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Gil Ja Sa: The top five lessons in Divine Principle



Part 2: 

The top five lessons in Divine Principle

Back to Part 1 / From Gil Ja Sa

There are five most important lessons in Divine Principle that you must know. The first is Give and Take Action. The second is Human Responsibility. The third is Restoration through Indemnity. The fourth is the Model Course. The fifth and last is The History of Restoration From the Viewpoint of the Parallel Providential Periods.

The first, Give and Take Action, is easy. Simply put, it is the give and take action between the subject partner and the object partner.

The second is Human Responsibility. Christian people believe God will do everything for them, and so they depend on God. But there are things that even God cannot do for us. This is our human responsibility. This is the part which we must do.

The third is Restoration through Indemnity. When we commit sin, we must be saved from the sin after paying indemnity. Christians believe that people who believe in Jesus will go to heaven and those who don´t believe will not. Those who believe in Jesus, however, must practice his teachings, and such practice must yield results. This is what is different. Christianity has been teaching people incorrectly.

The fourth is the Model Course. This appears in the Principle of Restoration. We can find the first and the second Model Course in Part 1. The third, fourth and fifth model courses can be found in Part 2. So what is a Model Course? Satan, who refused to submit even to God, was not going to submit to our savior, the Messiah. So God found central figures such as Noah, Abraham, and Moses to demonstrate the model course for subjugating Satan. This is a Model Course.

Jacobs course was the symbolic course, Moses' course was the image course and Jesus course was the substantial course. A symbolic course is a course that exists at a distance so far away it can barely be seen. An image course is a course that is closer and more easily distinguishable. For example, a symbol of Korea is its flag, the Tae Geuk flag, and an image of Korea would be a map of Korea.

The central figures in the Restoration Providence did not do the things they did because they wanted to. God was behind their unconscious actions and He did it in order to fulfill the Restoration Providence. Examples of this can be found in Noah lying naked in the tent and Abraham sending his wife Sarah to the Pharaoh.

God writes the play and human beings act it out. The reason is because God and human beings have to fulfill the Restoration Providence together.

These were the Model Courses which showed the path which Jesus had to travel. This is why it is written in John 5:19, "The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise."

The fifth is the Parallel Providential Periods. The periods differ from each other in scope and magnitude. When we look at the course of human history, though, we can discover that many similar events were repeated. Historians view this phenomena and call this the progression of human history in a spiral form.

Dual nature of God

Now let´s talk about God. Father researched about God more than anyone else in the world. So he knows a lot about God. After much research, Father realized that God has dual characteristics that are seemingly opposite to each other. In order words, God exists in a context of correlativity, and He exists as the God of numbers.

I will explain about the correlativity of God first. Correlativity means there is a subject partner and an object partner. The subject partner invests and gives. The object partner receives from the subject partner and then gives back. Father, though, said that when the object partner gives back, it does not give back the same amount it received. It gives back with interest. Just as with a bank savings account, we earn more interest when we invest more.

An object partner that only receives and does not give back cannot continue to exist. It causes its own demise. When we look at it from the point of view of the principle of give and take action, we earn more interest if we give more. Father said that God never makes a deal where He loses.

God is at the center of the cosmos. Humans are the center of the Earth. God is also the parent. Humans are His children. You probably have your own children. How do you feel about them? Our children can be loved unconditionally. We want to give them everything and we spare no cost. This is the love instinct parents have toward their children.

Where does all that love come from? It comes from God. God gives everything to humans, because God is the parent. He does not ask questions when He gives. Gods children are supposed to receive all that God gives them and then return goodness to God with interest. What will happen when such good children become good sons and daughters, become patriots in their nations, and become great people? The childrenfs parents will look at them and think that all they had invested was worth it. That is the profit the parents make from investing in their children. Parents do not ask for material interest in return for their love. This is because the sincere heart of the parents will generate interest automatically in correspondence to the amount of love that was invested.

Why do we call God our parent? Why does God have the shimjeong of a parent? When God created human beings, He did not think about Himself. He only thought about how much He could give to His children. God only has the shimjeong of a parent. The shimjeong between brothers or spouses cannot reach that level. That is why we can call God our parent. This is the Principle of the love of give and take action. Humans, too, want their children to become better people than themselves. One of the amazing teachings of Father is that since God is the parent and we are His children, God also wants us to become even better than Him. We had never heard such a concept before.

When I used to attend a Christian church, I was taught that God exists far above us. We humans are sinners and we go to heaven by believing in Jesus. We call ourselves sinners even if we are saved. The distance between God and humans always remains far apart. When I joined the Unification Church I heard the Principle of Creation and Fathers words. I realized that God remained in the same place but I was lifted up. We are elevated to the level of God when we become His children. That was the difference.

God is our parent; thus He does not become jealous because we human beings become better than Him. Itis the same with human parents. We are joyous when our children become better than us. Father felt, "Ah, yes! God as our parent wants us humans to become even better than Him! Why so? It is because we humans are His children and we are the object partner of Gods love." You cannot hear anything like this anywhere else in the world.

