Sanctuary Church Sanctuary Hyungjin Hyung Jin Sanctuary Church Unification Church
SC group challenging UC to respond to a list of questions.. These 6 provocative questions about Mother, reveal the real problem of Sanctuarians:
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Dealing With Manipulative People |
Thanks to John Clark I could see how Manipulative one can go, when his heart is not developed. The questions show what the evil spirits whisper in his ears.. aiming doubt, insecurity, fear. This is not from God. Please learn the Principle and start recognizing the work of evil spirits.
Through these questions you can study how evil spirits think... but also how they attack, reversing the meaning of everything... to the point where is no possible to give answer. Please understand, these are evil methods Satanic clique developed and controlled people's minds through such doubtful thoughts and questions for thousands of years.
So it is not a joke, when you see a person with such a mind, giving such questions. It's powerful evil spirits behind. They are very manipulative. With no sense of consciousness. They can devise any lie to attack you and destroy you, without any remorse. And this is precisely the heart and the attitude behind these questions. In fact, this is the heart I feel when trying to discuss anything with SC members.
1. Lack of Principle Understanding: Manipulative cycling
SC group shows obvious lack of Principle understanding. Their Questions are Manipulative.. cycling small, meaningless details to accuse, exposing the Trapped Emotions behind. Even if you give concrete answer, directly from DP, it's like talking to the wall. They have no clue, DP said such things; even though, they are key points.
For example; They don't realize, that saying, "TM will not go to Heaven", means, TF did not reach Divine Spirit level - Direct Dominion from God... meaning TF is not perfect, and meaning, CIG could not be opened, because of TM's failure. These are absolute principles. But they don't know them.. so they change all kind of things, based on spirit inspirations of HJN. Sorry, but this is a Spirit Worshiping. Evil Spirits can always mislead you if you don't know the Principle well. And that's how it was explained on the Leaders' Meeting in Korea, "this is spiritual possession".
Since many in SC had unresolved negative feelings, they are like obsessed. Minds don't work free. The fixation on the resentment, does not allow that. They are now thought by HJN, to collect accusations, so when CIG comes, to use it to judge and accuse. Not exactly the heart of "Living for the Sake of Others."
Imagine - this is their Ideal, they are aiming for! Thinking of when they can finally judge (revenge),
those they have resentments to, their hearts will be liberated. That's exactly how ancestors in the spirit world are motivated by fallen angels to go and do evil. Francezzo also explains how even good people end up in Hell because they have exactly that kind of attitude. See, A WANDERER IN THE SPIRIT LANDS
This all shows you that they don't understand God's Heart. Their hearts are totally blocked. Original Mind is not free. That's their Fallen Nature dominating them, following the way of Satan - who is the 'father of all accusation.'
DMN explained the same for the Resentful Spirits. Observing SC ways we can understand how ancestors in the Middle spirit world are misled to resentment.. and why they do so much harm to their descendants. Providentially that means that now is the time of Returning Resurrection for such spirits. SO IT'S GOD'S LOVE
2. Questions to provoke speculations, doubts and negative view
SC group believe they have love, yet all their attitude, way of talking, way of labeling, reveals very negative, dangerous and dark essence. It's true! I see only questions, inviting personal opinions and speculation... degrading any vertical standard.. questions that don't expect and allow answer.. REVEALING THE TRUE, EVIL NATURE OF THOSE WHO ASK THEM.
It pains my heart! SC questions are MANIPULATIVE, aiming to provoke doubt, insecurity and fear.. triggering reader's fallen nature. Manipulators don't allow answers. They just corner to victimize their prey. Anyone having common base with such low, negative resonance of heart will be caught in their satanic logic, developing the same resentments and Trapped Emotions.
How does God feel about their methods? Reminds so much of the manipulative techniques you experience when Dealing With Manipulative People. Manipulators use specific subtle, underhanded and deceptive ways. Their language provokes intellectual arguing, almost like a minor "possession". They hide their true intentions and exploit the fear, anxiety, resentments, desires, secrets of their victims. Why would HJN's wife bring out all kind of internal secrets about Mother and Father? It's gossiping, with the evil intention to destroy. Why would a son use all his inner information to discredit, victimize and attack his own mother? Can such attitude be from God?
