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The Temple for World Peace and Unity

The Temple for World Peace and Unity, Korea, Unification Church, Sun Myung Moon

The Peace Temple

A Place where all people can come together beyond race, religion,and culture and receive Heavenly Blessing is on Earth, the Fatherland of Korea. 

“Peace will never come to this earth unless we first tear down the walls between religions I have called on people until my voice is hoarse to transcend their religious factions and even their religions. They have fallen into a selfish thought process that puts their religion or faction first. They are oblivious to the fact that the world has changed and a new era of selflessness has dawned” says Sun Myung Moon.

Behind all wars there has been some religious motives. Religions had considered wrongly that God, the Creator is different for each one of them. It's a time to understand that the creator is one, and He is the founder of all religions. It's time to understand God's broken heart watching his children fighting each other.

World Peace and Unity Temple
Rev.Moon will build a Temple for all religions
Christians, Muslims, Jews or Buddhists, all will worship side by side without judgment, prejudice or conflict?
In his resent memoirs “Peace loving global citizen” Rev.Moon proclaimed, “It will not be easy to tear down the religious walls that have stood for thousands of years, but these walls must come down if we are to advance into a world of peace.”

The temple represents the internal aspirations of all humanity, of all civil society. As governments endorsed the creation of the United Nations in 1945, so should they endorse the building of the temple, where all society can focus on the work for peace.

The temple will not be a megachurch; it will be a temple for people of all nations, a temple for the world. People of all faiths and religions will be invited there. It will be a venue for international and interfaith networking, with facilities for education, spiritual training and even physical health.

The World Peace and Unity Temple, completed by 2013, would accommodate approximately 210,000 people through multiple services throughout the week. Services would be conducted in all the major faith traditions. World leaders in politics and religion would come to these services; visiting heads of state or government to Korea would naturally want to visit this temple.

 God and Satan: The True Story
Moon's Weddings: The Power of True Love
Sun Myung Moon: As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen
The temple should also be the common home of universal shared values such as faith, benevolence, charity, generosity, fidelity, compassion, magnanimity, kindness, devotion, loyalty, sacrifice, altruism, etc. These are all faces of true love in practice. They are the common language of religions. These virtues had been originally defined by religion, the language of the heart and spirit. This temple is the place where all universal values and aspirations can be fulfilled.

There has never been a place like this before, where all religions may come together, be represented and connected to a common purpose. We believe that God’s message is true love through universal shared values, and that the World Peace and Unity Temple will be an ideal stage to bring this message to the world. More

We are approaching the eve of the Age of Peace, described by some religions as the Golden Age, or the arrival of God's Kingdom on Earth. The Messiah, the Lord of the Second Coming whom God has sent to lead humanity towards achieving this peace is already here on earth and is time for humanity to awaken and recognize him: The one born in the East, who suffered much persecution and will bring unity of all religions and all humanity as One Family Under God. Read, Injustice Cannot Defeat Injustice

Read these testimonies and prophecies and find out more about this promised Peacemaker:

The Temple for World Peace and Unity, Korea, Unification Church, Sun Myung Moon


  1. Wow, Ordinary people think peace is just merely a dream and it is only a concept in human brain. They said peace is impossible to achieved.

    Who is Sun Myung Moon? Sun Myung Moon is called by many a "Cult Leader", "Anti Christ" and yet more and more world leaders see in him a "Man of God".

    In his life he encountered so much persecution, misunderstanding, mistreatment and few incarcerations, yet this man never gave up.

    Find out more on http://one-family-under-god.blogspot.com

    Today his fruits show that his heart and his mind, all he did were only dedicated for the liberation of God and Humanity.

  2. World Peace and Unity Temple: Rev.Moon will build a Temple for all religions - World Peace and Unity Temple

    Moon Sun Myung: World Peace and Unity Temple
    People of all faiths and religions will be invited there. ... Peace Temple, Rev. Son Myung Moon is building World Peace Temple in Korea Who is Rev. Moon - founder of Unification Church, aiming to unite all religions and bring everlasting world peace, God's Ideal world of peace. Reverend Moon announced the merger of all of his religious, political, ... A Unificationist temple is being built at Chung Pyung Workshop ... the kingdom of God into a formal religion about Jesus. bullet, Hell exists on earth. Over time, Hell will be transformed into the kingdom of heaven on earth. People of all faiths and religions will be invited there. ... A preliminary ad hoc committee for the building of this temple has been formed, led by two of Reverend and Mrs. Moon's sons: Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, Chairman of Unification Church.

    Sun Myung Moon , Experiences , Awakening

    Moon prays for victory, illumination and peace upon the peoples of all religions and no religion. ... temple as a house of prayer for people of all nations and religions. The vision for this temple dovetails with that of UTS as an interfaith ... Rev. Moon will create worship modules expressing his father's ideal, God's Ideal, God's Temple, for all religions - place to learn peace...

    "But where there is a will, there is always a way, especially if it is the will of God." ... including Archbishop George Stallings of the Imani Temple, a breakaway ... "Rev. Moon has been building bridges all his life to bring the races and ... that all religions and governments must merge under his leadership. Sun Myung Moon and his wife were crowned in a Messiah-type ceremony at the U.S. ... All religions will convene to celebrate three (3) religious festivals... The Peace Temple. Rev.Moon will build a Temple for all religions. Christians, Muslims, Jews or Buddhists, all will worship side by side.

  3. A Palavra de Deus é bem clara, e nada irá mudá-la:
    • Pois que, quando disserem: Há paz e segurança, então lhes sobrevirá repentina destruição, como as dores de parto àquela que está grávida, e de modo nenhum escaparão. (1 Tessalonicenses 5:3).
    • E dir-vos-ão: Ei-lo aqui, ou: Ei-lo ali. Não vades, nem os sigais; (Lucas 17:23).
    • Ninguém de maneira alguma vos engane; porque não será assim sem que antes venha a apostasia, e se manifeste o homem do pecado, o filho da perdição, (2 Tessalonicenses 2:3).


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