Father once said, "God grows together with humans!" What kind of amazing thought is this? I could not understand how a perfect being such as God grows together with humans. So I asked Father, "Does God really grow like a child? Christians will think we are crazy when they hear this. They keep persecuting us, because we say different things, but now you say that God grows?"Then Father said, "God of course is perfect, but love cannot be felt unless there is a partner. You will know this if you have children. If your child is five years old, you have to play with your child as if you are a five-year-old as well."

I was dumfounded when Father told me this. Then Father said, "Love is invisible, right? So, if there is no external stimulation coming from another being, itis as if love is not there." In those days, Father told us that our minds are inside of our bodies. People say, though, that they don´t know their mind, even though it is inside of their body. The say God does not exist, even though God exists everywhere.

God appears at a place where there is stimulus. Father once told us once, gHit your leg as hard as possible with your hand. It must hurt. This is the evidence that your mind exists everywhere inside your body." Our body is completely filled with our mind. When someone slaps our body, our mind works at the same time, and we automatically yell gouch!" As our mind appears where there is external stimulus, God also appears where there is external stimulus.

We can see from the fact that we can feel love through stimulus from a partner that love is correlative. Gods love grows in relation to the growth of humans. This is why we can say that God grows, too. How about it? Can you understand? God and humans have such a very close relationship. We are learning about the correlativity of God, the God of love at this moment. We are also learning about give and take action. Father once told us, "If you can clearly understand give and take action, you could say that you come close to knowing the Principle completely."

He continued, "If we continue to live for the sake of others, even if you do not get anything in return right away, the interest will be compounded and come back to you as a great sum. I continue to give, because I know this. I give even when I wind up suffering a loss. Everything I have invested into this world will one day come back, and Unification Church members will become rich as a result of that. People will come, and money also will come. That is why I think I never suffer a loss."

What is this love? It brings everything into natural subjugation. Why is that? An enemy is someone who has wronged us, right? So if we keep living for the sake of our enemy, the enemy's heart will be moved and naturally be subjugated. Itis natural subjugation.

American Christianity has believed in the God of might, not the God of love. What is the God of might? Such a being tries to achieve His goal through violence. Thatis forced subjugation. It is not natural subjugation.

Christians during the early founding stage of America persecuted the Indians who were living there peacefully. However, if the Christians had truly lived for the sake of the Indians and helped them with Gods love, the Indians would have listened to the Christians words. They would have said, "Ah, the God that you believe is truly a good being. We want to believe in Him, too." The Christians in America, though, failed to relate to the Indians in this way. Father taught us through the Principle about the God of love and the way to naturally subjugate our enemies by living for the sake of others while sacrificing everything.

Then what is the"God of numbers?" The Principle introduces to us the numbers 12, 4, 21 and 40. We can find the providence of numbers during the growth period of Adam and Eve. This providence of numbers reappeared in the Restoration Providence, since Adam and Eve failed to achieve perfection. This is because the Providence of Restoration is the Providence of Re-Creation. The providence that involves numbers does not change. Twelve cannot become 13 and 4 cannot become 5. It cannot be changed easily. Its order is fixed. In the end, the God of numbers means the God of order. Then what kind of God is the God of order? He is the God of science. All religious people, including Christians, think that God does not have anything to do with science, since He can work great miracles and perform infinitely great spiritual wonders. This cannot be further from the truth.

God is the origin of science. Imagine what would have happened if God had created everything in the universe including the sun, the moon and the solar system while ignoring orderliness (science). Everything would collide with each other and be destroyed. The celestial bodies, though, run on certain orbits. The origin of science as such is none other than God.

Father discovered both the God of love and the God of science, and wondered which God he should research more. Father already knew a lot about the God of love spiritually and he was in fact practicing a lot of love and service for others. That is why he decided to learn more about the God of science. Electricity can only exist through the give and take action between positivity (+) and negativity (-). There are many fields in science, but Father chose to learn about electricity, since examples using electricity work well when explaining the Principle and the love of God.

Our Principle contains everything from the God of love to the God of science, from natural science to the Bible, theology, philosophy, and literature. The Principle truly is the most fundamental truth which can explain everything. Then, what do you think will happen if people learn about the Principle? People will be captivated by it.

‹Spread the great New Truth discovered by Father to the whole world!>

Let us take a look at page 5 of the 3-hour Hoon Dok Chart. The resolution of internal ignorance through internal truth is accomplished through religion, and the resolution of external ignorance through external truth is accomplished through science. This is the New Truth. This is our great Principle through which Father reveals and explains the unexplained portions of the Bible.

Page 2 of the Divine Principle Hoondok Chart deals with human contradiction and the Fall. It also uses the term "Selfish Motive."

When I was young, I asked many questions to Father, because I attended Father very closely, often eating and studying together with him. Those times have become extremely helpful to me. It was around 1955 or 1956, before Fathers Holy Marriage with Mother, so he wasn´t as difficult to approach as he was later. He treated us warmly, just like an older brother.

I asked Father about this "Selfish Motive." I asked him, "You are a human being just like the rest of us, right?" "Yes," he said. "Then how were you able to find the Principle which couldn´t be found by a normal human being, and claim that you will save all of humanity?" He answered, "Because I threw away my selfish motivation."