If you don't understand there are evil spiritual forces behind that, you'll get so confused, you start doubting, of what and why is happening in UC. But once we recognize Satan's nature, these questions only give us power to reveal how he tricked the minds and hearts of these wonderful brothers and sisters. Using them to attack God's representatives, the same way Satan does in the spirit world.
Why SC don't have spiritualists and hates spiritualists?
This is the "Christian mistake" and Hyungjin is misled by Christian views. Christians deny spiritualism. They have no idea of the spiritual laws, no idea how spirit world influences, yet they talk and talk... judging everyone from their human-centered, physical mind perspective. Christianity accused everyone else as Devils. They saw God's essence as Judge, so they judged. We see God's essence as Heart of loving, forgiving, raising, liberating - so that's what we delight in.
For me as a spiritualist, it is so obvious when evil spirit world works through SC and how. A spiritualist, being himself connected to high realms of spirit world, can immediately recognize the low resonance of their speech, wrong way of thinking and acting - mislead by bad spirits, having nothing to do with Love Resonance.
Yet they want to stay in the resonance of negativity and resentment (Hell) and they feel fine there. Why? Because that's their spiritual level. That's where they will end up in spirit world if we don't help them. My heart cannot bare the idea of that happening. I prefer I go to Hell, but HJN be liberated. But before expecting their Original Mind to open, the evil spirit world obsessing them has to be liberated. Remember, we always love and liberate everything, even the resentful spirits - that's CP providence. Isn't it?!!
That's why Hyo Nam Kim has become the boogeyman of both the GPF and SC groups, mostly based upon rumors and false claims. The evil spirits dominating SC don't want themselves revealed. Dae Mo Nim can see and liberate these evil spirits. But they resent and find objects to attack through. They push people to spread rumors, gossip and try everything to destroy the mediator Dae Mo Nim works through. I constantly see how these things work spiritually in and out UC. God's Heart is constantly pierced and attacked from everywhere. We should liberate His heart, not cause him more pain with resentments! My heart doesn't want to keep resentment even for one second. It's unbearable.
Why SC so much enjoys Gossiping and Accusations
Of course, because that's their spiritual level. Gossiping people feel happy only if they find common base to gossip and criticize others from strange, twisted, self-centered viewpoint. That's precisely what SC is doing! These questions only reveal their EVIL NATURE and TWISTED HEARTS.
But please understand; it is not the people - it is the evil spirits behind, subjugating them! They simply had some heavy, painful experiences - they could not overcome the pain in their hearts about. What is sad, if they continue this way, they will end up as evil spirits themselves.
Experience: The Gossiping Realm in Hell
I asked God, "What's the consequence of sin?"... In the very moment I appeared in Hell. It was the Gossiping realm of the spiritual world, the most painful place, suffocating your heart in the most unimaginable way. I spend few hours talking to people there, trying to understand them. My heart was crashed and agonizing, feeling the evil energy they produce.
Whatever you say was twisted in such a vicious way. No matter what you do, or not do, you are always attacked. Why? Because that's what these people did in their life. They observed externally, accused and gossiped whatever they see. My heart was in so much pain. Why such, seemingly wonderful members end up here? They looked clever, intelligent, humanisticaly heartistic, same like many members I know on earth. Are they gonna end up here too?
Please understand; can I make difference if these members are from SC or UC? No! It's painful no matter who is doing it. I cannot escape but feel what resonance surrounds our members. My Spiritual Mind senses that and has no peace, but wants to find the way to liberate them, liberate God of this pain. Only Physical Mind (which does not sense God's Heart) can go negative, accuse and gossip. Our spirit feels agony if we do such evil things.
How these people can be so far from understanding anything TF did and taught us. Where is unity? Where is Love? Where is Principle? Why they do things against Fathers words and than twist even Father's words, to accuse those, who do it in the correct Principle way?
Attack exactly TM's total unity with TF?
