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What Just Happened In SOUTH KOREA

This sort of constitutional crises is now taking place in a variety of countries. A whole section of the world's nations want a fundamental shift to a new paradigm and away from this Corporate Cartel Dictatorship that has run the world.

CIG News / Dec. 2024 / 

What we witness now, and it is a providential turn, is that the mass of people are rejecting the conventional politicians. While that's happening in country after country those in standing power are using any type of election fraud, media lies and false flag operations to keep themselves in power. And yet, the sweep of change seems to be unavoidable. 


Juan O' Savin explained that the South Korean president was informed of what was happening with the electoral process to hijack South Korea. "One of the key military people was arrested last night," he said. They were going after an attack against the election system through election fraud. "They couldn't do it through the court. They could only deal with that through a certain military situation." 

The whole country was screaming, do something to fix these crocket elections. And that's exactly what he did. So, he said, "don't believe that the people are against what the president did. The once screaming the loudest are not necessarily representative of the rest of the population. This process of cleaning the election process is ongoing right now in many countries."

THERE WAS A HUGE OUTCRY FROM THE KOREAN PEOPLE TO INVESTIGATE VOTER FRAUD. Pastor Sean Moon details what is happening in South Korea following the failed impeachment of President Yoon.


What Just Happened In SOUTH KOREA?

Democrats were trying to impeach the judges investigating them, making the government dysfunctional. When the South Korean president briefly declares martial law to stop that all hell broke loose.

Fulford gives a bit different report: 

"In South Korea we have the president and all bunch of former handlers for the Khazarian Mafia in that country being arrested. And we gonna see unification there peacefully." (49:34)

But something deeper is happening here, Ben Shaprio says, because this sort of constitutional crises is now taking place in a variety of countries: Israel, Hungary, Brasil etc. You can also see the cleaning process that started now in the US; cleaning bureaucracy, cleaning FBI etc. 

Romania may start a Chain Reaction

At the same time the future President of Romania declares war on the Deep State. Here is amazing interview with him, explaining the corrupt intention of the world Oligarchs, and how the world should change towards freedom to enjoy time with family and God's creation. 

"What's actually happening is the Western version of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Regimes are falling in Germany, France, the US, the UK, Japan, South Korea, etc. In the coming weeks and months, many countries will likely cease to exist, including South Korea, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, etc. In fact, in a sense, what we are witnessing is the collapse of the Western Roman Empire after nearly 3,000 years of existence." Fulford Report

But as events in Romania show, the fight is not over yet. There is a power struggle there, as independent candidate Calin Georgescu was robbed of his election victory by Satanists.

“The corruption system in Romania has shown its true colors by making a pact with the devil,” he claims. 

We Were Occupied Nations

"A whole section of the world's poor countries saying, 'you can't still from us anymore.' So it's a fundamental shift in the world, a shift to a new paradigm and away from this Corporate Cartel Dictatorship that has run the world..." (Video)

The nations and people of the world today are waking up that we were not free. All nations were occupied by international evil power keeping them under control. The above cases show a great move to exit this Cabal, Deep State control imposed on them through infiltration. Getting out requires deep inside cleaning, which definitely faces fierce reaction and much false flags to fool the people.

Video showing how Israel staged false flag attack to use it as excuse to start a WWIII, and how the US government covered it up. All showing that even USA is a Jewish occupied nation. 

The Occupying Force is Spiritual

The world is now waking up to the other dimensional nature of this occupying force. As we well know from the Divine Principle, even Satan needs his physical objects to work through. Clif High calls them, "The Elohim Club, doing all the Color Revolution(s)... doing everything they can to create chaos." Why? He explains,

"The Elohim Worship Cult believe themselves to be chosen by their Space god to rule humanity... that they have the right to farm humanity. This Cult also knows that they have to report to these (other dimensional = Spiritual) space aliens." Clif High

He gives example with WWII.

