodness, Truth, Beauty and Love. Can we accuse that? No! It's painful. It hurts God. It makes us sad.

The logic is also Satanic; tells you something, you say yes, than makes emotional conclusion, not connected with the logic. But in the brain this immediately creates neurological connection with this conclusion. The memory stays in the mind associated with the emotions he stirred up.

Thus resentful people recreate the hell in their own heads into the minds of all those who are listening to them. Soon listeners cannot free themselves from the same emotions of resentment and hate. Now they don't know what to do with these emotions, but multiply around. It goes bizarre, to the point of calling TM in video lectures, "the beach of beaches", "the hoer of hoers", "theological lesbian" etc.

All signs of heavy trapped emotions. In this state a person is abject of enormous evil spiritual forces, using him to generate more and more hatred and evil energy, which is projected against the person doing God's Will. Now you understand why all God representatives were so resented and killed in history.

Our Responsibility to love and liberate

True Family is paying historic indemnity and takes the burden of all unresolved evil of the world with the sole purpose of quickly liberating the whole of humanity. We were supposed to liberate that, but we failed. We have no right to accuse. We can pray and take responsibility, but cannot interfere with Hyung Jin's responsibility. Yet our prayers and love can help to liberate him.
"My husband and I have forgiven the unforgivable and, for the sake of humanity, loved enemies unlovable ... No matter how unjust the persecution we receive, we do not blame anyone, rather we love them. When we overcame ordeals in this manner, blessings that we could not even imagine took place." True Mother
Supporting Hyung Jin we keep him under Satan. Accusing him we become Satan. He is TP's son, he is not a problem. All trapped in him spirits can learn that they can be forgiven and loved, same like a True Child will be forgiven. This way their hearts will be liberated to come back to God. This is God's sole purpose - liberating all of his children, even from the bottom of Hell. Continues: PART 2
Sanctuary Church Rev. King Hyungjin Sean Moon AR-15 Ceremony World Peace and Unification Sanctuary gun blessing ceremony Couples assault rifles;
Sanctuary Church Rev. King Hyungjin Sean Moon AR-15 Ceremony World Peace and Unification Sanctuary gun blessing ceremony Couples assault rifles;
Resentment: Parallels between Hyung Jin, Cain & Solomon
Resonance of Heart: Resonate with God's Love
The Angelic World After the Fall of Lucifer
Research on Rev. Moon's Legacy: Revolution of Heart
What is Humanism: Product of the Physical Mind

Neo-Moonies Sean Moon and brother, Justin Moon, founder Kahr Firearms Group Bizarre AR-15 Church Ceremony. World Peace and Unification Sanctuary holds gun blessing ceremony Couples tote AR-15 assault rifles to Pennsylvania church blessing. What to Know About the World Peace and Unification Sanctuary Pennsylvania church blesses couples bearing AR-15 rifles Pastor Hyung Jin “Sean” Moon and his wife, Yeon-Ah Lee, lead a marriage blessing ceremony at World Peace and Unification Sanctuary in Newfoundland, Pa.

Antagonism is not our way. H2 is following the path of past failures


Free your Heart from Negativity
Love will resolve everything. Never follow the path of Negativity


Turning against everything Father ever said

Rev. Moon's Guidance on The Divine Principle Reading

Rev. Moon's Guidance on the Diagramed Lecture Manual: STF internal guidance for second generation.
True Father on Divine Principle Reading

Leader's meeting at the Hannam-dong house, 6.20.94

1. The lifeline of our members is to live according to God's word. You have to nurture and develop your life (by studying the Principle). The Church will not do it for you.