Why SC attacks everything in TM, which from Unificationist view, makes Mother the only true, victorious Daughter of God? Because their view of what's perfect woman is wrong - humanistic! So they are actually accusing TM for not being also in their wrong standing. While TM, is in fact showing us the model of a true woman.
Isn't that Mother's victory - her union and obedience to Father. Why are they not inspired by that, but are so furious with it. Because Satan is furious about that, they simply resonate with his heart.
The reason for SC phenomenon is ignorance of the Principle in the UC. Husband represents the Vertical, wife the Horizontal. Husband is God's body, wife unites with husband, to become one with God. The questions of SC show that they don't understand that.
Even some invaded by secular humanistic culture UC members respond, "oh, we are all with the same value", so there is no vertical center an standard anymore - Relativism! Spiritual law is, that reversing any of the Principle priorities, allows Satan to invade. Their reaction only shows that they live humanistic way, not Principle way. There are spiritual laws we cannot violate without consequences.
Such Humanism surely expresses in the education of their children and the way they influence the Church in humanistic, self-centered direction.. blocking God and the good spirit world. Why they do so? They simply resonate with Satan's heart.. God's Heart and Principle feels unnatural to them. Please understand, our membership was divided even before SC. We are on different spiritual levels and different spirit world influences us. It's all about our lineage. SC does not understand that, they go against liberation of our lineage at CP.
What's common between such humanistic UC members and SC. Spiritually, they are both resonating with heart connecting them to Middle Spirit World or lower; Very difficult to explain any vertical principle there. You try, again and again, but it doesn't work. The resonance of understanding and acceptance is above 300, but they are below - meaning, Formation Stage, or under. Now we understand that it's not a matter of SC or UC, it's a matter of what is the spiritual level of the members is. It's our responsibility to grow as CIG citizens. Does our spiritual or physical mind dominate us?
Questions that recreate HJN's Trapped Emotions in others
The questions aim only to recreate the same Trapped Emotion Hyungjin has in our minds. They only show with what logic Satan twisted his mind. And they only prove one thing; Behind all these questioning and cycling are some heavy Trapped Emotions against Mother.
How to react and help: Enter in Theological debate is wrong. It's like arguing with the evil spirits who possessed them. Instead we should help them understand why they have these Trapped Emotions and help them resolve them.. help them be free of these evil spiritual influence.. free of resentments.
God's warning:
How painful is God's situation. Why SC has so much influence in UC? Because Humanism, self-centrednes and luck of DP knowledge are already strong in the Church. We need fast re-education.. through the spiritual perspective.
TF warned us in 1998, while visiting UTS, "If all our leaders don't come to study at UTS, in the future we will be more divided than Christianity." He was angry and shouting at the leadership. If UC does not quickly overcome humanism, self-centeredness, negativity, gossiping... within itself - by raising strong DP education, many problems will inevitably follow.
My tears:
I'm just expressing what I feel from what I see in Moon Hyungjin's videos... It pains me the way HJN talks there - I'm just telling what I see him doing and how it feels so satanic.. same heart and methods like the evil spirits I see.. using to harm... He accuses, accuses, accuses, accuses... one hour - for Sunday Inspiration. It brakes my heart. I don't feel joy, but pain by listening. I don't feel resentment, but tears of repentance. I recognize - that's satanic. TF never did that. TM never did that. Who is the accuser: Satan always does that - it's Satan's way. It takes me hours of repentance after that, "Why HF, why such a pure son, became like that? Is it for our sins? Is it because we didn't fulfill our responsibility? How can we now liberate True Parents heart? How can we now liberate True Children? At list I can say what I see, crying and hoping that they can awake.
Strawberry book, which Hyung Jin now deems part of his "Buddhist mistake".. There Hyungjin had many humanistic views and some Buddhist misdirections. But I hope soon he will realize his present "Christian mistake" and come to embrace his mother.