"WWII was engineered just like WWI by bankgsters that were all Jewish. One third of all German military and the Intelligence Service were Jewish. Almost all the military intelligence in the Nazi Regime were Jews. This was odd, because the whole trust in Hitler's thing was to overturn the degradation that had overcome the German society as they let the Jews in. They got to the point where they were having Trans, open naked men's parades in Berlin... such a (morally) degraded society. That caused Hitler raise." Clif High

Spy System of the Babylonian Rabbis

Regime changes done by CIA, by financing local apprisings, providing the training, the flow of arms, the camps. Same was in Syria. (Video)

The Jews in USA and England formed OSS that later split of into the CIA in the States, and the MI5 and MI6  in England. That group was known as 'The Rabbis' because it was 100% Jewish. That's why CIA was 100% devoted to Greater Israel, Greater Zionism, he explains. "There was one non-Jew CIA guy I met in over 40 years of association with that group," Clif says. 

"Bare in mind that the Rabbis are Babylonians. They are not Jews as you will understand," he says. They have kept the high technologies for themselves to control humanity. And as SGanon said, were robing us of our humanity, poisoning our genome to the point where we don't know the scope of our original spiritual abilities. 

"We've got a military campaign waging around the world in the shadows, to dethrone, destabilize and destroy. A very old, very intrenched power structure that... through the control of the intel community... the military industrial complex and the banking financial sectors, gov. sector, etc." SGanon

Video: The Drone Enigma: The only comment from Col. Bosi was that this show is to hide and cover for the ongoing rap up arrests. WTP News wrote, "The drones are part of a military "drill" being conducted by space force.

Governments are Corporate Fiction

"They didn't want us auditing them. They didn't want us to know that they are just Corporation - a corporate fiction, that they don't have jurisdiction over us. We hand them jurisdiction," Miki Klann explained. This is false, phony, fake, counterfeit government built on Corporate Law, not the Constitution. They are not here to protect our human rights. 

They are signed under the Corporation. They knew so many ways to blackmail or threaten you. Look at how they invaded us. They are not our authority. Ask in the court, "What statutes and regulations are applicable to me as a living man/woman?" Guess what, "there is not even a single statute in the Corporate Structure that applies to you." (49:40)

All Courts are Banks

All Courts are Banks, all Statutes are Bonds. It's all about money in exchange for trafficking the living man. Who protects the corrupt politicians, pharmaceutical companies and tech giants? Who protects the Deep State Cabal Elites in every country around the planet? Answer: Lawyers! 

The International Bar Association Lawyers work for and were credited by foreign entities of the Roman Vatican Empire in collusion with the Pope, Queen and Henry the VIII in the 1500s. In the 1800s the United States Corporation crafted a new branch of the Bar Association. 

The illegal practices of all judges, Lawyers and those who enforce the illegal procedures of the NULL and Void dead Corporation Entities (Vatican, Royal Crown, US Corp) are and will be subject to arrest for Crimes Against Humanity and punished under all rightful laws of coercion and unlawful actions in Military Courts. 

All courts are corrupted. Every person that is part of the BAR is a foreign entity that was trespassing on human rights. They have been working under massive fraud, under the cover of law for a long time throughout the world in every country. They protect fraud elections, illegal practices by politicians, corporations, tech Giants, Pharmaceutical companies and ELITES that run the world.

We have no contract with this Unlawful Broken Corporation and associates of the BAR and their counterparts. You are not a property or subject to these false Entities. Whoever claims you are property and whoever states they have a contract on your life in the private side or corporate side are deceiving you. No such contract exists. End Game!

The Collapse of Big Pharma

Video: Slovakia is the latest country to claim that "vaccines are an act of bioterrorism."

This is a turning point in human history. Decades of lies, suppressed cures, and profit-driven manipulation are finally being exposed.

Dr. Lee in his messages from the spirit world had revealed Satan's hand behind all sicknesses, but only now the veil of ignorance has been lifted, revealing how these illnesses were perpetuated to maintain control and wealth at expense of human's well-being.  