"The biggest advantage to carrying the Divine Principle book with you wherever you are is that if you feel low spiritually and are in need of spiritual help, then you can immediately refer to the Divine Principle book. You can read it and immediately regain spiritual momentum." TF
Swedenborg gives amazing picture of what happens spiritually when we read the Truth:
"When the Word is read.. it is displayed by the Lord before angels' eyes with tremendous beauty and charm, accompanied by visual representations and adapted with inexpressible variety to every phase they are then passing through. The beauty and charm are so great that every single facet is perceived as alive. This vital energy is the life that lies within the Word and that give birth to the Word when it was sent down from heaven. For this reason, the Lord's Word by its very nature conceals spiritual and heavenly messages within, no matter how unpolished it seems in the letter. These inner messages lie open to the view of good spirits and of angels when people on earth read the Word." Swedenborg, Secrets of Heaven
We should understand what incredible spiritual channel opens when we read the word, allowing God to educate both, our own mind and even the spiritual world, including our ancestors. Therefore, reading daily is so vitally important.

2. Read daily 20-30 pages of Divine Principle - your level of spirituality will increase. 
"If you were to read twenty or thirty pages of the Divine Principle black book each day continuously, then your level of spirituality would go up and continue to rise daily." TF
TF explains: To open your original mind don't stop reading when you have a question. Read the whole book in the shortest time and the next time you read you'll find the answer. The purpose is to open - broaden your mind and see God's principles and history as a whole, not just focus on the small, particular issues, which will narrow your scope.

UT Explanation: Physical Mind works through point to point neurological connections, but Spirit Mind can see the whole and see all connections at the same time multi-dimensionally. For this reason, Read in a way that allows your Spirit Mind to restore it's dominion over the Physical Mind; opening your heart to feel God's Heart, by going fast through the whole book.

DP Explanation: Reading DP is to open the flow of Life Elements from God. To allow your Physical Mind to accept and follow the Spirit Mind way and desires and stop objecting them. Read the Principle is like a prayer or a lecture to the spirit world - it's a spiritual battle. The more you read the more your heart and spirit is to be filled with light and God's love. But if your Mind and Body are disunited that is not going to happen - you'll lose the battle with Satan.

TF's explanation: It's wrong if as a lecturer you get stuck on studying and teaching the same parts of the Principle that you feel comfortable with. That only strengthens your physical mind to subjugate  and limit your spirit. This means, Physical Mind  subjugates Spirit Mind - it's a reversal of dominion, allowing Satan to invade.
"Before being able to lead a good life by following the good desire of the original mind and repelling evil desire, it is necessary to overcome ignorance and be able to distinguish between good and evil." DP p.3
3. I have been emphasizing.. to lecture.. If you learn the Principle just by listening to lectures, it is difficult for you to convey your understanding at home or other places. for anybody to accomplish the mission.. they must be able to teach the Divine Principle

4. Believe and practice to understand and embody (Incarnate) the Truth.
"The ultimate purpose of religion can be fulfilled only by first believing in and then by practicing the truth. But true belief cannot come about today without knowledge and understanding. We study the Principle to confirm our belief by knowing the truth." DP p.8
5. Learn the Principle by heart. It is the only way to overcome Ignorance. God's providence of restoration was carried with the Truth.
"For fallen man, knowledge is the light of life and holds the power of revival; ignorance is the shadow of death and the cause of ruin. No feeling or emotion can be derived from ignorance, no act of will can arise from ignorance. Thus, when knowledge, emotion and will do not function properly in man, life is no longer worth living." DP p.10
6. Grasp the essentials and teach completely centering on the book.

TF: When The Divine Principle was being written, I directed everything. I had it written because fallen people need something to study. This book must be valued. There is no need for sermons. Do not use the Bible and talk about other things. You cannot continue your old ways. Instead, give lectures completely centering on the book. If you grasp the essentials, you can speak at ease. If you continue to use the book, in few years you will be way ahead of those who did not use the book. 

7. Learn all Principle diagrams, the Spirit Mind works with images. The charts become the core skeleton helping you to connect all truth to it - not just flying peaces of truth, disconnected.

TF: If the Principle of Creation takes three hours to lecture, for instance, write down a 15-minute summary of it. Underline that portion of the book in red and read it. Create diagrams for it and mark each part.. Use diagramed manuals for lectures.