Sanctuary Church Sanctuary Hyungjin Hyung Jin Sanctuary Church Unification Church
Sanctuary Church - Hyungjin Sean Moon: Freedom of Resentment
Resentment: Parallels between HJN, Cain & Solomon
Resonance of Heart: Resonate with God's Love
The Angelic World After the Fall of Lucifer
Research on Rev. Moon's Legacy: Revolution of Heart
What is Humanism: Product of the Physical Mind
DMN explained the same for the Resentful Spirits. Observing SC ways we can understand how ancestors in the Middle spirit world are misled to resentment.. and why they do so much harm to their descendants. Providentially that means that now is the time of Returning Resurrection for such spirits. SO IT'S GOD'S LOVE
2. Questions to provoke speculations, doubts and negative view
SC group believe they have love, yet all their attitude, way of talking, way of labeling, reveals very negative, dangerous and dark essence. It's true! I see only questions, inviting personal opinions and speculation... degrading any vertical standard.. questions that don't expect and allow answer.. REVEALING THE TRUE, EVIL NATURE OF THOSE WHO ASK THEM.
It pains my heart! SC questions are MANIPULATIVE, aiming to provoke doubt, insecurity and fear.. triggering reader's fallen nature. Manipulators don't allow answers. They just corner to victimize their prey. Anyone having common base with such low, negative resonance of heart will be caught in their satanic logic, developing the same resentments and Trapped Emotions.
How does God feel about their methods? Reminds so much of the manipulative techniques you experience when Dealing With Manipulative People. Manipulators use specific subtle, underhanded and deceptive ways. Their language provokes intellectual arguing, almost like a minor "possession". They hide their true intentions and exploit the fear, anxiety, resentments, desires, secrets of their victims. Why would HJN's wife bring out all kind of internal secrets about Mother and Father? It's gossiping, with the evil intention to destroy. Why would a son use all his inner information to discredit, victimize and attack his own mother? Can such attitude be from God?
"Lucifer carried on the sinful history by attacking human beings and giving them pain." Dr. Lee, True Nature of Evil Spirit
If you don't understand there are evil spiritual forces behind that, you'll get so confused, you start doubting, of what and why is happening in UC. But once we recognize Satan's nature, these questions only give us power to reveal how he tricked the minds and hearts of these wonderful brothers and sisters. Using them to attack God's representatives, the same way Satan does in the spirit world.
"The evil angels induce the people in Hell.. bring them to their side.. interested in the sweet words of evil angels and follow them.. work together to harm people on Earth (specifically their descendants).. This increases the power of evil." Dr. Lee, True Nature of Evil SpiritPainful or not - If this internal problem does not express externally there is no way we can understand how even our relatives in the spirit world could become, so evil as to come and harm us. Now through Sanctuary Church we can observe externally and understand the process. To liberate them, we have to understand how good people can be manipulated into so much resentment.
Why SC don't have spiritualists and hates spiritualists?
This is the "Christian mistake" and Hyungjin is misled by Christian views. Christians deny spiritualism. They have no idea of the spiritual laws, no idea how spirit world influences, yet they talk and talk... judging everyone from their human-centered, physical mind perspective. Christianity accused everyone else as Devils. They saw God's essence as Judge, so they judged. We see God's essence as Heart of loving, forgiving, raising, liberating - so that's what we delight in.
For me as a spiritualist, it is so obvious when evil spirit world works through SC and how. A spiritualist, being himself connected to high realms of spirit world, can immediately recognize the low resonance of their speech, wrong way of thinking and acting - mislead by bad spirits, having nothing to do with Love Resonance.
Yet they want to stay in the resonance of negativity and resentment (Hell) and they feel fine there. Why? Because that's their spiritual level. That's where they will end up in spirit world if we don't help them. My heart cannot bare the idea of that happening. I prefer I go to Hell, but HJN be liberated. But before expecting their Original Mind to open, the evil spirit world obsessing them has to be liberated. Remember, we always love and liberate everything, even the resentful spirits - that's CP providence. Isn't it?!!
That's why Hyo Nam Kim has become the boogeyman of both the GPF and SC groups, mostly based upon rumors and false claims. The evil spirits dominating SC don't want themselves revealed. Dae Mo Nim can see and liberate these evil spirits. But they resent and find objects to attack through. They push people to spread rumors, gossip and try everything to destroy the mediator Dae Mo Nim works through. I constantly see how these things work spiritually in and out UC. God's Heart is constantly pierced and attacked from everywhere. We should liberate His heart, not cause him more pain with resentments! My heart doesn't want to keep resentment even for one second. It's unbearable.