With the old system dismantled, the era of medical tyranny will be over. The awakened people are stepping forward to rebuild healthcare from the ground up. Suppressed treatments and revolutionary breakthroughs are being unleashed. This is a reclamation of humanity's right to health and freedom. 

Restructure our Society

We have to restructure our society based on our spiritual identity of who we are as children of God. This new ideal world is only possible based on true families, because 'Family is the School of Love." This is a consciousness warfare operation that requires a new awareness and new knowledge to be able to recrate the world according to God's original ideal. The world has to embrace the Culture of Heart that Rev. Moon prepared as the foundation for the new Peaceful World centered on God as our Parent. 


Quantum Physics Explains the Reincarnation

 How Quantum Physics Explains Reincarnation

Quantum physics shows that the physical world is an ocean of energy; nothing is fixed, but our thought affects this ever-changing field of energy; and what they considered to be reincarnation is actually a quantum information exchange.

By Y. UTS / Spiritual Studies

The brain is not the control center as it has been thought, but simply a radio set to receive these frequencies and vibrations. From here, scientists come to the conclusion that a person's intellect, emotions and will are not connected to our body, but to the energy information fields around us - to our spirit. As the Unification Principle explains, they are part of the spiritual soul of man.

But here a whole new area of ​​research emerges; What is the spirit of man? What does he do after physical death? If people continue to exist spiritually, then what is their influence on us? If our ancestors suffer in the afterlife, how does this affect our information field and situations in our lives? And a very important question, can we do anything to help them? How will this also solve many of our problems here on earth? 

The spiritual world is real: the physical only a gross manifestation

The principle clearly explains that we all have both a spiritual body and a spiritual soul as its center. Just as we have 5 physical senses that make the physical world really tangible, so we have 5 spiritual senses for which the spiritual world is quite real and substantial. 

In fact, we are only now beginning to understand (thanks to quantum science) that the spirit world is the real, substantial world. Physical reality is only a partial, gross manifestation, but it is very important to the development of our spirit. Kind of like the womb where you have to develop your senses and limbs to be born as a complete individual. 

Spiritual Blindness: Wandering Spirits

After leaving the physical body, we go and live forever in the substantial spirit world - much more vast and beautiful than the earthly one. Unfortunately, many spiritual people did not successfully complete the development of their spiritual senses in this earthly womb. Because of the resulting spiritual blindness, they do not even go to the spirit world. 

What happens to these underdeveloped spirits? They remain as wandering spirits that influence people on earth. We call them the bad spirit world, although most of them are our own ancestors or unfriendly spirits to whom our ancestors have done something unforgivable. But let's explain how and why they affect us. 

A quantum connection to our physical consciousness

Scientists now realize that nerve signals and chemical reactions are too slow to explain man's incredible athletic and technical achievements. They discovered that these extraordinary abilities are related to quantum information exchange, which is too fast to be dependent on time and distance. 

Spiritually undeveloped spirits connect with material energy on a quantum level so that they can affect the information fields of our physical consciousness (our subconscious and cellular memory). This is how they gain influence over our thoughts, feelings and can even manipulate our actions. This has a bad effect on both us and them:

Attached, lower spirits drawing on our energy

To humans on earth, this means that our will and original soul are not free. Therefore, after the Fall we are limited (blocked) from growing spiritually. Control over our physical consciousness (by such lower spirits) constantly opposes the desires and logic of our own spirit soul. 

In other words, these attached, influencing lower spirits block our normal spiritual development. To them, we are their reborn body. But for us, they are parasites that suck our energy to satisfy their own passions - according to their lower habits developed in their earthly life. 

In captivity of the material 

But so, these trapped spirits, in turn, are also doomed to misery. Connecting with this material energy, they remain in captivity of the material and cannot free themselves. Only a very high spiritual world could help them to free themselves from this material bondage - which makes them subject to physical pains and sufferings. 