To speak on the stage.. is a big job. You may start digressing, talking about everything under the sun.. You should do as I say. As you read the speeches every day and gain inspiration, you should try to spread it around you; after hearing them, however, you go away and become mute.

Train yourself to speak succinctly with the diagramed manual, moving chapter by chapter.. Instead of speaking your own words, you should all speak in accordance with the original content, and the audience will be inspired in the same standard way. The leader should always speak God's word. Those who cannot do so cannot develop in the future. Train people with the book. According to the depth of the presentation, the content can be organized in fifteen-minute, forty-five-minute, and one-and-half-hour formats. Beginners will read the fifteen-minute content, marked with red, covering an entire chapter in fifteen minutes. ..

Then everyone can grasp the skeleton, after which flesh is added. Reading three times this way is much more effective than reading the whole book three times cover to cover. Why would you not do it? Everyone can give lectures.  It is foolish to try to memorize and say everything without such an organization.

3-Hour Manual: Exposition of the Divine Principle, Part 1 of 3 (2012 pdf)
3-Hour Manual: Exposition of the Divine Principle, Part 2 of 3 (2012 pdf)
3-Hour Manual: Exposition of the Divine Principle, Part 3 of 3 (2012 pdf)

Internal Guidance:

Why Study God's Word (Divine Principle)

Study, Know and Believe to Incarnate the Truth

Trapped Emotions of Hyungjin - Sanctuary Church

Sanctuary Church: Liberate Trapped Emotions through Rev. King Hyungjin Sean Moon 
Gossiping people always accuse and multiply evil games
Sanctuary Church: Trapped Emotions lead to Resentment

Why resenting his mother for changing TF's words, while he is the one that changes all core Principles?

Resentment can really override all normal logic. Theological arguments are wrong direction in this case - they don't resolve Trapped Emotions.

I hope, if we can understand the process, we will be able to help those with such trapped emotions. Our heart is always to love people, liberate their Original Mind and help with True Love.  The Heart in the Resonance of Love has no negativity and resentment, it "have forgiven the unforgivable and loved enemies unlovable", says TM. "In the presence of love, everything is liberated" CSG 359.


Have you experienced Cycling a problem in your head - impossible to get out of it (Internal Hell)! Once we start cycling in the brain some unresolved problem, neurological connections are created. When they become stronger than any other connection, they override all other logic. Now all reasoning becomes subjugated by this stronger one. That's the prison of Trapped Emotions;That's how Physical Mind (Brain) imprisons the Spirit Mind (Heart) of the person.

These trapped emotions become trigger points for bad spirits to control the person. Now the heart can be misdirected in evil direction, resentments and evil doings can be excused. There are evil spiritual forces working behind that process. This was always Satan's greatest power. Ones trapped this way people will work under evil spirits influence without being aware of that.

To run away from his consciousness such a person has to either repent, or he will continue cycle excusing reasoning for this resentment. To get comfort he will search for external support and start multiplication of resentment. Many righteous and conscientious people were trapped in Hell in this way, not be able to love their enemies.


We have to understand where the power of gossiping comes from and how Satan uses it to destroy families and communities. DP p. 258 explains the process of evil multiplication through gossiping in Noah's family. What was Ham's sin?
1. Seeing in self-centered, humanistic perspective
2. Develop displeased feelings
3. Stirred up the same emotion among his brothers
4. They too were agitated in the same emotion
"This was such a crime," DP concludes, "condition for Satan to invade and thus becomes an object with which Satan can work." In fact, gossiping people always excuse it, "yes, we talk negative things but we are so loving.. we so much understand each other." They are so accustomed to evil Triangulation, centered on Satan. This is the only thing they consider love. For them gossiping is the only way they build relationships and feel 'love'. Their hearts are twisted, now they are trying to twist the heart of everyone else.

Not a matter of Logic but Trapped Emotions

The problem of SC is Trapped Emotions causing Resentment and now they are multiplying their problem in the heads and the hearts of those with common base. We have to understand, that Theological deviations are natural consequence of their unresolved feelings. Jumping into theological battle will inevitably bring us out of the Head-wing, going left or right, just to oppose their views. That happened in the theological conflicts in the early Christianity. It is more than natural that we have to repeat some of that, but we have to learn because our own fallen nature is the base for such problems.