As explained before, people are in anguish because of selfish motivation. Our Original Mind leads us to do good things, but our self-centeredness tries to lead us to do evil things. This is why many religious people and others in philosophy or other fields in the past have tried to get rid of their self-centeredness. Humanity, though, has not been able to overcome self-centeredness.

You can´t help but receive blessings if you get rid of this selfish motivation. If you receive the Blessing, your Selfish Motive will be removed. Why is this so? The human ancestors Adam and Eve could not share love centering on God. They loved centering on Satan. That is why they received the lineage of Satan. Instead of realizing joy, the love of Adam and Eve became the origin of contradiction. The root of life is embedded in this origin of human conflict. (True Families and I, p.2)

We receive the Blessing so that we can love centering on God. Then, living the life of sacrificing everything we have, including our lives, and living for the sake of others leads to overcoming self-centeredness. That is the reason everyone in the world must receive the Holy Blessing.

We have received the Holy Blessing and our lineages have been changed to Gods lineage. Those who were born to parents who have not received the Holy Blessing, meanwhile, still have Satan's lineage. When does lineage begin? It becomes lineage as soon as the manfs sperm enters the woman's body and fertilizes the egg inside the womb.

Since we must receive the Holy Blessing to sever Satans lineage and have Gods lineage, Father often said, "I must Bless everyone in the physical world and spirit world before I go to the spirit world so I can change everyones lineage to that of Gods, completely eliminate Satans lineage and create the everlasting eternal Kingdom of God. This is my responsibility."

We learn the Principle and his Words today, but when I was very young, around 50 years ago, it was such a long time ago, there weren´t that many members. There were 2 or 3 people, maybe 5, 6. or 10 at the most. Father spoke day and night in the living room of the Old Headquarters Church with such a small number of people. His words then were very entertaining and the listeners were filled with grace.

It felt like the times when my grandmother used to feed me raw chestnuts after chewing them to make them soft for me. I enjoyed eating those delicious chestnuts without ever thinking it was a problem. It was just like that. Father was worried. Why? Because the Principle is difficult. Father worried: "Will these people understand the Principle?" That is why he tried to chew the Principle as if chewing raw chestnuts before feeding us.

There weren´t that many people there, so I kept asking him about things I didn´t understand. Father never grew tired of my questions and answered me diligently. That is why when people hear my lecture, they think, "Hey, I felt the Principle was difficult but her lecture is very easy to understand." People also tell me, "I felt a barrier with Father, but now it feels like Father is right next to me. I feel your loving heart for Father."

Please don´t think that you are listening to only one person as you are listening to my words. Please think, "Father is with me!" One of the missions Father gave me was this: "You listened to Fathers Words a lot since you were young, right? So, visit all corners of the Earth and spread the Word until you go to the spirit world." Then I said, "What?" Then he said, "You have got nothing else to do!" I´ve accepted the mission given to me and I have been traveling around the world, giving speeches as the president of the Tongil Party. Father also told me to continue on to Africa to spread his words.

I have listened to Fathers words so much and they are now the debt of love that I owe him. Father is telling me now to repay that debt. He said, "How many words did I give you night and day in the early days? I still want to speak to everyone in the whole world. However, I am too busy to do that."

Father became so busy, teaching the top-level world leaders around the world. He became so busy that he did not even have the time to say hello to us. That is why he would say, gYou Thirty-six couple members, the so-called senior members, go and teach the younger members as I have taught you." That is why I am here today.

Fathers effort to unify religion and science

Father has done many things to unify religion and science. Religions have been performing spiritual works only abstractly, but Father has been explaining with practical theories that are scientific and logical. The Principle is good evidence of this. The Christians who still harbor abstract bias against our church still oppose us, but this Principle overcame the entire Communist world.

One of the first outreach organizations that Father created was Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA). Father established PWPA on May 6, 1973 after hosting the first International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences in New York City from November 23 to 26, 1972.

Father told us that when he visited hell in the spirit world, he found many prominent scholars known throughout the world in the darkest place. When Father asked them, "Why are you here?," they answered, "We have committed the sin of leading people away from God by writing books with our self-centered thoughts while being ignorant about the existence of God. Because of our writings, many people come to hell without knowing about God and our sins grow day by day. That is why we cannot be liberated from hell."

He said that the scholars were also sitting with their backs facing each other in a very lonely fashion and were suffering. When Father asked them, gWhy are you sitting with your backs facing each other?they answered, "It is because we have committed the sin of not accepting othersknowledge, while insisting that only our own knowledge is correct."

Father told us the most important reason he established PWPA was to educate scholars about God to help him succeed in liberating hell.

Father went on to say that the books that contain the truth about God will remain untouched, while angry mobs of people would throw away and burn the books that do not introduce God.

The purpose of the establishment of PWPA can be found on page 281 of volume 5 of True Parents Life Course.

"I believe every professor in the world must work in their own field and write to provide people with direction. I must start a new organization centering on universities, and that is why I have established Professors World Peace Academy."