This is described very well in The Wanderer in the Spirit Lands . At his death, he finds himself in complete darkness, due to his undeveloped spiritual senses. Soon, spirits in a similar state try to show him how to connect with the bodies of the living and do the things he is addicted to (alcohol, cigarettes, sex or violence). But the elements they get from these actions only poison their spirit. 

In the end, this dirty quantum energy, enveloping his spirit more and more, brought him into indescribable agony and suffering. Only higher spirits or angels can help him break free from the trap of this energy (accumulated by his evil actions). 

And imagine how their dire condition affects us, who have allowed them to have a common base with us and use our bodies? 

Their lower vibrations cause disease

To free ourselves, we must also free them, because in their sufferings and fears, they torment us too. In addition to feeling their mental and spiritual torment, their fears and phobias block the proper functioning of our immune system and cause disease. Although these processes take place in our subconscious, techniques such as the Emotional Code can bring them to light and release them. The effect turns out to be striking - people who have suffered for years from serious illnesses and infirmities suddenly get better.

Considering that the majority of people do not go directly to the spiritual world after death, but remain stuck in this way in the physical, what happens? The wandering spirit world around us does not know the spirit world. They live a parasitic life, drawing energy from humans on earth. How exactly does this happen?

Reincarnation or parasitic transfer from body to body

By tapping into the information fields of our body, these spirits can influence them. Therefore, they become bad demons, "feeding on the dust", as the Bible says. They live an illusory, unreal life, through people's subconscious, influencing their thoughts, feelings and actions; yielding only a deluded illusion of real life.

It is a parasitic mode of existence, entirely outside the Principles of Creation . But they do not know the Principle, nor that the spiritual world exists . For them, people's bodies are the only way to continue living. In their eyes, they have been reincarnated from body to body for millennia. They even believe that the physical body of man is the spiritual world where we eternally exist; not realizing that in our bodies they live in Hell, creating Hell even for us; without having the slightest idea how beautiful their lives would be if they came out and went to the actual spirit world, to their loved ones, loved ones and acquaintances.  Now do you understand where the theory of reincarnation

came from ? Through meditation and fasting, people open their sensitivity to a quantum level of information. Thus they connect to the level of these wandering spirits. They have no connection with the true spirit world, but only with spirits in the material world, and therefore accept their view of things—the theory of reincarnation and the many universes; because for them every living person is another universe in which they can transfer. In fact, the belief in reincarnation further gives the spirits power and control over people. By accepting these parasitic spirits as our previous incarnation, we allow them to freely manipulate and use us. How easy it is for them to show us a subconscious visualization of moments in their lives to deceive us that this was our previous life. In the spirit world

whenever someone explains something to you, you will feel as if you are experiencing it yourself. It is easy for people on earth to delude themselves that in such a case it must have been their personal experience. But the truth is that around people who believe in reincarnation, I see many spirits who use them.

Spirit Manipulators: Misunderstanding Spiritual Growth

Spirits who have lived such a parasitic life for millennia attached to human bodies have developed a very good knowledge of the processes in the body and ways to control them. They become sort of gurus to the other spirits. Unlike the more undeveloped, they have tremendous mental strength and ability; even to exclude the person and completely control him. This in their eyes shows how much they have grown 'spiritually' through their millions of 'rebirths'. But in reality, they are the most dangerous demons - Satans.

Even if these spirits seek salvation and lead us to religious practices, they do it in a more unprincipled way and therefore the results will be contradictory. According to the Principle, no one has the right to invade human personal freedom and responsibility, not even God. A good spirit world never does this. And the spirits stuck in our bodies live and think they have grown, precisely because of this satanic - parasitic nature. Hence the mistaken belief that selfish self-absorption is spiritual growth. The truth is that in this way we only move further away from God's ideal, which is true love expressed in relationships with others, the ability to live for others (and not for ourselves).

