People can be healed if they hear our words and delight in them
"God had Moses bear witness to God’s power. The people who did not believe in Him as the God of power were punished... Jesus introduced the God of compassion. Sick people were cured… Had Jesus not cured the sick, he would not have been killed. People die of sickness to pay the price for their ancestors’ sins. Then why did he bring them back to life? Rev. Moon of the Unification Church could have cured hundreds of thousands of patients if he had tried. Even without someone curing their disease, lepers can be healed if they hear our words and delight in them. All kinds of diseases can be cured." CSG, 125
The Heart of spiritual leader that cures the sick
"To become a leader, you must truly stand in the position of the doctor who cures the sick. If an ill person’s spiritual situation begins to deteriorate, you will have to make an effort to cure that person’s heart while you shed tears day or night, oblivious to time. That is a spiritual leader. How many nights have you stayed up trying to save lives? How busy have you been trying to save lives?" CSG, 1023
With the proclamation, Satan’s authority will disappear. Good spirits can help the earth as much as they want
"With the proclamation of True Parents, Satan’s authority will disappear and, centering on religion, all the struggle due to the laws of indemnity will disappear. Since the good spirits will attain a position equal to the angelic world, an unfallen world will come about and the time will come when good spirits can help the earth as much as they want. Those angels are your ancestors. So from now on, all kinds of things will happen to those who oppose the Unification Church. They may get sick and die and all kinds of other things will happen." CSG, 282
You get sick as Heaven's and Ancestor's punishment
"All of the ancestors in the spirit world will be able to visit their earthly descendants and work with them... For this reason, from now on, if someone refuses to believe in the Unification Church, his ancestors will come to him and give him nightmares, sickness, and bitter medicine." CSG, 289

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