The providential meaning for Fatherhs imprisonment in Heungnam

Father tells us that when we compare communism and democracy, democracy persecuted Father more than communism. Democracy did one good thing, though. This was that democracy didn´t kill the Messiah. He says that if Father had stayed in North Korea much longer than he did, the North Korean government would have surely murdered Father.

God must have been in a great hurry. That is why God started the Korean War and had the United Nations and the United States drop bombs on North Korea. Do you know why the Korean War began? It was because of Father.

There is a famous story regarding an old woman, Mrs. Se Hyeon Ok, who is now in the spirit world. Mrs. Ok served Father beginning when he was in Pyongyang and the Christians around her ridiculed her.

There is a passage in the Bible about Peter being liberated from jail by angels. The angels blinded the jailers eyes to let Peter escape from the prison. Christians cited this and mocked her, saying, "If your Rev. Moon is the returning Lord, how come he can´t break out of prison?" Grandmother Ok was deeply hurt by this. She cried so much and prayed, "Heavenly Father! Please bring our teacher out from prison."

God immediately appeared and yelled at her, saying, "Hey, don´t pray for things I can´t make come true!" God told her, "Who would protect his life if he were in Pyongyang? I put your teacher in the prison so I can protect his life. He is safer inside the prison than he would be if he were outside. If he were not in a prison, Christians and communists would kill him!"

Who killed Jesus? It was the Romans and Jewish people who opposed him. Father was in the same position. If the Christians kept claiming, "Rev. Moon is bad, Rev. Moon is bad", and framed him as a spy sent by the South Korean government, the North Korean communists would surely kill him. God could see no other way, and had to send Father to prison. Then God started the Korean War in order to save Father. When we think about it, the history of Korea as we know it exists because of Father. We know this but the world does not.

Chapter 2

Principle of Creation God exists without form

When we read the Principle of Creation, there is a sentence that says, "How can we know the divine nature of the invisible God?" Father told us that, during his research about God, he thought a lot about why God is invisible.

Apparently, we can´t see Gods form even after we go to the spirit world. Why is that? Father gave us two reasons. The first chapter in the Cheon Seong Gyeong deals with "True God" and many points regarding this are dealt with in detail.

First, God would find himself in a very difficult position if he had a form, because people would try to take God for themselves. Everyone in the world would say "God! Come to me." "No! God is mine!" and they would fight each other to own God. Wars even more devastating than the two world wars in the twentieth century would continue to happen. This is the reason it is better for us to not be able to see God. Humans and all creation are created by God as a manifestation of His form. Therefore, there is nowhere God does not exist. But if we were able to see God, it would be terrible. The second reason is that if God had a body we could see, like our own, the size would become a problem. How large would Gods body have to be, when there are creations such as lofty mountains and deep oceans?

There were old ladies who had bright spiritual senses in Daegu. They are now all in the spirit world, but the testimonies they gave during their lives were quite fun to hear. When they asked in their Daegu dialect, "God! You have a human voice, but how come we can´t see you?", God would answer in their own dialect, "I got no body!"If they nagged God, saying, "No way, It can´t be! Show me!," God would show them a great tsunami and tell them, "This is me!" If they said, "No. No. I hate water like that!" then strong stormy winds began to blow. Then they said, "No! I hate wind too!" What God told them was actually correct. Wind and water are part of Gods image. When the old ladies kept nagging God, saying, "Show yourself in a human form!" God would appear in front of them as a father with a warm smile. It is because if Adam and Eve had been perfected, they would have become the body of God, and God would have appear in the form of Adam and Eve.

If God appeared as a great mountain, the people below would not be able to have a good nightfs sleep because they would have to run away from God to save their lives. This is why God determined that "I should have no form at all. If I appear, my beloved children will cry out that they are all going to be squashed to death. There won´t be a day that goes by without someone crying out about it. I must not have any form." Father told us, "Don´t try to see God. That´s what will to happen to you if you try to see God, so don´t try that anymore."It was revealed later that Father also thought,  "I am grateful that God does not have a form."

Godhs dual characteristics

To help your understanding about Gods dual characteristics, I am going to show you part of the diary written by Hyo Won Eu when he was editing Explanation of Divine Principle and Exposition of Divine Principle based on the Wolli Wonbon under Fathers supervision.

Monday, January 31, 1966

I asked him whether Sungsang and Hyungsang are formed by the harmonization of Yin and Yang.

Teachers answer was the opposite.

He said the harmonization of Sungsang and Hyungsang creates Yin and Yang. My world was turned upside down.

He overturned the traditional theory that everything comes into existence through the harmony of Yin and Yang.

He explained that it is true in the world of cause and effect but not so with God. If God already had Yin and Yang in Him, there would have been no creation.

He then explained that God exists as the harmony of Sungsang and Hyungsang and is the Yang type of existence. Therefore, God had to create the Yin type of world. I asked Teacher if I could write that all things were created with Yin and Yang and Sungsang and Hyungsang because God has Original Sungsang and Original Hyungsang which have the relationship of man and woman. Teacher said yes and I realized his intention.