How far the logic can go off, under trapped emotions? Look at HJN - he changes every essential principle, yet he accuses TM for allowing one more book of Father's words to be compiled. HJN is so stuck on this in his mind, so now he feels excused to deny all Father's words about the role of True Mother.  HJN denies the Four Position Foundation; and the position of mother is now removed. His trapped emotions make the three positions seem like four. Crazy!


The core of the Principle is Unification through love, but for Sanctarians the core is judging. In fact HJN gathers representative accusers in all countries - people with heart of Resentment, to judge. Judge their brothers and sisters, even fathers and mothers. Meaning, they have the task to look around, externally and judge everything. Of course, that's the fallen nature - their hearts would be constantly in negative resonance of heart. That is Hell.

Common base for SC witnessing is resentment. We should read CAUSA again; Development through struggle is Satan's way. Communism did that. Communism teaches to kill and put killers as leaders. Guess where would that lead. Now Sanctuary Church teaches resentment and the most negative and resentful ones will save the world and be the judges in CIG's court. Really? They totally don't understand God's Heart.

CAUSA very well describes how satanic forces work. Accusing, accusing, accusing.. until everyone thinks they have solution and will bring something better. Hitler did that. Marx did that. Result was millions of lives destroyed and devastated.

Once in power the accusers rain with fear. They never regretted for their innocent victims. Now HJN is constantly accusing. Not even clear what exactly. But while accusing TM, no one notices that he actually destroys Father. HJN goes against all TF's work and core principles. It sounds like he never read DP. But why people who know DP follow him? Either they don't really know it, or their own trapped emotions blind them.


Unificationism teaches, that religions should unite and problems are to be resolved with true love - life for others. Father invested everything for peace between Christianity and Muslims. But HJN teaches against Muslims. This is against everything True Father did and taught. HJN even accuses TM for bringing the Muslims in Europe. I don't know how she did that, but he calls her "Theological lesbian" for this reason.

There was no logical connection to claim such conclusion, but he kept repeating the whole Service, "Lesbian", "Lesbian"... And this is the Sunday inspiration; 10% sweet Humanism and 90% irrational negativity. How much further from Principle that can go?!!!


To deny the Four Position Foundation, denying True Mother, is to deny that Father fulfilled the role of the Messiah. To enter God's direct dominion is to perfect the Family Four Position Foundation.

HJN denies TF's Blessings. His resentment leads so far, as to deny TF's lineage and Blessing; Now using fear and threats to make second gen doubt their position. Fear triggers doubts and allows evil spirits to invade. But they are the power behind his work. I hope he can come to awareness of that and be able to stop it.

We see how far unresolved trapped emotions can lead? More irrational than that we cannot go! But that's what trapped emotions do - they make us irrational; now nothing else matters, the resentment is the sole logic. That's when evil spirit world invades us and uses us against our original aim.

Unresolved Trapped Emotions towards Mother

It is obvious that HJN has trapped emotions... unresolved pain in his heart, that he was unable to overcome and now this resentment is changing his perspective even to the point of neglecting all core Unification principles and words of True Father. But why members don't notice that?

At first it was hidden gossiping, HJN sharing his displeased emotions - like Ham. But once he found enough support he felt power to multiply evil openly and viciously, with no remorse, calling TM, "beach of beaches...  whore, harlot.... lesbian". How much more insane this can go! Suddenly he forgets all the victorious course of TM, just because of one book.

So narrow-minded! Clear sign of being spiritually invaded. It's definitely not coming from his Original Mind. Without understanding the spiritually reasons, all this seems strange and confusing. But spiritual reasons behind are way deeper and providential.