Why SC so much enjoys Gossiping and Accusations
Of course, because that's their spiritual level. Gossiping people feel happy only if they find common base to gossip and criticize others from strange, twisted, self-centered viewpoint. That's precisely what SC is doing! These questions only reveal their EVIL NATURE and TWISTED HEARTS.
But please understand; it is not the people - it is the evil spirits behind, subjugating them! They simply had some heavy, painful experiences - they could not overcome the pain in their hearts about. What is sad, if they continue this way, they will end up as evil spirits themselves.
Experience: The Gossiping Realm in Hell
I asked God, "What's the consequence of sin?"... In the very moment I appeared in Hell. It was the Gossiping realm of the spiritual world, the most painful place, suffocating your heart in the most unimaginable way. I spend few hours talking to people there, trying to understand them. My heart was crashed and agonizing, feeling the evil energy they produce.
Whatever you say was twisted in such a vicious way. No matter what you do, or not do, you are always attacked. Why? Because that's what these people did in their life. They observed externally, accused and gossiped whatever they see. My heart was in so much pain. Why such, seemingly wonderful members end up here? They looked clever, intelligent, humanisticaly heartistic, same like many members I know on earth. Are they gonna end up here too?
Please understand; can I make difference if these members are from SC or UC? No! It's painful no matter who is doing it. I cannot escape but feel what resonance surrounds our members. My Spiritual Mind senses that and has no peace, but wants to find the way to liberate them, liberate God of this pain. Only Physical Mind (which does not sense God's Heart) can go negative, accuse and gossip. Our spirit feels agony if we do such evil things.
How these people can be so far from understanding anything TF did and taught us. Where is unity? Where is Love? Where is Principle? Why they do things against Fathers words and than twist even Father's words, to accuse those, who do it in the correct Principle way?
Attack exactly TM's total unity with TF?
Why SC attacks everything in TM, which from Unificationist view, makes Mother the only true, victorious Daughter of God? Because their view of what's perfect woman is wrong - humanistic! So they are actually accusing TM for not being also in their wrong standing. While TM, is in fact showing us the model of a true woman.
Isn't that Mother's victory - her union and obedience to Father. Why are they not inspired by that, but are so furious with it. Because Satan is furious about that, they simply resonate with his heart.
The reason for SC phenomenon is ignorance of the Principle in the UC. Husband represents the Vertical, wife the Horizontal. Husband is God's body, wife unites with husband, to become one with God. The questions of SC show that they don't understand that.
Even some invaded by secular humanistic culture UC members respond, "oh, we are all with the same value", so there is no vertical center an standard anymore - Relativism! Spiritual law is, that reversing any of the Principle priorities, allows Satan to invade. Their reaction only shows that they live humanistic way, not Principle way. There are spiritual laws we cannot violate without consequences.
Such Humanism surely expresses in the education of their children and the way they influence the Church in humanistic, self-centered direction.. blocking God and the good spirit world. Why they do so? They simply resonate with Satan's heart.. God's Heart and Principle feels unnatural to them. Please understand, our membership was divided even before SC. We are on different spiritual levels and different spirit world influences us. It's all about our lineage. SC does not understand that, they go against liberation of our lineage at CP.
What's common between such humanistic UC members and SC. Spiritually, they are both resonating with heart connecting them to Middle Spirit World or lower; Very difficult to explain any vertical principle there. You try, again and again, but it doesn't work. The resonance of understanding and acceptance is above 300, but they are below - meaning, Formation Stage, or under. Now we understand that it's not a matter of SC or UC, it's a matter of what is the spiritual level of the members is. It's our responsibility to grow as CIG citizens. Does our spiritual or physical mind dominate us?
Questions that recreate HJN's Trapped Emotions in others
The questions aim only to recreate the same Trapped Emotion Hyungjin has in our minds. They only show with what logic Satan twisted his mind. And they only prove one thing; Behind all these questioning and cycling are some heavy Trapped Emotions against Mother.