Thursday, February 3, 1966

I had to re-write the first part of the Principle of Creation. The argument is that Sungsang and Hyungsang are the most fundamental essence of all existence. I realized again that Teacher truly is the Original Body of the Truth. Father thoroughly applied the principle of give and receive action

The most important aspects of the Principle of Creation are Give and Take Action and Human Responsibility.

After researching about the principle by which God created the universe, Father discovered that everything is in reciprocal relationships and that this was the principle of give and take action between subject and object partners.

For everything you give, you will receive. If a subject partner gives something to its object partner but the object partner does not return anything, that object will be destroyed. In this sense, True Love is something that is given infinitely. In other words, you invest and invest without looking back. You do not keep an account of what you give. I truly felt that Father was a person of such kind of love after serving him so closely for so long.

How could Father have done that?

In the late 1980s, Father asked church-related businesses invest some $300 million dollars in China to create the Panda Automobile Company. The reason behind this was that Gods providence could be fulfilled if China, the Archangel nation, helped Korea, the Adam nation, and Japan, the Eve nation.

Ultimately, the $300 million dollars was invested in a way that returned very little profit to us but was very advantageous to China.

Then the Tiananmen Square incident happened in 1989. Students and young people during the time of Deng Xiaoping rallied for freedom and democracy. They formed a large protest group demonstrating in Tiananmen Square against the Communist government. The Chinese government was extremely surprised. The government ordered tanks to fire upon the protesters and this resulted in thousands of deaths in Tiananmen Square and all over the city. It was a gruesome incident.

Many foreign investors at that time felt that there was no hope to invest in this country, and took the money they had safely kept in Hong Kong and went back to their own countries. At that time, Bo Hi Pak phoned Father and asked, "What should our people do? Should they withdraw the money in the Hong Kong Bank and return to Korea?" Father told him, "You sit tight. Don´t you think I foresaw this type of event when I sent you? If the money is withdrawn, China will fall. Leave it there, and just wait! The time will come soon, so wait!"

Those who left China with their money were still observing China from their own country. When they saw that Rev. Moon did not guide his followers to leave with their money, people thought there still may be some hope. They came back to China and deposited their money back into the Hong Kong Bank. China was saved. That is why Chinafs economy at the time was not destroyed.

As a result, the Chinese government began to trust Father. At the time, it was very difficult to cross the 38th Parallel between North and South Korea. But the Chinese government gave permission for the professors and students of Kim Il Sung University to freely engage in various activities with our organizations. Thus, the Providence advanced rapidly.

Do you know who was most shocked by Fathers success? Of course, the free world was impressed, but Mikhail Gorbachev and Kim Il Sung were even more surprised. Three hundred thousand Chinese soldiers went half way down the Korean peninsula during the Korean War during the 1950s. They thought, "How could Rev. Moon help his enemy like that? Rev. Moon must be the kind of person who transcends ideology, race, and religion, and will help anyone in order to realize world peace."

I was in East Garden when I saw Bo Hi Pak present Father with a white ceramic gratitude plaque sent from the Chinese government. It carried an inscription in bold red letters that said, "Leader of World Peace, Reverend Sun Myung Moon." Father was so happy to receive it and said, "Yes! China will now listen to my words."

Mother was able to proclaim the Word of God in Beijings Great Hall of the People thanks to Fathers helping the Chinese economy. Mothers speech originally could not be held there, because it had been reserved for many meetings of the Wives Associations at the end of the year. When Deng Pufang, the oldest son of Deng Xiaoping heard of this, he shouted, "This is the wife of Rev. Moon, who saved China from an economic crisis. We must have her here even if it means we have to cancel your schedule." This is how Mother was able to hold the rally in the Great Hall of the People.

This was the reason Won Bok Choi and the leaders of Women's Federation could go to China with Mother just before Christmas, 1992, and hold the Rally to Declare Fathers Words. At the time, China was a very poor place without even sufficient electricity. A female government minister came to welcome us, and she appeared in a plain sweater and a pair of pants. However, they made a great effort to treat Mother the best they could, such as laying out an old carpet for her to walk on.

We were relieved when we saw a large welcoming party lined up at the airport. The oldest son of Deng Xiaoping invited us for lunch the next day. He invited Mother to the guest house - (Diaoyutai State Guesthouse), where the most important national guests were hosted. There, he told her, "Welcome, madam. I respect your husband, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. I realized that he does not hold any enemies in order to realize world peace. That is why I am reading Rev. Moons words every day in order to lead my life according to his teachings."

Mother was moved tremendously and told him, with tears in her eyes, "Thank you. There are still many people who oppose and misunderstand us, and I am so grateful that you understand the works of my husband." Looking at them warmly exchanging kind words as if a mother and her son had met after a long separation, I realized how great was the effect of Fathers love expressed by his investment in the Panda Automobile Company. This is how the 1.3 billion people of China were able to listen to Motherfs Hoon Dok Words through Chinafs national broadcast.

As Father often told us, give and take action means that if you give infinitely it will return to you with great compounded interest. Tongil Industry invested a lot of technology in the Panda Automobile Company and we members, including our Japanese members, made a lot of investment with our donations.