Allowing his Family to Pay Indemnity

When I look spiritually, I could see 100 million historic resentful people doing returning resurrection through Sanctuary Church. God showed me 70 000 evil angel leaders - lying, tricking spirits, also working on HJN. That's why his perception of reality is so blurred even core principles are overpowered by trapped emotions.

Why True Father allowed that? TF explains, this is God's way: "I was whipped, beaten, tortured and bloodied, yet I never resented those who beat me. The true God is the God who sacrificed His beloved son to save His enemies.. That is the love of God. God's way is to pray with tears for the ones who hold the whip. This is why I did so, and still do to this day." CSG 357

God wants quickly the True Family to make indemnity for all these evil forces to be liberated, so that humanity can be free to enter CIG. HJN has no evil lineage, he is invaded for our unresolved lineage problems. God and TF had allow that for the purpose of indemnity. Father loved us more than he loved his own family, "I sacrificed my family and my relatives, in order to find new people.. I have done so, because God is like that. God sacrificed His own Son to save the world.. I am following His example."

Indemnity for all Historic Resentments 

How that indemnity works? There has to be someone who takes all those feelings of historic resentment. They will come on him and he will feel them as his own. And there has to be Able figure on God's side, who can take all these resentments and accusations and gladly endure without responding (without creating common base on the level of resentment). This way all these resentful spirits, dragged by Satan to Hell by resentment, will be liberated.

The period of indemnity will last until all trapped emotions of resentment are reversed and liberated. Finally the Cain figure, object of those feelings, will be able to open his heart and overcome. When that happens humanity will be free of all this evil spiritual influence. Satan will be left with no objects to work through. And as we see this is also a process of resurrection for the Evil Angels too.

1. True Mother Pays Cosmic Indemnity 

True Mother is the only woman in human history that showed absolute obedience and overcame all the historic resentments against husbands. We husbands can understand the significance of that. Most of our wives often show disrespect or disagreements, but True Mother never did. This is incredible historic victory, that allowed True Father to complete his mission, a victory no one can deny.

Now she is taking the most difficult indemnity, to be accused by her own children. What more difficult indemnity than that. Yet, keeps her absolute attitude and focus on God's will. Spiritually, this is the love and grace of God and True Parents, who want to quickly liberate all of humanity and the whole of the spirit world, including Hell. Everything has to be restored to God's all embracing love.

2. Indemnity for the Failures of all Mothers

So many people in history have become trapped in Hell because of Gossiping (sharing displeased feelings - thus multiplying evil). Yet, this problem is mostly due to mothers. Instead of teaching their children to love and respect father, they have heartistically shared displeased feelings against husband with their children. The hearts of their children thus became twisted and satanic. Intimacy for them was to find common base to gossip. They knew no other love, than sharing such negative emotions. Thus they ended in Hell.

Mothers made their hearts satanic. Now True Mother, the only woman that didn't do that, is taking the Indemnity and the accusations for all these mothers in the human history. Her son has to accuse her and resent her, on behalf of all these children trapped in Hell.

Divine Principle best describes this process in the story of Ham. Father clearly explains that this was because of Noah's wife, constantly accusing him and transmitting these emotions to their children.

Transmitting problem in the minds of others

HJN's speeches are short inspiration and than accusations and accusations. In YouTube videos they read 2 min HDH and than have 1 hour accusations. That's really satanic. Nothing to do with Goodness, Truth, Beauty and Love. There is no clear logic behind the accusations, just emotional nagging and brainwashing.

The logic is also Satanic; tells you some truth. People say yes. Than makes emotional conclusion, not having much to do with the logic. But in the brain this immediately creates neurological connection with this conclusion. The memory stays in the mind associated with the emotions he stirred up. Thus he recreates the hell in his own mind into the minds of all those who are listening to him. Soon they cannot free themselves from the same emotions of resentment and hate. To the point of calling in video lectures TM, "the beach of beaches", "the hoer of hoers", "theological lesbian" etc.