How to react and help: Enter in Theological debate is wrong. It's like arguing with the evil spirits who possessed them. Instead we should help them understand why they have these Trapped Emotions and help them resolve them.. help them be free of these evil spiritual influence.. free of resentments.
"This whole situation appears, so that we can learn truly to love one another. At the end true love will win. Only through true love everything can be solved, and people will be moved there, where there is true love."
God's warning:
How painful is God's situation. Why SC has so much influence in UC? Because Humanism, self-centrednes and luck of DP knowledge are already strong in the Church. We need fast re-education.. through the spiritual perspective.
TF warned us in 1998, while visiting UTS, "If all our leaders don't come to study at UTS, in the future we will be more divided than Christianity." He was angry and shouting at the leadership. If UC does not quickly overcome humanism, self-centeredness, negativity, gossiping... within itself - by raising strong DP education, many problems will inevitably follow.
My tears:
I'm just expressing what I feel from what I see in Moon Hyungjin's videos... It pains me the way HJN talks there - I'm just telling what I see him doing and how it feels so satanic.. same heart and methods like the evil spirits I see.. using to harm... He accuses, accuses, accuses, accuses... one hour - for Sunday Inspiration. It brakes my heart. I don't feel joy, but pain by listening. I don't feel resentment, but tears of repentance. I recognize - that's satanic. TF never did that. TM never did that. Who is the accuser: Satan always does that - it's Satan's way. It takes me hours of repentance after that, "Why HF, why such a pure son, became like that? Is it for our sins? Is it because we didn't fulfill our responsibility? How can we now liberate True Parents heart? How can we now liberate True Children? At list I can say what I see, crying and hoping that they can awake.
Strawberry book, which Hyung Jin now deems part of his "Buddhist mistake".. There Hyungjin had many humanistic views and some Buddhist misdirections. But I hope soon he will realize his present "Christian mistake" and come to embrace his mother.
Sanctuary Church Sanctuary Hyungjin Hyung Jin Sanctuary Church Unification Church
Sanctuary Church - Hyungjin Sean Moon: Freedom of Resentment
Resentment: Parallels between HJN, Cain & Solomon
Resonance of Heart: Resonate with God's Love
The Angelic World After the Fall of Lucifer
Research on Rev. Moon's Legacy: Revolution of Heart
What is Humanism: Product of the Physical Mind
funny ... if they really want answers, why do they kick UC writers off their discussion list?
ReplyDeleteTheir questions are MANIPULATIVE, aiming to provoke doubt, insecurity, fear.. Manipulators don't allow answers. They just corner to victimize their prey.
DeleteSince many in SC had unresolved feelings, they are now thought to collect accusations, so when CIG comes to use it to accuse others.. Thinking, when they finally can judge, those they have resentments to, their hearts will be liberated. Which shows they don't understand God's Heart.
DeleteOBSERVING THE WE CAN UNDERSTAND HOW ancestors in the Middle sp.w. are misled the very same way to resentment.. and why they do so much harm to their descendants.
PROVIDENTIALLY that means that now is the time of Returning Resurrection for such spirits ;) SO IT'S GOD'S LOVE
Thank you so much. Could you post your name in English? Are you from Russia? Also, your english is very good. You just make a few mistakes, just a few spelling and a little grammar mistakes. You could have someone proof read it for you before posting.
ReplyDeleteFor example, just one little mistake is in the first paragraph you said "luck" insteak of "lack", but one word changes the whole thought.
I really appreciate your views and insight about this situation. Two years ago HJN and Kook Jin Nim took my and my husband to a private meeting. They told us many things about True Mother and HMN. I told them that I didn't believe them. KJN told my husband many conspiracy theories about the USA, and he also tried to tell KJN those were not true.
KJN was unhappy with us when we left. I asked my husband what he thought of what KJN was saying: he said, they were giving me a head ache! I was so glad my husband and I are on the same page concerning SC and their discrediting of True Mother and their strange theories about the US government. I know some Blessed Couples that are disunited in their view point about SC and UC.