Father gained greater results than just making profit through businesses. That is the nature of Gods True Love. Gods shimjeong which leads Him to invest more and more even after already investing 100 percent is based on this. Father realized such a great principle.

Father said that anything he invests justly for Gods Will always becomes hundreds and thousands of times larger and comes back to him. That this is why he continued to invest.

Purpose of Creation, Three Object Purpose, and Four Position Foundation

God created humans and all things. God created in two parts: the spiritual body and the physical body. That is why humans now have the spirit self, which is like Gods spirituality.

Humans can have dominion over the all things created by God, because God made humanfs physical body with dirt. Humans can have relationship with all things, because they have the physical body. God cannot interact with all things directly. This is the importance of physical body.

Also, God blew His spirit into that physical body. This spirit is to grow and become complete before it can have dominion over the spirit world. Humans have a physical self and spiritual self in order to have dominion, on Gods behalf, and as Gods children, over the worlds both visible and invisible.

Secondly, God made humans as his object partner. As we are unaware of the existence of our mind unless it receives stimulation, God created the substantial body which can be seen. Since He cannot feel love alone, He wanted to dwell in that body. didn´t we learn that God was to dwell in Adam and Even once they were perfected? Then Adam and Eve would live while attending God. Adam and Eve would be Gods home. God created Adam and Eve, because He needed bodies. God had no choice but to create.

Next is Three Object Purpose. Father one day told us "Three Object Purpose, itis difficult to understand, right? In terms of love, this is like the unity of love. For example, the grandfather in a family is in the position of God. Then, in the position of the unity of love, there is his grandchild. If his grandchild one day asks his grandfather, "Grandpa, give me a piggy back ride!" then regardless of how high, Godlike of position the grandfather is in, he will still say "Yes, of course!" and give his grandchild a piggy back ride. In that moment, the grandfather yields to his grandchilds request. Here, the grandchild becomes the subject partner and the grandfather becomes the object partner.

When we look at the relationship between husband and wife, the wifes original position is that of the object partner and husband's position is that of the subject partner. However, when the wife asks her husband, "Honey, I have muscle cramps in my back. Please give me a massage!", then the husband will surely give a massage to his lovely wife, correct? At this moment, because the wife moved her husband according to her will, because the husband did what his wife had asked him to do, the wife goes to the position of subject partner and the husband the object partner.

When the husband goes somewhere, the wife follows him unconditionally. She does not even ask a question but follows her husband like a magnet. Then their children will go the same direction because their parents are going there. Then who will follow them? God will follow them joyfully. When we practice Absolute Faith, Absolute Love, and Absolute Obedience, we, who are in the object partner's position, will go to the subject partner's position and God will follow us.

The four positions in the Four Position Foundation are equal in value, no one position higher than the others. They are equally same. They are united. In other words, they become one in body. This is how when God is in the subject position, the other three positions become three object partners. There are God, Subject Partner, Object Partner, and the union in Four Position Foundation, and when the object partner becomes the subject partner, then other three will become its object partners. When the union becomes the subject partner, then other three, including God, will also become object partners.

Three Object means that there is one subject partner and three object partner. This realization of Three Object Purpose in Four Position Foundation is unity through love. When the husband and the wife are completely united, they dont have a reason to fight. Also, as God appears through Four Position Foundation, it becomes very lonely if even one of these positions is absent. It is because Gods love realize the unity by fulfilling the Three Object Purpose through Four Position Foundation.

Father loved God more than anyone

Father told us that there were three questions God would ask each of us when we go to the spirit world. These questions are asked to everyone without exception. First, how much did you love God while you were in the physical world? Second, how much did you love people? Third, how much did you love creation? He told us that God always asks these questions. This is why Father has been telling us to love God, love human beings, and love creation while we are in the physical world. I saw how Father loved God. I am unable to know about all the love Father gave to God, but I want to tell you some of the things that I witnessed while attending him closely.

Father sometimes said, "I am crazy about God. I am crazy about the Principle. There is nothing I do that deviates from the desires of God and the Principle." What does it mean to be crazy? It means that a person has no awareness of himself. Father was someone who always asked, "What is Gods Will? What does God want?" Such a desire only got stronger as time passed.

When Father would sit quietly, it seemed like Father had nothing. He seemed to be in a state devoid of thought. He sometimes hummed quietly and looked like he was waiting for someone. I sometimes saw Father trying to catch the frequency of Gods Will like a rotating antenna, always keeping himself empty. Then, when he would start something. He would move with great speed, like lightning.

American members have asked me:

"What kind of person was Father. How can you describe him in just one word?" This is a truly difficult question to answer. I answered it this way: "He had nothing, and he had everything." I don´t think I can give a better answer than that. Also, Father was like the bridge that allowed people to cross the river to escape from Satan and come to God. A bridge connects two sides of a river. However, should there be an obstacle in the middle of the bridge, that obstacle will hinder people and cars from crossing. Therefore, bridges must be kept clean and free of obstacles. Father was like that.