All of these are signs of heavy trapped emotions. In this state a person is object of enormous evil spiritual forces, using him to generate more and more hatred and evil energy, which is projected against the person doing God's Will. Now you understand why all God representatives were so resented and killed in history. And no wonder HJN's surrounding already looks like a nest of gossiping and mutual accusations (see videos of the inner conflicts). Of course, many of the people they are surrounded with, are people who have common base with such evil games, even from their own family of origin. Others are negative, just because they were rejected one way or another and couldn't fit.

Father prayed HJN is to pay historic Indemnity 

How HJN helps God's providence? All historic resentments come on him with full power. He has to liberate all historical failures and unresolved feelings in heart (read TF prayer over HJN). To liberate the resentment of:

 1. all saints dragged by Satan to resentment when pushed away.
 2. all gossiping, negative, spirits and angels
 3. the failure of UC members
4. Separate good and evil in our own church (humanistic, negative ones, from those who really center their lives on the Principle)

I found these facts spiritually, but if you doubt, read TF prayed over HJN's Inauguration, he prayed that their family course would involve gaining victory over resentment. Indemnity is successful by reversing the Four Fallen Natures, overcoming the historic resentment and obediently follow God's representative - TM.

We Live in the Period of Divided Kingdom

After 2012, according to the Parallels of History, the 12 years of Coronations and establishing the Temple end. TF already has to be in the spiritual world, as it's center. Otherwise the actual unity of the two worlds cannot happen. Father stands as the center of the Sp.W. and Mother stands at the center of the Ph.W. Fast process, of revealing and cleansing all evil, starts.

These 12 years correspond to the 120 years of establishing the Jewish Kingdom and 120 years of establishing the Christian Kingdom. After this 120 yrs (for us 12) starts the Divided Kingdom, where the children divided it for the sake of separation of good and evil. Because of Solomon being invaded ideologically, the Kingdom was divided. In our case HJN.

Parallel between Solomon and HJN

HJN was crowned same like Solomon, with the responsibility to build the Temple and realize the Messianic Ideal. In DP p. 429, Replace Solomon with HJN and you'll read:
"If at that time King Solomon (HJN) had served God's will to the end, he could have unified all the Eastern countries.. he could have formed a worldwide territory enabling the Messianic ideal to be realized. However, due to the fall of King Solomon (HJN), God had to work.. tearing down his monarchic society."
Thus, because of Solomon's (HJN's) failure the period of Divided Kingdom started. But what exactly was Solomon's (HJN's) failure? We read, that he "was to realize God's Word... erect the temple... and exalt it" (DP p.413). "But because King Solomon (HJN) worshiped the gentile gods.. the Kingdom was divided" (DP p. 416). HJN also was invaded by Budhist, Christian and Humanistic misunderstandings. Instead of the ideal he gave raise of resentments, causing division.

Our Responsibility to Love and Unite

The True Family, as a whole, is paying painful historic indemnity. True Family takes the burden of all unresolved evil in the Cosmos, with the sole purpose of quickly liberating the whole of humanity. I see how the whole spirit world is now mobilized on quickly removing all these evil spirits that influenced humanity towards evil. If you see spiritually, it is so clear how this is all because of God's love.

We were supposed to liberate that, but we failed. We have no right to accuse. We love all True Children. We should pray and act as Mother asked us, "No matter how unjust the persecution we receive, we do not blame anyone, rather we love them. When we overcame ordeals in this manner, blessings that we could not even imagine took place." True Mother

Supporting HJN we keep him under Satan. Accusing him we become Satan. He is TP's son, he is not a problem. All trapped in him spirits can learn that they can be forgiven and loved, same like a True Child will be forgiven. This way their hearts will be liberated to come back to God. HJN has his own way of growing, and we can respect that. This is God's sole purpose - liberating all of his children, even from the bottom of Hell. Read More...

Resonance of Heart
SC's 6 Questions: HJN's Manipulative NatureHyungjin: Parallels to Cain and Solomon
Sanctuary Church: Liberate Trapped Emotions through Rev. King Hyungjin Sean Moon
Sanctuary Church: Liberate Trapped Emotions through Rev. King Hyungjin Sean Moon
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