Now we understand why True Father says that through meditation we can only connect with some spirit, but not with God. And keep in mind that it is precisely these strongest, longest-lived spirits in people's hearts that are the best masters of deception. They are the best manipulators with millions of years of practical experience. The oldest of these are from the time of direct connection with the fallen angels; the extinct highly developed civilization ( Atlantis ) in which the angels ruled, impersonating our gods and turning people into selfishness, sexual orgies and immorality (comparable to the immorality of Sodom and Gomorrah ). Wars, violence and their spiritual decay have led them to their self-destruction.

Despite the thousand-year efforts of God to develop the goodness and spirituality of people, we see how the same tendencies of selfishness and sexual debauchery are leading the world headlong to the same fate. Behind all this, we can clearly see the struggle between God and Satan.

The Bloodline and the Matrix of Satan

After the Fall, the fallen angels manipulated people , pretending to be real - physical; creating the illusion that they are an extraterrestrial, supposedly 'a civilization more advanced than us'. But this is also an illusion; Just interfering with the information fields - at the quantum level. They pretended to be extraterrestrial 'gods' when in reality they were simply spirit beings - fallen, sinful angels - turned into parasites; using manipulations to function from 'dust' (quantum illusionary images in people's minds).

The giants': In short, God creates people as his temple. The fallen angels want them to live and dominate through man, presenting themselves as our gods. But to control human society they need bodies. One of their first human genetic developments was the so-called in the Bible, "Giants": "After the sons of God (angels) came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare unto them sons, which were those mighty and illustrious men of old." Thus the fallen angels wanted to acquire bodies that did not resist them, like the conscience of men. The problem with this genetic hybrid was the animal instincts - the passions were sex, food, establishing leadership through violence. They are driving their civilization to self-destruction. So after the flood, they look for another model.

The Royal Bloodline - has been developed in the Satanic civilizations of the last 6000 years. Apart from the initial direct genetic intervention, it is guided and carefully selected by the human race itself - with genetic selection. So it is inherited, but they mix it with that of selected women, from time to time, to bring about specific, beneficial improvements.

Why do angels do this? In time, some of the fallen angels realize that their only way out of their own suffering is for humans to reach perfection, and create a world of peace. Unfortunately, they do this again through control, not understanding that control and lack of freedom do not lead to perfection, but on the contrary, they block the development of the human spirit. Therefore, all attempts to build a peaceful world, such as Nazism, Communism and Socialism, are doomed to complete failure. They represent God's principles turned upside down and instead of the ideal they promise, in practice they create a real Hell for humanity.

Restoring the Bloodline of God

While Satan and the fallen angelic world have been developing their bloodline and influence among humans, God has slowly and with great effort led the cleansing of the human bloodline from this satanic influence. Only the complete clearing of the line; genetically and spiritually, would result in the birth of sinless humans. Of course, it was most important to God that the first sinless child be born - to restore the lost position of sinless Adam.

But how can a sinless man resume God's bloodline? Can he do it himself? No! In order for there to be a line of descent, a Wife must also be restored. Look at the Bible, it's all about the genetic line and the terms of payment made to clear it; Everything rests on the birth of the Messiah (the new sinless 'Adam); All the parables about the Kingdom of Heaven in the new testament refer to His 'Wedding' and 'the wife prepared for Him.' Why?

The Seed of the Messiah

God's world can only begin from a purified, sinless lineage—separated from Satanic influence. How will God's new world - the Kingdom of Heaven on earth - begin? Jesus clearly says it, ' from one seed '.

The offspring line is transmitted through the semen. Jesus clearly explains the coming of the kingdom of God. It does not come to be noticed (here or there), but like a tree that from a small seed begins to grow and one day will develop a huge crown and the Birds of Heaven will come and perch on it. Exactly; from one sinless family will arise a race, a nation, and a world of goodness.