Father was also like a tunnel that lets people pass through a mountain with great ease. Cars can swiftly drive through a tunnel only when the tunnel is clear of obstacles. So Father has the role of a mediator, like a bridge or a tunnel, who connects one side (human beings) to the other (God). Meanwhile, he keeps no trace of himself in his own consciousness.

Father often said a person must become more humble as his position rises and he takes on more responsibility. He must be like a fetus in the womb. A fetus in its motherfs womb does not have freedom. A fetus receives nutrients through the umbilical cord connected to the mother. If the mother lies down, the baby lies down, too. When she gets up, the baby must get up too, and follow the mother wherever she goes. The fetus does not have any freedom.

Big and small positions that we find ourselves in do not belong to us. Instead of being ours, they belong to True Parents. This is why you must stand in the position of defending what belongs to True Parents. You will become the pastor, and regional and national leaders in the future. You could also become a leader in a providential organization. In other words, as we rise in the organization, our positions do not belong to us. Heaven has given us the positions, so that we may take good care of it.

You must know that it is not your position. Leaders also have to pray continuously, do Hoon Dok Hae, become role models for others, and live for the sake of the members. If you can stick to these rules, you will do well no matter what position you are entrusted with. Then, your heart will be empty, and you will always ask God, "Father, you have put me in this position. What do you want me to do? What shall I do?" We must have that kind of mind set. It is important that leaders have that kind of mind set. Then God will always shower us with inspiration and wisdom.

Father once told me, "You must be a happy person." So I asked him, "Why, Father?" Then he answered, "You can control your own schedule when you go on a speaking tour. You have that freedom. I don´t."We may think that Father is the freest person of all, but Father actually has no freedom. He does not have freedom, because he always seeks the Will of God and strives to become one with the Will.

Father is very sensitive to all aspects of the environment, from the weather to the direction of the wind. Father once said, "I am in a state of complete unity of mind and body." Father said this state means there is no concept of separation between mind and body. Gods feelings are within him, because his mind is one with God and he acts according to his mind without a second thought. When we cannot make up our mind about something, it is evidence of our disunity between mind and body.

That is why Father thinks things that happen to his body are very important. For example, there was an instance time when remained in his bed until it was almost time for him to leave for an appointment. Those of us attending him became anxious. We told him, "Father, it´s almost time to go." Then Father said, "I know that, but don´t go. My legs don´t want to go. I think I should go later."

A few times, Father would have appointments around 10 o clock in the morning and he rose from his bed very early and left the house around 5 or 6 oclock in the morning. When we asked him why he was leaving so early, he told us that there were people who were trying to harm him if he went there on time. He knew about such schemes through his spiritual senses. Sometimes he would not leave the house until much later, even though he had an appointment at ten. He would say he had to go late in order to avoid plots to harm him.

Father always told us that no matter how sincerely we serve Father, nothing we did could help him extend his life. Father always said he protected his own life through his spiritual senses.

I dream quite often, and one day I had this one dream. There was a building with gigantic pillars, and we were at one end of the building with Father. At the other end were countless enemies, and they were shooting arrows and throwing spears at Father. We were scared and we screamed. Even though we were very close to Father, we were only trembling in fear instead of helping Father. Father moved quickly so as to dodge all the projectiles raining down on him. After this dream, I realized, "If we are just following Father without being of any help to him, we are only becoming a burden to Father!"

One time in a dream, I was following Father and he suddenly disappeared. He just disappeared into thin air. I started looking for Father as if playing hide-and-seek, thinking gOh, where did Teacher go?" In my quest to find him, sometimes mountains blocked my path and sometimes there were rivers I had to cross. I summoned all my strength to overcome these obstacles. It was very difficult and tiring to overcome these mountains and rivers, even though it was just a dream. Just when I was about to fall down exhausted, I saw that there was a small hut on the side of a valley in the distance. I felt sure Teacher was there. When I arrived at the hut, there was space enough only for one person to lie down, and Father was there alone.

In those days, Father was receiving a lot of persecution from Satan. I also had a dream where Father was running away desperately in order to save his life. Former Amb. Sang Guk Han has a son named Cheori. He opened his spiritual eyes when he was only four and he read people´s minds accurately. Ambassador Han asked Father, "Should everyone open their spiritual eyes like my Choeri?" Father answered,  "No. If human beings had not fallen, they would not have known that there is such a thing as a spirit body."He meant that the physical body and the spiritual body would be united so completely that they would not even be able to distinguish between the two.

If human beings had not fallen, Gods Will would have been known directly by our spirit bodies, and we would act according to Gods Spiritual phenomena can be compared to trying to fix a broken machine by punching it. Father told us that such things are phenomena seen in the path of restoration to God.

When we consider these things, we can understand that Father is someone who is always ready to follow Gods Will at any time. In other words, Father is like this, because he is in a state of complete absence of self.

People are object partners of love and teachers of love The next question God will ask us is how much we loved other people while we were in the physical world.