God Bless You!!!
Love to you and HMN
after i attended the 3rd Seonghwa ceremony of TF last year, i already recognized that the problem if SC is SPIRITUAL POSSESSION, that no amount of truth can ever change them except the spiritual laws...
DeleteIt's true we want to keep the heart of love for our brothers and sisters, esp. True Children, so they can graduate from this spiritual torment, and come back into alignment with heaven. I had to step back from their FB pages sermons and things in order to keep a good heart.
DeleteDear Brother (or Sister,) Thanks for your sharing your insights. It may be helpful for those who do not want to get caught up in a heresy that denies True Parents and especially True Parent's Blessing. One question, why do you post Rev. Jesse Edwards' photo here? It makes it seem like you are holding him responsible for Hyung Jin Nim's straying from True Parents. It's not really fair to him. He did support Hyung Jin Nim in the beginning, but soon realized he was going the wrong way and separated from him. Please remove Rev. Edwards' photo from this blog; it doesn't belong here.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you! Helen Kashiwa
Thank you! Good point! I guess the comment should stay, so the members can know that ;)
Deleteyou claim to be an spiritualist, talk to God and even went down to hell met people in there...
ReplyDeletesince when you are?
if u have facebook can u add me as friend?
I had experience with God one year before I met the movement. Could not forget his painful heart, because of our evil doings. A year later He told me UC is the answer of my constant prayers, "what should I do for Him?"
ReplyDeleteDuring the WS I was taken to the sp.w. and shown the last 70 years and what TF did... and that he is the Messiah.
Had many experiences in the years, when TF or TM will come and teach me spiritually.
God asked me few times to open my senses to understand different things I was praying for.
In 2014 TF was mobilizing the whole sp.w. to start working with the Earth in 2015. At that time God asked me to allow Him, to open my sp.senses for 100 days, so He can show me the real situation of all spiritual influence on the earth. So no matter how painful, I had to go through all spiritual levels, starting from Hell.. and learning how to win, every level up.
The good part is, I can easily help others now... and I can always be aware what spirit world is influencing around, even with my physical senses.
I could see spiritually the situation of the Blessed families.. how man spirits are inside their bodies, working constantly for Satan's will.. manipulating their feelings and actions, creating worries, fears, doubts, resentment.. I could see God's constant attitude of not blaming, but helping everyone.. trying to get them out of this situation.
DeleteIt's very painful to see how evil spirits enter and talk trough people, change their mood into negative.. to provoke misunderstandings, struggles, accusations and divisions.
And I had to observe that all the time, until I learned their ways, and could win to overcome it. Than DMN was teaching me how to liberate them through Returning Resurrection... which we members were originally supposed to do.
After reading this and viewing the conversations ..The world is bleeding badly ...we are the Doctors let's fix this..let's pray for all to receive the love they each need ..
ReplyDeleteIs your name 'Yulian' ? When I read your blog here I was glad for how you show Principle and One Parents' Course Exemple ... All you are saying, I already resonate with, but you also add to that (I didn't meet anyone yet who could add to it horizontally) and when I read your reply to Winny about being a spiritualist and because of going through the painful things with Heaven's Heart , you feel such clarity received directly and able to help healing of resentment traps at the core , help liberate GodParents' Heart ... , a rush of 'spiritual' tears came involuntarily as still now, gratitude I think , maybe because of sharing Heaven's heart in mine a bit and feeling most deeply agreed and grateful for your genuine motive... nothing for me to doubt only adding hope to clean up myself more to help also ...
ReplyDeleteI'm just expressing what I feel from what I see in Moon Hyungjin's videos... It pains me the way HJN talks there - I'm just telling what I see him doing and how it feels so satanic.. same heart and methods like the evil spirits I see.. using to harm... He accuses, accuses, accuses, accuses... one hour - for Sunday Inspiration. It brakes my heart. I don't feel joy, but pain by listening. I don't feel resentment, but tears of repentance. I recognize - that's satanic. TF never did that. TM never did that. Who is the accuser: Satan always does that - it's Satan's way. It takes me hours of repentance after that, "Why HF, why such a pure son, became like that? Is it for our sins? Is it because we didn't fulfill our responsibility? How can we now liberate True Parents heart? How can we now liberate True Children? At list I can say what I see, crying and hoping that they can awake.