Grafting and Rebirth

Therefore the Messiah is the 'true vine' and we are the 'wild branches' that must be grafted into it. Isn't it clear enough; Sinful humanity must be grafted onto the Messiah's bloodline to be separated from its Satanic root - coming genetically from Adam and Eve. Only through the new, sinless Adam and Eve, in the position of True Sinless Parents, can we be born again . Now we understand why the Second Coming

was necessary . Jesus did not start a family. Did it create? No! He was killed before he could. God's bloodline was lost because of the failure of the chosen people. It took another 2,000 years for God to purify the bloodline again for the True Parents to be born. Can you imagine the joy and release in the heart of Jesus and God when this happens? Did Christians share this joy or did it turn against the will of Jesus? How can he not then say to them, "Get away from me, you evildoers, I do not know you!" So heavy is the sin of all Christians who failed to recognize and accept the most long-awaited - the Second Coming (the hope of humanity).

Why is it difficult to accept the Second Coming 

Didn't Jesus warn them to be careful about it, "Watch and pray that you may stand before him when he comes". Did he not tell them that many of them "will not have enough oil in their lamps" to recognize Christ at his return? He warned them of the importance of praying "that the 'New Name'" of the Messiah would be revealed to them at the Second Coming. Jesus told them that the Lord's return would be "like a thief in the night" without anyone knowing. But they did not understand that coming to glory and acceptance came only after severe persecution and misunderstanding. Instead, they became the persecutors themselves - just like the Pharisees.

Jesus clearly told them in Luke that the Lord of the Second Coming will rise in his glory, like a star from the East to the West, but before that he will have to suffer and be rejected by this generation? Instead of hearing, they gullibly assumed that this suffering referred to the first coming. And they could read in Revelation 19 that when he comes with a 'new name that no one knows'.. 'the kings and rulers of this world will rise up to make war against him.' Therefore, the Bible tells us that governments and societies will persecute, revile, and imprison the Lord of the Second Coming, yet he will overcome.

The new name and the appearance of the new world

When Jesus spoke of the Second Coming , saying, "He will suffer" - he was implying that it would be another person. Therefore Jesus said, 'I will give my mission to another, as I received it from my Father.' Therefore in Revelation it is said that the 'New Name' of Christ is the 'Word of God' - in Korean "Mun"! It is said that it will be hidden and revealed only to the prepared, and the others will be in darkness.

Just as the Bible foretold , San Myung Moon was born from the East; his peace movement is rising over the whole world, from east to west, with the help of Jesus from the spirit world. So Sun Myung Moon is having ' The Great Weddings ' to which all religions and races are invited, as the Bible promised. So he matches and blesses millions of marriage partners from warring religions, races and cultures - to end the history of wars and hatred. Therefore, he created a family of 12 children, a lineage of over 70 grandchildren, and through these millions of Blessed Families (restored in God's lineage) prepared the ground for the emergence of restored Nations and a World.

Read: Nostradamus: The Seven Signs of the Messiah

Why can't we open our eyes and see in this the fulfillment of all the prophecies of the Bible. Can we not see that thus the promise and expectation of all religions and of all mankind is fulfilled. Do we not understand that this is how the deliverance of the fallen spiritual world also comes, which will also be restored as God's children. For God will not suffer any to perish. Only Reverend Moon was able to understand this broken and all-loving heart of God . Only he understood that the goal was not to create new religions and fight with each other, but to unite everyone and return together to our Heavenly Parent - God, who is suffering and desperately waiting for that happy moment when we will all stand united, as 'One World Family'. We are all responsible and only together can we free the heart of God and achieve this.

This will be the day when the Kingdom of Heaven will be established on Earth. The day we have all longed for and waited for - but blocked from coming because we only wanted it for ourselves and those like us, expecting others to go to Hell. Now do we understand why this attitude is selfish and creates only walls and conflicts - literally Hell, but not the Kingdom of Heaven . 

We hope and believe that this time humanity will not repeat the mistake of the time of Jesus! If you study the life , teachings and activities of Master Moon, you will understand why and how humanity is now entering a new era. 

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