Father taught us there are two ideal ways to interact with people. The first way, he said, is to treat anyone, be they children or the elderly, as people sent by God. He would look at people and say: "I will do the best I can for these people. How will I make them happy and joyful?" He would keep thinking about how he would do this. Eventually he would find a way to be good to them. We say God is all-powerful and all-knowing, that He knows everything and can do everything. But such a concept can only be explained through love. God is such a being.

It is similar to the way we humans seek the best ways to make our children happy. If we think about it hard enough, the way to do this will come to our mind naturally. Father naturally figured out the best way to make people happy, and it came to him after some thinking. Then he gained the ability to make it happen as well. If we also want to become all-powerful and all-knowing, we need to become the owners of such true love.

Father said the second way is to think that there must be something he can learn from each person. Father would treat each person with humility, thinking that he must learn something from that person. He would consider that God must have sent this person to Father to teach Father something. When he thought way with great sincerity, there was always something that he could learn. Father said it was because every human being is born with one of the twelve character-types of God.

Father told us he feels immense joy when he serves a person as his teacher. He said he could live every day and every moment like the first day of school, excited to learn knew things and without any sense of boredom. For us as well, a person who has a heart to learn from others, and to do good things for others, is the happiest person alive. The richest people are those who strive to live for the sake of others, and the poorest are those who may have a lot of wealth but still try to devise plans to use people. Father said that such a person, although he may have mountains of material goods, he will never feel satisfied because of his greed.

So we need to think seriously about how we will love people and live for the sake of others. We must learn that Father treated each and every person preciously.

The level of Fathers love for nature

The third question God will ask us when we go to spirit world is how much we loved while we were in the physical world. To learn the answer to this question, I closely watched how Father loves all created things.

First of all, Father carefully organized everything that he used. He kept his room so tidy that one night when the electricity went out for three hours, he had no problems moving around and finding everything he needed in the dark. It was because he knew where everything was, since he kept everything in its proper place. He could still find any item and later return it to its place. Thatis how organized he was.

The True Child who most resembles this aspect of Father is Un Jin Nim. Father used to peek into his childrens rooms in the daytime or at night since he was so busy and did not have much time to spend with his children. Un Jin Nim used to make her bed very neatly and sleep on the floor. When Father asked, "Un Jin! Why do you sleep on the floor and not on the bed?" Un Jin Nim would answer, "I can´t sleep on the bed. Itis clean, and it will wrinkle if I sleep on it." Listening to this, Father said, "You take after me!"

Father is very organized, and he also conserves things very much. One time, a delicious looking melon was cut into eight crescent-shaped slices and cut so that people could use forks to eat it. After eating the last piece, Father took a spoon and started gouging the white part attached to the skin just like a typical old man in a rural farming village. Watching this, Mother asked Father, "Father! Do you want another?" He replied, "I am only doing this, because I don´t want to waste the uneaten part by throwing it away."

Mother once bought a new crystal drinking glass for Father at a department store. Father was very sad, though, and asked where his old drinking glass had gone. He asked why she had to buy a new glass, when the old one was still in good condition. He said he had many beautiful memories with old glass, and he enjoyed thinking of these while he drank from it. The glass had many memories attached to it, such as the times he thought about Gods Will and when he yearned for certain persons. All the layers of memory would disappear if the glass was thrown away.

He also would wear the same sweater for a long time. He would say he had many good memories attached to a particular sweater. When he received a new sweater or necktie, he would wear it once, on a special occasion such as Christmas, and then gives it away. Father would then go back to wearing the same piece of clothing he had been wearing. He would sometimes talk to the clothes, or thinks about a particular person or about Gods Will while wearing a particular piece of clothing. Everything around Father was alive. Any article might become a conversation partner for Father.

Father would treat each article as if it was part of his own body. For example, whenever he would travel by commercial plane, he would clean the toilet in the passenger cabin very thoroughly. He would say it made the aircraft happy for him to dance. He would feel these things with his mind and body. The aircraft would tell him where bad people were sitting. When he would go to someonefs private home, he could know the atmosphere of the house by looking at the ceiling or the curtains and understand the personality of the owner of the house. It was because all things responded to him. Father could know these things also by looking at the pet cats or dogs in a home. If the owner was a short tempered, the dog's bark would reflect this. If the owner was easygoing, the pet would resemble this character trait.

Father talks to nature like this. Father said that truly loving all things in the world and making them our friends lets us experience what it would have been live for Adam and Eve, had they achieved dominion over all creation.

One day, Father went with others church members to the house of a member who raised quails. This person was famous for raising many quails. Father looked at the cage where hundreds of quails were being kept. Then he asked me while quietly observing the cage, "Gil Ja, when do you think quails are the happiest?" I said, "Well, it must be when a male and a female quail make love. Father told me, though, "No. Since all things are created by God for human beings, they are the happiest when they see humans look at them with love in their hearts."

So it is important for you to love all things before you go to the spirit world. Father also told us to conserve all things.

Once, Father was training second generation blessed children to catch tuna. He noticed that they took long sheets of toilet paper with them when going to the toilet. Father told them that if they waste toilet paper like this, their descendants would be beggars. This is how much Father conserved things. He would say all things become joyful and follow humans only when we practice conservation things. Let us keep this in mind and not waste things.

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