True Father appointed and anointed 3 times and never took it back so that you don't reject Father and his will.
ReplyDelete"The representative and inheritor is Hyung Jin Moon, anybody else is a heretic and destroyer." "You just follow everything. It contains everything."
June 5, 2010
Spoken words - explaining the “Declaration and Will” to Han Hak Ja
Thank you! Now I see where you deviate :)
DeleteNOTICE THAT HYUNG JIN USES "Spoken words".. BRAVO!!!
HJN teaches SC with his misinterpretations, not with HDH words... and not with purpose of Restoration, but of self promotion, accusations and destruction.
"The representative and inheritor is... anybody else is a heretic and destroyer." "You just follow everything. It contains everything."
"You just follow everything."
But HJN teaches he can violate everything - we have to follow him. Ha..ha..!
"just follow everything" Hyungjin says, disregarding the Principle, disregarding True Parents. So he claims authority over Principle, over True Parents, over God even! Satan did that!
THE VERY MOMENT these words are changed in such a way as HJN does; out of context, for self centered promotion, against the Absolute Principles, they become words to claim Satanic dictatorship... TOTALITARIAN CONTROL
Many times members asked, "How could Lucifer, created as so good, become so evil." We live in the Last Days.. now that repeats... we can see the process.. we can understand it.. so that we learn and never get mislead by these satanic ways!
ReplyDelete"God is the one King of Kings. There is only one set of True Parents. All families are the people who share a single lineage, and are the children of one heavenly kingdom. Moreover, the command center of cosmic peace and unity is the absolute and unique command center. Its representative and heir is Hyung Jin Moon. Anybody else [who claims such a position] would be a heretic and one who brings things to destruction. The above content is True Parents' proclamation."
ReplyDeleteJune 5, 2010
Declaration and Will
(Written by his own hand)
Thank you Malik. HJN's words make more than clear his failure:
ReplyDeleteWhat the quote says? "God is the center, True Parents are for ever the only True Parents and command center" HJN denied True Parents and lost the position of their representative.
(1) God - (2) True Parents - (3) their representative HJN
"God is the one King of Kings. There is only one set of True Parents... Its representative.. is Hyung Jin Moon.. The above content is True Parents' proclamation."
(1) Hyungjin's position
(2) True Father(he even denies True Parents)
(3) Gos's will
It says, the above "is True Parents' proclamation." And what TP proclaim? "God is the center, True Parents are for ever the only True Parents and command center.. Hyung Jin is their representative.. so he Should obey, follow and represent them.
The very words of this proclamation describe where Hyung Jin failed and reversed dominion. He put himself above God and True Parents. He didn't want to follow True Mother, so he attacked the position of True Parents. So now it is not eternal. He says TM will go to Hell. Meaning he denies TF ever reached the position of True Parents. So now is no meaning to follow any of TF's words, teachings and tradition. By doing that, Hyung jin denies God's position as King, and claims even that position for himself; denying God's way of love, and elevating the way of negativity, accusations and resentment.. HJN just wants to destroy everything - in his obsession with power!
These selfish, evil accusations we had from media for years. Why, HJN shows exactly the same evil, materialistic attitude? Why he acts as enemy of Unificationism... accusing everything what is most precious for God. SATAN IS BEHIND - THIS IS SPIRITUAL POSSESSION
ReplyDeleteWhy HJN acts and thinks like if Spirit World does not exist.. Like if True Father is not there - and we cannot communicate with Him. Why he accuses exactly the fact that TM communicates with Father and does what He guides her. BECAUSE HE WANT'S US TO BELIEVE HIS LIES.
.. all he see is money and power - Because that's what he is interested in. Do you see SC do Witnessing? No! So what is he aiming for - destruction - nothing else! Judging, Judging, Judging ... teaching people to watch negatively, collect accusations and multiply evil. SATAN STUFF !!!