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Positive Psychology: Synthetic Happiness

Positive Psychology:

Synthetic Happiness or Natural Happiness makes us really happy? Learn to produce happiness rather expect it to come.

Recent studies show, it's time to stop directing research toward what makes us mentally ill and start studying what makes us happy. This new subfield is called positive psychology.

We have the ability to synthesize happiness. Yes, happiness can be synthesized. It helps us change our views of our world, so we can view differently our state.

We falsely believe that we are happier when we get natural happiness over when we get synthetic happiness. But that turns out not to be true. It turns out that freedom is the friend of natural happiness, but freedom to chose is the enemy of synthetic happiness.

Usually we find the way to be happy with what's happened. But people don't know that and strive towards what doesn't help their happiness, but in fact will make them unhappy and unsatisfied. Don Gilbert explains this with experimental facts in this video.

We have this power of thought. If we express it with other words, we should learn to create our own happiness, rather than just wait happiness to come. Meaning, learn to find the right attitude to happiness no matter what the external circumstances.

For example, the most persecuted religious leader of out time, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, when put in a Communist Concentration Camp, instead of seeing that as disadvantage he thought of it as prepared by God. Even though this was the Camp of Death, where nearly no one could survive more then six month, he says, "That was the best place for training my character, since I could never selfishly relax even for a moment."

What is positive psychology?

Addiction, depression, suicide, schizophrenia, antisocial personality disorder, anxiety, detachment and much more: Modern psychology is dedicated to restoring positivity to the lives of the mentally ill.


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Some treatments found in the annals of psychology have been more effective than others. The transorbital lobotomy, for example, reduced major symptoms of psychosis in some patients -- at the cost of their personalities.

Despite some missteps, the field of psychology has proven effective in studying and treating mental illness. Yet some believe it's time to stop directing research toward what makes us mentally ill and start studying what makes us happy. This new subfield is called positive psychology.

The field of positive psychology is a young one. It was born in the late 1990s under the guidance of University of Pennsylvania psychologist Martin Seligman. Since then, it's gained some traction among psychologists and the public, especially since proponents are looking for ways to apply accepted psychological techniques to investigating happiness.

Psychology successfully brings "people up from negative eight to zero, but [it's] not as good at understanding how people rise from zero to positive eight," writes positive psychologists Shelly L. Gable and Jonathan Haidt [source: Gable and Haidt]. They say it's time that the field explores the phenomenon of happiness with the same scientific rigor and discipline it used to study mental maladies. After all, everyone wants to be happy.

When we feel happiness?
There is one undeniable fact, "Happiness arises when our desires are fulfilled",
clarifies the Unification psychology. Problem is that we have either good or bad desires. Selfish desires will eventually lead to problems. Yet humanity is still confused of what's good and what's bad.

Those who centered on the physical desires tended towards embracing the materialistic and humanistic philosophy. Humanism falsely presumes that efforts and investment for others is suffering.

On the other hand, people led by their spiritual mind always felt that investing for others is in fact the way to happiness. We can see the example of parents who invest all their energy for their children. As a result their love bound to the child and their happiness are great.

Research shows that the fastest and healthiest way to happiness is to stop worrying of ourselves and start living for others.

The Unification Psychology recognizes the fact that we need to know the root of the problem to be able to resolve it completely, not just endlessly deal with the effects. Yet, Unification Psychology is a positive psychology focused not simply on the problem, but striving for the ideal healthy rational and emotional state.

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